Page 16 The Ärts x February 16. 2011 Portland Observer Black History Month X E NJEU ENEEOTAINMENE Roosevelt Theatre Rebound Your Care The R oosevelt High School co m ­ m unity in north Portland is sending their praise to students o f the school for w inning a cham pionship in the­ ater. Our First Priority In ju st 3 1/2 years, R oosevelt has gone from having no theatre program at all for at least a decade to having Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician one o f the best program s in the state. O ut o f all O regon high school theatre productions this school year, R oosevelt's production o f T he Y el­ low B oat w as selected to be one o f only three show s to w in top honors. T he students w ill show case their production on the M ain Stage o f the Elsinore Theatre in Salem during the State C onference, M arch 3 1 -A pril 2 in front o f nearly 1,000 fellow T h e s­ pians. “C ongratulations to the cast and crew w ho m ade it h a p p e n !” said Joe S trom L ane, R H S T h e a tre A rts teacher. SEI hosts Sounds of Soul Choir S e lf E nhancem ent, Inc. will host th e ir a n n u al co m m u n ity G o sp el B runch featuring the SEI Sounds o f Soul C h o ir on Sunday, Feb. 20at the C en ter for S e lf E nhancem ent, 3920 N. K erby A ve. We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 As part o f the Portland Jazz Fes- (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) tival, this popular concert event re­ $30, including a delicious brunch turns for the third year w ith so u l­ catered by D onna H arris, o r $ 10 for stirring gospel and m outh-w atering the concert only. T ickets can be Southern cuisine. D oors open at purchased through SEI by calling 1:30pm w ith perform ances slated to 503-249-1721 extension 244 or by start at 2:30pm . v is itin g th e S E I w e b s ite at Tickets for the G ospel B runch are SelfE nhancem Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Sat., Feb. 19 2:00pm ft 7:00pm POSEEH Purchase tickets at the Rose Q uarter Box Office or online at Com (umptotti A m e r ic a s B e s t C ONI ACTttf fcYkGlAUBl New Song Community Center 2511NE MIM Blvd. Corner of NE MIK Blvd and Russell Street Doors open at 6pm for every service. For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 or log on to w w w m f h m p o r t la n d .c o m