Page 24 The February 16. 2011 Portland Observer Black History Month SAFEWAY O your groceries» your choices, Ingredients for life.® Fluffy French Toast Infuse your morning with the sweet smells of cinnamon and vanilla when you whip up this light and fluffy French toast, which adds flour to the mix for a new spin on an old favorite. 10 min. Preparation Time, 20 min. Cooking Time, Ready In 30 min., 12 Servings. Earn GAS REWARD*» your schedule... delivered! free Delivery nn First Order!* a.» SAFEWAY. com waterfront BISTRO' Medium Raw Shrimp 51 io 60 ct Fiozen/lhawtid. SAVE up to S3 00 your lu'mi " 6 Rancher's Reserve® Boneless Beet London Broil president’. h - Extreme Value Pack Or Top Round Roast SAVE up to $3 00 lb. Ingredients • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour • 1 cup milk • 1 pinch salt • 3 eggs • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 tablespoon white sugar • 12 thick slices bread Instructions 1. Measure flour into a large mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in the milk. Whisk in the salt, eggs, cinna­ mon, vanilla extract and sugar until smooth. 2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium heat. 3. Soak bread slices in mixture until saturated. Cook bread on each side until golden brown. Serve hot. Fach time you spend* $50 or more in a single transaction. O nly R A N C H E R S k ’ »°a.- 4 DAY. SALE? Rancher's Reserve® Boneless Beef Petite Sirloin Steak Extreme Value Pack. SAVE up to $3 00 lb Rancher's Reserve® Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak Safew ay Chicken Thighs, D rum sticks or Leg Q uarters waterfront BISTRO*’ Cooked or Raw Shrimp SAVE up to 20« lb Of Foster Fafftis Whole fryer 99«lb Locally Grown Club Price I C lu b Price I Friday thru Monday* Fresh Pork Spareribs 0i Bondess Rixk Sukxn Chops Extreme Value Pack. Of Roast SAVE up to S’ 0 0 « . Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $3 00 lb 31 to 40-ct Cooked Or 21 to 25-ct Raw Frown thawed SAVt up to $5 O0 lb F e b ru a ry 1 8 -2 1 Safeway SELECT* All American Split Pie Seedless Grapes C lu b Price Greal (of Lunches oi Snacking! SAVE o p io $1 71 lb. Juicy Navel Oranges High in Vitamin C! SAVE up to 91 e lb. Baked Brunch Strata For an elegant weekend brunch, this simple savory dish of smoked ham and spring vegetables can't be beat. The prepwork is done the night before, then baked in the oven that morning for a wonderful start to your day. 13 hours prep and cooking Ingredients • 9 slices bread, tom into bite size pieces • 1 /2 cup diced fresh mushrooms • 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper • 16 ounces Cheddar cheese, shredded • 1/2 cup chopped onion • 2 cups cubed cooked ham • 8 eggs • 2 cups milk Instructions 1. Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. Layer half of the torn bread in the bottom of the dish. S p rin k le the mushrooms and green bell pepper evenly over the bread layer. Sprinkle with half of the cheese. Top with remaining bread pieces, 2. then layer with the onion and ham. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Whisk together eggs and milk; pour over the entire pan. Cover with aluminum foil, and refrigerate for 12 to 24 hours. 3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake covered for 35 minutes, then remove foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes, or until top is evenly brown. 8-mcn Apple Cherry variety SAVE up to S2 oc Club Prie» I Club Price I plural Selected wmeties lim it 2 Club Price I Club Price I MD or Safeway Softly Bath Tissue or Paper Towels Pebbles I I a i Cereal SAVE up to $1 80 Club Price I Florida's Natural or Minute Maid Orange Juice 9 or 12 Roll Tissue of 6 or 8 Roll Towels Selected varieties SAVE up Io S3 00 Club Prie» I Crystal Geyser or Aquafina Water varieties Excludes Pot Pies Club Price $ 2 0 0 e a SAVE up to $ 5 0 0 on 5 Club Price I Club Price I 59 to 64-02. Chilled Selected varieties Club Price $3 00ea Tide Detergent 35/16 9-02 Crystal Geyser or 24/16 9-oz Aquahna Plus deposd m Oiegun SAVE up to $ 1 0 0 Club Price I 100 or 2X Liquid a 134 to 146 co Powder Selected varetes SAVE up to $4 00 Lay's or Lay's Kettle Potato Chips 8 5 to 11-02 Selected varieties SAVE up to $ 2 11 EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE t Club Price Club Price | La? Offer valid with Safeway Club Card between 2/16/11 2/22/11. Four (4) participating Cota Cola 12 packs and two (2) boxes of Nabisco crackers must be purchased in a single transaction Lutut two (2) FREE boxes of Nabisco Craciers (¿r transaction. Lstom er pays tax and d e ^ s d where apphcTble That's our promise... that's Ingredients for life. 16 1 17 1 18 1 1 9 1 2 0 I 21 SAT r,Kvki/ ñ u X T v x v ,T , , r limited by law Quantity rights £ PO-OB Wes in excess of £ S 0 . Ä Ä Ä SUN MON 2 4 -P a c k Coors, Bud or M iller «*> * Club Price I 12-or cans Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon SAVE Prices on this page are effective 22 Wednesday, February 16 thru Tuesday, February 22, 2011. TUtS ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store. Iuesaay reDn,ar» “ ■ 2011 10 311SatewaT stores 10 Oregon (except M/lton Freewater! and S W Washinqton stores serviría Wahkiakum Ä Ä T b ? Ä Ä l Ä 52 gallons No kquor sales for resale Liquor sales at licensed Safeway stores only © 2 0 11 Safeway Inc Availability ohtems may vary by store pwcnasen rree kems " ° •'»«'