February 23, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 7 Named Reflects legacy of officer who broke barriers by C onway J ones The USS Gravely, an Arleigh Burke- class guided missile destroyer, is the first U.S. Navy ship to be named in honor of an A frican-A m erican com m issioned Naval officer. Vice Admiral Samuel Lee Gravely Jr. was the first African-American to serve aboard a lighting ship as an officer, the first to command a U.S. Navy ship, the first to serve as a fleet commander and the first to become an admiral. Gravely was bom in Richmond, Va, on June 4, 1922. He enlisted in the Naval Reserves in 1942 and was recalled to ac­ tive duty in 1949. He served his initial assignment in the Washington, DC area, recruiting African Americans into the Navy. He went on to a have a successful career that lasted 38 years. His personal motto was: “Education, motivation and perseverance are a form ula for suc­ c e ss.” G ravely's widow, Alma Bernice Clark Gravely, was the sponsor of the ship, the Sam uel L. Gravely Jr. PCU Gravely. “He had to go through a lot," she said. "I think inside of him, he would be beam ­ ing, and he would feel so honored and so humble. But on the outside, I think he'd be saying: ‘You mean you're going to name a ship after me?"' Gravely died in 2004. The PCU Gravely, which as commis­ sioned last November in Wilmington, N.C., is more than 509 feet in length with a beam of 66 feet. It draws 31 feet of water and has a top speed of more than 30 knots. After joining the fleet with the Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely Jr. takes command o f the 3rd Fleet in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1976. name USS Gravely, it will have acomple- defensive weapons designed to support ment of 380 enlisted men and officers, maritime military needs well into the 21 st The ship will be capable of simulta- century, neously fighting air, surface and subsur- For more information on the USS lace battles. It contains offensive and Gravely, visitfriendsofussgravely.org. ENERGY SAVINGS ARE RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS O P P O R T U N IT Y IS A L L AR O UN D Let Energy Trust of Oregon help you seize the opportunity today. We can show you how making energy-efficient improvements to your home can reduce your energy costs APPLIANCES LIGHTING INSULATION You can save up to 30 Cut your lighting energy Upgrades to attic, wall percent on the cost of use by as much as 75 and floor insulation, as running your appliances percent— every time well as sealing air and when you choose highly you turn the lights on— duct leaks, can save up efficient ENERGY STAR by installing compact to 20 percent on total models. fluorescent light bulbs. energy costs. Start saving money and energy today. Call us at 1.866.368.7878 or visit w w w .energytrust.org. • Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, N W Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. EnergyTrust of Oregon