February 16, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page Pioneers Exhibit Comes to Portland The Pacific N orthw est Black Pioneers Exhibit will be at C ity Hall in do w n ­ tow n Portland, 1221 S.W . F o u rth A v e. th ro u g h - M arch 11. The exhibit depicts the e x p e rie n c e s an d c h a l­ le n g e s b la c k p io n e e rs faced w hile settlin g in O re g o n , W a s h in g to n , and A laska from 1870 to 1990, There w ill be an o p en ­ in g cerem o n y and M ayor's P roclam ation on T hursday, Feb. 17, 2011 from 4 p.m . to 7 p.m . at Louis A. Southworth (1830 - Portland C ity H all, spon­ 1917)played a fiddle to work his way so re d by the P o rtla n d out of slavery and migrated to Oregon C hapter o f The Links, Inc. where he became a respected home­ O ther sponsors o f the steader, blacksmith and later donated traveling exhibit are the land for a schoolhouse. W orld A rts Foundation, C ity o f Portland, R egional A rts and V iew ing hours are M onday through C ulture C ouncil, and Portland C om - Friday 8:30 a.m . - 5:30 p.m . G uided m unity C ollege. tours are available from 11 a.m .-2 A dm ission to the exhibit is free. p.m. Jazz Legacies con tin u ed A S u sta in a b le G uide Fer diverse and local txjsnesses! For mfo and advedisement inquines cali: (503) 287-4006