, rB> I a ci 'City o f Roses’ ‘ K 2 ¿J bseruer a ta w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m Volume XXXXI. Number 8 Wednesday • February 23, 2011 Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity A v ^ n n A m m A ^ P°n " nd\ Mf canAme" can "s to ry took place on Palm Sunday in 1951 when more than 600 community members marched up North Vancouver m ^ tn r Th VancouverAvenue nrst BaPtlst Church. The symbolic procession marked a new era for the prosperity of blacks in Portland The church plans to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the event by re-enacting the march on Palm Sunday this year. Historic March Encore Church plans to repeat symbolic procession C ari H achmann T he P ortland O bserver by On Palm Sunday in 1951, hundreds of residents from the metro area marched up North Vancouver Avenue to celebrate a newly purchased Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church as a place of worship for Portland’s black community. The blissful procession made headlines and was reported on the front page o f the Oregonian. The church was considered to be one o f the largest property acquisi­ tions by blacks in Portland at the time and marked a new prosperity for local African- Americans. Real estate covenants that restricted where blacks could live were being broken down and a large African American popu­ lation who lost their worldly possessions from the Colum bia River flood at Vanport in 1948 was finally starting to rebuild their lives. “It heralded a message that things were changing, and the air o f hope was upon continued on page 10 President Promotes Future Technologies Intel visit makes point about investments in kids President Barack Obama came to a mas­ sive, cutting edge Intel chip making plant in Hillsboro Friday to learn how to make Ameri­ can kids more competitive in math and sci­ ence. The president praised Intel’s commitment to education in Oregon during the visit and continued y^ on page 10 President Barack Obama looks at a computer screen as he tours the Intel Transmission Electronic Microscope Lab in Hillsboro. The Friday visit was scheduled to promote an American economic future that leads in technol­ ogy, but one that will depend on American kids who are more competitive in math and science.