February 23, 20II The Page 17 Portland Observer Black History Month APts x X [N IILI INIELLAINMINI Migraine Caused TV Reporter’s Gibberish Ailment can mimic a stroke (A P )~ A TV reporter who lapsed into gibberish during a live shot outside the Feb. 13 Grammys said was terrified when it happened and knew something was wrong as soon as she opened her mouth. K C B S -T V re p o rte r S erene B ra n so n 's in co h e ren c e fueled Internet speculation that she suf­ fered an on-air stroke. But doctors at the University of California, Los Angeles where she went to get a brain scan and blood work done ruled it out. Doctors said she suf­ fered a type of migraine that can mimic symptoms of a stroke. Branson told the station in an in te rv ie w T h u rsd ay th at she "started to get a really bad head­ ache" but assumed she was just tired. "At around 10 o'clock that night I was sitting in the live truck with my field producer and the photogra­ pher and I was starting to look at some of my notes," she said. "I started to think, the words on the page are blurry and I could notice that my thoughts were not forming the way they normally do." "As soon as I opened my mouth I knew something was wrong," Branson said. "I was having trouble remembering the word for Grammy," she said. "I knew what I wanted to say but I didn't have the words to say it." The station quickly cut away, and she was examined by paramed­ ics and recovered at home. Most people with m igraines don't have any warning. But about 20 to 30 percent experience sensa­ tions before or during a migraine attack."A migraine is not just a headache. It's a com plicated brain event," said UCLA neurologist Dr. Andrew Charles, who exam ­ ined Branson. TV Reporter Serene Branson lapsed into gibberish during a live shot outside the Grammys because o f a migraine, not a stroke, doctors have determined. Tribute to Motown at the White House The President and First Lady will invite music legends and contempo­ rary major artists to the White House on Thursday, Feb. 24 for “The Motown Sound: In Performance at the White House,” a concert cel­ ebrating Black History Month and the legacy of Motown Records. The program will include tributes to M otown’s distinctive soul-in­ fused pop music sound that solidi­ fied its popularity in American cul­ ture, and showcase M otown’s im­ pact on all music. The event will include legends from Motown’s golden age and per­ formances by artists from today, all in tribute to Motown's 50-year legacy. P erform ers include Sm okey Robinson, Natasha Bedingfield, Sheryl Crow, Jamie Foxx, Gloriana, Nick Jonas, Ledisi, John Legend, Amber R iley, Mark Sailing, Seal and Jordin Sparks. PBS stations nationwide, includ­ ing channel 10 in Portland, will re­ broadcast the concert on Tuesday, March 1 at 9 p.m. « FEB Ry ARY 2 7 t h 6 ;9QPM 1 1 1 1 9W MORRISON IT. PORTLAND OR. 9 7 1 0 9 1 st •w PURE $<£ C r/^v¿ ^vC & 1. P r iz e S c h o l a r s h ip S p o n s o r e d b y : M E L V IN 2 n d p r iz e s c h o l a r s h ip S p o n s o r e d b y : M a r in e l l o S c h o o l o f b e a u t y BROADOUS W W W .M E L V IN B R O A D O U S .C O M • W W W .M A R IN illO .C O M by Ebony Host You deserve the time of your life. W ant to host a party? C ontact your local C onsultant: @ â>catti£fj Kite (Center F ull B ar ’ C oop F ood & D rinks in the “G rand ¿ ounce ' tickets available at 3962 NEMLK J r . BlVD. * S O 3-939-4643 Ebony 503.484 3107 • Pureromancebyebony@yahoo com www.prbyebony com pureromance.com C hristopher s C o u r m et C rill ..SfSBs&Waaau F O R M O R E INFO. CALL: $ 0 3 - 8 3 9 - 6 2 2 2 «sstts^aswu