Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 16, 2011, Black History Month, Page 21, Image 21

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    February 16. 2011
Portland Observer Black History Month
Page 21
Catching Love with TriMet
V alen tin e’s D ay w as a celeb ra­
tion for couples w ho m et on TriM et.
T he transit agency M onday h o n ­
ored one lucky pair by m aking them
M att Haynes and Danette
Burchill, a couple who met
on TriMet, were honored by
the transit agency during a
Valentine’s Day promotion
Dino Mikes
D ino M ikes was b o m on Dec. 17,1958 in Portland,
to Billy and M innie M ikes. O n Jan. 31,2010, G od called
him home.
H e attended W o odland and Sabin E lem entary
S chools and G rant H igh School. F urthering his ed u ­
cation, he enrolled at V ocational V illage and becam e
a chef, later b ecom ing a lead c h e f fo r the S heraton
H otel in dow ntow n Portland w hich is now the E m bassy Suites H otel. D ino
enjoyed cooking for everyon e especially his fam ily.
H e w as ju s t your everyday , fun loving guy; an extrao rd in ary husband,
w onderful father and grandfather, as well as a devoted b ro th er w ho loved
his entire fam ily.
A m an w ho lived up to the fam ily nam e, M ikes w ill be rem em b er fo r the
w ay he interacted w ith his loved ones; how he w ould detail his car and
drive dow n the street w ith such pride; and how he w ould dress to im press,
sm elling good from head to toe.
H is fam ily m isses him dearly, and w ill alw ays rem inisce and cherish
m om ents shared w ith him forever.
H e leaves to cherish his w ife o f 21 years, Sandra W esson-M ikes; his
children D ayshaw ndo, A lbert and Joshua, all o f P ortland; grandchildren
T reviontae, A sianique, A m iyia, T elia, Shalayah and Z ier Savage, Ne vaeh
Jordan, and Jashauna, T elisa, Jay o n tae and Joslyn W esson; sisters
C harlie Spires (H erbert Lee), M ae W arren-K ofi, C ecil H udson and Liza
A nnette M ikes o f Portland, B ernice B um s o f A nchorage, A laska, B illie
R uth Spires and N oble Jean C rittenden o f V ancouver; and a host o f nieces,
nephew s, cousins, other relatives and friends.
A rrangem ents by N eal's C om passionate H eart Funeral Hom e.
■ f-;N o íto e slte F (lfC )irá (B ii¡sfe
"An Interdenominational C hurch"
D ecem ber2008.
A cco rd in g to D anette, it w as
M att’s charm ing and playful spirit
am idst a crow d o f strangers that
piqued her interest. C oincidence,
and perhaps fate, brought them to ­
g eth er a few w eeks later. T hey plan
to m arry this sum m er.
T riM et received love stories from
29 local couples w ho m et their sig­
nificant others on M A X , a bus or at
a bus stop.
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC
In Loving Memory
x A
the g ra n d p rize w in n e rs o f the
agency ’ s “ Did Y ou M eet Y our Sweet
on T riM et?” contest. T he prize was
a n ig h t’s stay at H otel deL uxe and
din n er a tG ra c ie ’s.
D a n e tte B u r c h ill a n d M a tt
H a y n e s o f P o r tla n d w e re th e
l o v e b ir d s w h o s e s to r y m a d e
h e a r ts flu tte r .
W ith the city blanketed in snow ,
the tw o 1 irst spotted each other w hile
w aiting for a delayed Line 20 bus in
Zchon R. Jones, DC
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