February 23, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 15 503-288-0033 S u b s c r ib e $60.00 for 6 m onths • $110.00 for 1 year $200.00 for 2 years (please include check with fi>rm) Attn'. Subscriptions, The Portland Observer, PO Box 3 j 37 Portland OR 97^08 N ame : T elephone : A ddress : ____________ ______ ________ or email subscriptions@portlandobserver.com SHOW DOGS GROOMING SALON AND BOUTIQUE TREAT YOUR DOG OR CAT FOR THE NEW YEAR CALL AND SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY 5O3-285-H77 926 N. LOMBARD Pete O'Neal as a Black Panther in 1970. Panther in Africa Documentary On O ct. 30, 1969, P ete O 'N eal, a young Black Panther in Kansas City, Mo., was ar­ rested for transporting a gun across state lines. One year later, O 'N eal fled the charge, and for over 30 years, lived in exile in Tanzania as one of the last Americans in exile from an era when activists considered themselves at war with the U.S. government. Today, this community orga­ nizer confronts very different challenges and finds him self liv­ ing b etw een tw o w o rld s - America and Africa, his radical past and his uncertain future. In celebration of Black His­ tory Month, the Office of Hu­ man Relations will show the award winning documentary “A Panther in Africa,” an Aaron Matthews film, and invites mem­ bers of the community to come learn, share, and dialogue about the experience of Pete O ’ Neal as a former Black Panther and his new life in Tanzania. After the film, adialogue will be led by Muna Abshir Mohamud to help understand, find commonali­ ties and share our experiences. The screening is scheduled Wednesday, Feb. 23 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., and is free and open to the public. The office of Human Relations is located at 5315 N. Vancouver Ave. •< Been There A first class resale A consignment shop fo r plus sizes. KrisAiw Owner. Earn Money!! Consign your gently used clothes and accessories For women who like a more polished look. For more info see Kris Ann \B een There on Facebook «û p e n I ng in .......... ----------- 7831 SE Stark Street z Portland. OR 97215 Protesters march during the 19 68 sanitation workers' strike in Memphis, Tenn. Riveting Portrait of 1968 The Bread and Roses C om ­ m unity C enter invites the pub­ lic to jo in them for a riveting portrait o f the 1968 sanitation w o rk e rs’ strike in M em his, T enn., with the screening of the docum entary “At the River I S tand.” The film reconstructs the two eventful m onths that tra n s­ form ed a labor dispute into a national conflagration, and dis­ entangles the com plex histori­ cal forces that cam e together with the inevitability of trag ­ edy at the death of Dr. M artin Luther King Jr. The screening will be held Saturday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. at the Bread and Roses Center, 6834 NE Glisan St. A donation of $3 will be welcome. A savory south­ ern supper will be served at 6 p.m. for a $7 donation. ^503-282-5669 Tue-Sat 10-6 Advertise with diversity in T1 le Portland O bserver Call 503-288-0033