February 23, 2011 C lassified /B ids REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL METRO SUSTAINABILITY CENTER NATURAL AREAS INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT RFP 11-1848 Project N a m e - Powell Butte Reservoir No. 2 Phase 2 The M etro Natural A reas Program , a m etrop olitan se rvice d istrict organized under the laws o f th e State o f O regon and th e M etro Charter, located at 6 00 NE G rand Aven ue, P ortlan d, OR 9 7 2 3 2 - 2736, is requesting proposals for d e ve lop m e n t o f an in form ation system fo r tra ckin g and m a n a ge m en t o f natural area s ow n ed by M etro. Details concerning the project and proposal are contained in this docum ent. O w n e r - C ity o f Portland Bid Date - March 8th, 2011 @ 2:00 pm PCL Is requesting scope o f work and bids, Monday, March 7 ,2 0 1 1 @ 1:00 pm PCL Construction Services, Inc. 15405 SE 37th Street, Suite 200 B ellevue, W A 98 0 0 6 P - (425) 4 5 4 -8 0 2 0 F - (4 2 5 )4 5 4 -5 9 2 4 Description of Work: New tw in-cell 50 MG Reservoir, pipelines, new valve and flo w m e te r vau lts (both inside and outside o f the Powell Butte N ature Park) and m od ifications to e xistin g p ip ing & vau lts in the ROW . The project also includes new interpretive center building with p erim eter enh an cem e n ts and new parking lot, a m aintenance b u ild in g and yard, sin gle -fa m ily residence, tra ils and oth e r park im provem ents, civil /site im provem ents, landscaping, electrical/ instrum entation im provem ents and incidental construction. W e are requesting bids from Subcontractors and Suppliers, including M in o rity and W o m e n o w n e d b u s in e s s e s , an d E m e rg in g S m a ll B usin esses fo r th e follo w in g: co n cre te - form in g, placing, and re in fo rc in g ste e l; m asonry; m e ta ls; rough and fin ish ca rp e n try; waterproofing; sheet metal; doors and windows; painting and flooring; fire sup pression; p lum bing and equipm ent; HVAC; electrical work; earthw ork; e xte rior im provem ents; utilities; w ate rw a y and m arine construction; piping and support; and handling equipm ent-cranes. Documents are available on PCL FTP site or in PCL’s office in Bellevue, WA Em ail - se attleb ids@ p cl.com for FTP site inform ation Q uestions regarding site w ork, vau lt and reservoir related w ork co ntact Glen Lam oreaux @ 4 8 0 -8 2 9 -6 3 3 3 M etro Oregon Zoo - Temporary and Seasonal positions, Th e O regon Zoo is hiring te m p o ra ry and seasonal sta ff to w ork in Adm issions, Food S ervice a n d O p e r a tio n s d u r in g th e su m m e r season. Benefits and Leave Analyst, Hum an R esources, $4 8 ,4 6 7 annually. A d m inistrative S pecia list II, S u s ta in a b ility C e n te r, $17.08 - $22.87/hr. D eadline: 3/1/11. V is it our w e b s it e , www.oregonm etro.gov/iobs for the com plete jo b a n n ou n cem en t and a link to our online hiring center, or ap ply at our kiosk at M etro, 600 NE G rand Avenue, P ortlan d. AA/EEO Employer 10170583 W e are a m em ber o f the AG C Of W ashington # P C LC 0 S I0 9 9 N W M ETRO CCB #83460 SUB BIDS REQUESTED 85 Causey Clackamas County, OR Bid Date: March 3,2011 @ 2:00 PM PST Project Scope: Construction of a new 40,000 SF 4 story housing complex, comprised of 41 work force units, located over 4 wood framed stories-25 two bedroom units, 4 one bedroom units, and 12 studios. Ground floor amenities include a community room with kitchen, communal laundry room, computer room, lobby, and secure indoor bicycle parking. LCG Pence Construction, LLC 2720 SW Corbett Ave. Portland, OR 503-252-3802 FAX: 503-256-3684 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all interested firms, including minority, women, disadvantaged, and emerging small business enterprises 10170904 C C B # 153167 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Sealed proposals are due M arch 8, 2 0 1 1 until close o f b usine ss in M e tro’s business office at 6 0 0 NE G rand Aven ue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, Attention: Sharon Stiffler, P rocurem ent A nalyst, RFP 11-1848. The goal o f this project is to create an electronic inform ation system for the tracking and m anagem ent o f natural areas acquired by M etro as part o f th e 1995 and 2 0 0 6 bond m easures. Th e initial scope o f the p roject will focu s on th e de live ra b le s in Priority G roup A - Core Data M anagem en t (Attach m e n t D). However, M etro m ay choose to include in additional deliverables in the Scope based on negotiations with the successful proposer. S ee the Proposal Instructions for more inform ation on how to stru ctu re the proposal. Proposal docum ents, (in clu d in g plans and sp ecifica tio n s d e p ictin g th e w o r k ) m a y be v ie w e d o n M e t r o ’s w e b s it e a t h tt p :/ / w w w .oregonm etro.gov under “D oing B usiness W ith ", “R equests for Bids and Proposal". M etro m ay accept or reject an y or all bids, in w h ole or in part, or w aive irregularities not a ffe ctin g substan tial rights if such action is deem ed in the public interest. M etro exte n d s equal o p p o rtu n ity to all p erson s and sp e cifica lly encourages minority, w om en-ow ned and e m erging sm all businesses to access and participate in th is and all M etro projects, p rogram s and services. Q uestions regarding park center, m aintenance building, single­ fam ily residence, park trails, fencing, landscape and irrigation contact Derek Pizzey @ 4 2 5-519-7325. AGC® Page 21 Portland Observer Black History Month Telecom and Information Systems Technician, O re g o n C o n v e n tio n Center, $19.33/hr, PT. D eadline: 3 /1/11. This op po rtu n ity is open to First O p p o rtu n ity Target Area (F O T A ) r e s id e n ts - C o lu m b ia B o u le v a rd on th e n o rth ; 4 2 n d A ven u e on the east; the Banfield Freew ay on the south, and North C h a u ta u q u a B o u le v a rd on th e w est, w hose total annual incom e does not exceed $2 5 ,0 0 0 as an in d iv id u a l, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an entire household, for the past 12 m onths. Visit our w ebsite for the com plete jo b a n n ou n cem en t and a link to our online hiring center, or apply at ou r kiosk at M etro, 6 00 NE Grand Avenue, Portland M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s), em ployee or ap plican t for em p lo ym e n t based on race, creed, color, n a tio n a l o rig in , se x, se xu a l o rie n ta tio n , a ge , re lig io n , p h ysic a l handicap, political affiliation or m artial status. M etro fu lly com plies with Title VI o f the Civil Rights A ct o f 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all program s and activities. For m ore in form ation , or to obtain a Title VI C o m p la in t Form , see w w w .o re go n m e tro .go v SUB BIDS REQUESTED Western Oregon University - Monmouth Health & Wellness Center Bid Package #5 - Landscape Rebid Pre-Bid Meeting: February 23 at 10:00 a.m. Bids Due: March 2 at 2:00 p.m. Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or w w w .fo rd grap h ics.co m /ore gon - PlanW ell - Public Planroom Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com AA/EEO Employer Powell Butte Reservoir 2 Phase 2—Project No. WD1343 United Way of the Columbia-Willamette s e e k s an Account Executive - a Portland, OR Bid Date: March 8, 2011 @ 2:00 PM We are accepting quotes for the following services/supplies. We will divide the work into feasible units and will assist with bonds, etc.: Traffic Control; Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control; Temporary fencing; Removal, salvage and disposal; Gates and fenc­ ing; Permanent traffic control signs, posts, and pavement markings; Electrical services; Mechanical and HVAC services; Fiber services; Construction of Interpretive Center; Miscellaneous Park Center improvements; Construction of Maintenance building and yard; Construction of Single Family Residence; Park trails and landscaping, Site Planting and Mitigation; Water proofing; Rebar; and Structural Concrete K ie w it In frastru ctu re W est Co. Federal Way Office: 33455 6th Ave. S Federal Way. WA 98003(253) 943-4200 FAX:(253) 943-4021 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including all Minority, Woman Business Enterprises, and all Emerging Small Businesses 10171207 CCB #63471 h ig h ly s k ille d in d iv id u a l w ith e x p e r ie n c e in s a le s and f u n d r a is in g - to c r e a t e a n d m a in ta in e ff e c t iv e c u s to m e r r e la t io n s h ip s a n d d ir e c t in g fu n d ra is in g e ffo rts in a s s ig n e d p o r t f o lio s / a c c o u n t s . • In fo : w w w .u n ite d w a y -p d x .o rg . C o v e r letter and resum e, Jo b #3 0 0 , to e m p lo ym e n t@ u n ite d w a y-p d x.o rg. C lo s e s 2 / 2 7 / 1 1 . An E qu al O pportunity Employer. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com X«»