Page 6 The Portland Observer Black HiStOiy Month February 16, 2011 IS ALWAYS BETTER SHARED Siacfc ttistory Month k all about celebrating a rich heritage. As we re fle ct on our pa^f and marvel at how fa r we've come, it's important to share w ith the nett generation And when i t comes to Spending. quality tim e w ith family, Amtrak® is d e fin ite ly the way to gp. W ith Service to over "500 destinations nationwide, it's a great way to Share history and make history. KIDS AGES 2 -1 5 RTDETfÄLF OFF! •Children ages ?-15 receive a 50% discount oft the regular full adult rail fare. Up to two children per paid adult Offer not valid on all trains or at all times. Other restrictions may apply Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. PHOTO BY GARY PANCAVAGE M T R A K