February 23, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Seminar on Black, History Seldom Taught T he Israelite C hurch o f G od In Jesus C hrist will be hosting a B lack H istory M o n th sem in ar on black histo ry su b jects se l­ dom touched on or taught in the scholastic system . F or exam ple, was the B yzan­ tine Empire ruled by black people and w hy is it referred to as the Page 5 PORTLAND PLAN /V FAIRS D ark A ges? W as Shakespeare actually black? W hat about M ozart, w as he black? N oah? M oses? King S olom on? King Jam es? Jesus C hrist? T he sem in ar w ill take p lace on S aturday, Feb. 26 at 4 p.m . at the G resh am L ibrary, 385 N .W . M iller A ve. Check out the EJIWT Portland’s future for DEVELOPED WITH THE COMMUNITY, THE PORTLAND PLAN STRATEGIES ADDRESS PORTLANDERS’ KEY CONCERNS: Equity • Education E©®iiE@BBo3c Pmgjmity & Affordability Hoaitby Sonnacfsd Naighborboodo SAVE THE DATE Delta Mentors Empower Males The Portland alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority has es­ tablished a partnership with a team of local African-American men to offer a mentorship program to sup­ port African-American male youth, grades 6-12. The goal is to provide experi­ ences that enhance a student’s aca­ demic, social and intellectual devel­ opment. Priorities include access to math, science, leadership, and tech­ nology experiences that improve self-esteem, self-motivation, and developing life skills. Interested students, parents and guardians are encouraged to attend an informational meeting on Satur­ day, Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Portland Community College Public Services Education Building, 909 N. Killingsworth St.. For more information, contact V elm a Jo h n so n , velmajohnson7@msn.com or 503- 997-7031. WEDNESDAY MARCH 2.6:30 - 9 p.m. SUNDAY MARCH 6 ,12 :3 0 -3 p.m. Hosford Middle School. 2303 SE 28th Place TriMet #4, #10 Oregon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Road TriMet #63, MAX Red + Blue THURSDAY MARCH 10 ,6 :3 0 -9 p.m. OAIUKUAT MANUN IZ , ID l.m . - Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) 10301 NE Glisan Street TriMet #15, #19; MAX Green + Blue De La Salle North Catholic High School, 7528 N Fenwick Avenue TriMet #4. MAX Yellow R a ffle P riz e s B ooths G am es P re s e n ta tio n s D iscu ssio n s C h ild c a re C om m u nity E x h ib ito rs L o c a l Food t o 1 IB | HI » i « a w ar « COME SHARE YOUR IDEAS ABOUT HOW TO GET TO THE FUTURE WE WANT WWW.PDXPLAN.COM • 503-823-2041 The Portland Plan team will make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Please notify us no fewer than five (5) business days prior to the event by phone at 503-823-7700, by the TTY line at 503-823-6868, or by the Oregon Relay Service at 1-800-735-2900. THE PORTLAND PLAN Diversity Works at Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural The community newspaper informs our changing Publisher Charles Washington (right) and the s ta ff o f the Portland Observer thank the community for their support.