February 16, 2011 The Page 17 Portland Observer B la c k H lS tO ty M o n th Arts A f ir s t class resale A consignment ENÏER1 KrisAiw Owner fo r plus sizes. Earn Money!! Consign your gently used clothes and accessories For women who like a more polished look. For more info see Kris Ann’s Been There on Facebook Posters by Brian Methe, one o f the more than 4 0 artists featured in a rock poster art show opening Saturday, Feb. 1 9 at Settlement Galleries, Third Floor, Pioneer Place Mall, downtown. ‘In Print’ Rock Posters Show Peoples A rt o f P ortland presents "In Print," a rock posters art show , featuring m ore than 40 o f the 40 the top po ster artists in the country, m any o f w hich are from Portland. T he exhibit at S ettlem ent G aller- artists involved. ies. T hird Floor, in P ioneer Place T he show opens Saturday, Feb. M all, dow ntow n, w ill also have on 19. A reception is scheduled 5 p.m. display som e o f the rare original to 9 p.m . T he show runs until M arch artw ork from the show posters and 17. Girls Got Talent Contest A ta le n t c o n te s t fo r th e la d ie s is d ra w in g c o n te s ta n ts to the B a r­ ra c u d a n ig h tc lu b , 9 N .W . S eco n d A ve. "T h e G irls G o t T a le n t” c o m p e ­ titio n is o p e n to an y w o m an 21 an d o v e r w ho is an u n sig n e d a rt­ ist. A ny g e n re o f m u sic is e n c o u r­ a g e d . P r e lim in a r y e v e n ts a re s c h e d u le d fo r F eb. 25 and M arch 25 w ith th e fin a ls set fo r A p ril 29. T h e c lu b w ill p ro m o te the a rt­ ists w ith h an d b ills, ra d io sp o ts, so cia l m e d ia , In te rn e t w e b site s an d in -h o u se a d v e rtisin g . T o sig n up, call K eno L e ig h ty , B a rra c u d a m a n a g e r at 5 0 3 -8 8 8 - 8409. A dvertise w ith diversity in * '1À »rtlandObsen er r Black History Month events at REED COLLEGE www . reed . edu / b h m / index . html ¿ci i ¡ ' I * » L ÍA - L? Í Events are free and open to the public. Reed Celebrates Black History Month 2011 Annette Gordon-Reed LECTURE: FEBRUARY 19, 7:3 0 P.M. . 1 MJT V T IC rei.-irw11 — ■ ■ ■ - • , uoim uriiUM utiantnttM ifbmíbbuabws T hi f nntMMuirimtwy' KAUL AUDITORIUM ' '- f FBIlHAPMSTHl TfBIlAPlWWH' Annette Gordon-Reed, professor of law and history and Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, is the recipient of a 2010 MacArthur Fellowship, the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for history, and a National Book Award. Gordon-Reed is recognized for dramatically changing the course of Jeffersonian scholarship. T U ÌÌÌt!P ti/F » ìii' (iM urniM i'sinrM B rR raG m niESS EniM TM S K EnifM B iTB ni ÍH5HS5. WE N f f K M í l M I NDE WMHS WmiEVOTTM^tCESytYTIUNPETtB T WAY'S MARKET WtTHUI ANO PfllZtSWIlHARttAA VAUX Of WHLUO.000 «nutttutmciiiMouauattmivatimiuMtinititamintni nutirntumniKuanuuntuuuimi mmm ti mío n u ttu u i tat » mm tu it imu nut m t urn u t tut nr utitnr» iHHMiuiHum c h m m in u m a iu t ut nKnmuuuinuuu i t u u n ruaitti LECTURE: FEBRUARY 2 6 , 8 P.M., KAUL AUDITORIUM GRANO PRIZE WINNER TO REEEIVE THE FOLLOWING: youdom t # W U P A E tW lT H M T O H Ü B A P H ItS Manning Marable Tl i a n o i n ! m p y b ii r a s t i i ie hbups studio TiM rA T B iA rH O fA M O M O P rropninc s t u m m i u o m p m h w d h a i s o v u n n ittiH r B i photo S H B O T F B P Y nuppijp T roiiB with habt up apdet IIHO PIO T TOAHOTPOMPTTOPOIPL SrUOlO TOMPITH MAKTOVTBBYPAUl M IT [H £ll IOOTOIOPPOSTTPÍ lO O O P O S IT A H O ílIfílY lB S Manning Marable is the M. Moran Weston and Black Alumni Council Professor of African-American Studies and professor of history and public affairs at Columbia University. He was founding director of African American Studies at Columbia from 1993 to 2003. Since 2002,. he has directed Columbia’s Center for Contemporary Black History. SMHKMI01V the whoof ] U L J J J ÏJ J J . jù h . f T T 7 T 7 T ~ 11T I / \ LJLJfJA f lu í ti.im'i (Ohm r u n lO T M t C I K » i t ] tto v CHICIDMCltllliMUCOOl COM e* w A t t i ’ in iiv iH u m n tiiH K H iitn tt- . i n i t ’m io» im iim u tn iB is tomuta» u i u u i REED COLLEGE 3203 SC WOOOSTOCK BIVO. | EVENTS LINE: 5 0 3 /7 7 7 -7 7 5 5