Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 23, 2011, Page 4, Image 4

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Portland Observer Black History Month
February 23, 2011
Opal School
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
A public c h a rte r school supporting quality academ ics by in tro d u c in g th e arts and
sciences as languages o f c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d tools of th e im ag in atio n .
Lottery application available starting March 1:
- online at portlandcm.org
- at the Museum
-o r c a ll (503) 471-9917
A pplications are due (n o t postm arked) at th e
M useum by close o f business, M arch 31, 201 1
Apostle E.D. Mondaine & Belief bring the history of jazz
to local youth
This is one job
only we can handle.
A downed power line can energize trees, fences, even the ground around it
so whatever you do, never approach a downed line. Stay away, keep others
away and call us at 888-221-7070 o r dial 911. There are thousands of volts
flowing through these lines, so please remember to be safe and keep your
distance. Visit p a c ific p o w e r .n e t/s a fe ty tor more information.
Lets turn the answers on.
b -
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"Stay away, kecf> others away
and call us at 889-221-707U
or call 911"
' '
Bringing Jazz History
to Area Middle Schools
In honor of Black History
Month and as part of this month ’ s
Portland Jazz Festival, the Port­
land Jazz Festival and the Leroy
Vinnegar Jazz Institute of Port­
land State University are offer­
ing local middle schools an excit­
ing musical history of jazz pro­
gram, The Incredible Journey of
Jazz. The program is offered to
audiences in 6th, 7th. and 8th
The program, started in 2004,
was developed by Darrell Grant,
acclaimed jazz pianist and Asso­
ciate Professor of Jazz Studies
at PSU. It was written and
composed specifically for middle
school audiences, and has re­
ceived enthusiastic response
from students and staff.
The I ncredible Journey of Jazz
promotes appreciation for the
rich heritage of this American
musical form. It is a one-hour
program performed by six pro­
fessional jazz musicians and edu­
cators, accompanied by a narra­
tor and slide show.
Guests performers include
E .D . M o n d ain e & B elief.
Mondaine, the founder of the 88
Keys Foundation and Musicians
Make Better Students is an
acclaimed vocalist, songwriter
and pianist.
NAACP College Chapter
Honors Black Men with
Open House, Celebration
The NAACP College Chap­
ter at Portland State University
is welcoming the community to
join them for a “We are the
Dream" open house and cel­
ebration of black men.
The Black History Month
event will place on Sunday, Feb.
27 from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
PSU ’s Hoffman Hall.
K eynote speakers will be
Dr. Darrell M illner, PSU black
studies professor, and Rev.
Pastor E.D. M ondaine from
C e le b r a tio n
T a b e rn a c le
Church. The group will also be
displaying A frican A m erican
music, dance and spoken words
Darrell Millner
perform ances.
T w o L ew is& C lark Law
School graduates and a Portland
State University Social Work
graduate will receive special rec­