February 16. 2011 Portland Observer Black History Month _________________ Page 15 ' / s £ ? , V Still Trying to Make Mom Proud Our legacy is yours. Jennifer Hudson on what keeps her going (AP) - In a tearful i ntervie w, singer and actress Jennifer H udson said she's still trying to m ake h er m other proud, and that's w hat has kept her going since her m other and tw o other fam ily m em bers w ere m u r­ dered, H u d so n , w h o has re p e a te d ly declined to talk publicly about the killings, didn't directly address the details o f the O ctober 2008 slayings in C hicago o f her m other, brother and 7-year-old nephew . But in an interview on "The O prah W infrey Show " that w as broadcast T h u rs­ day, she discussed the source o f the drive that quickly got her back on stage and in the recording studio ju st m onths after the tragedy. "I try to do everything to say, 'O K , will m y m other like this? W ill she be pleased? W ill she be proud o f that? H ow do I know she's happy and she's sm iling dow n at m e from heaven?"' H udson said. "A nd that’s w hat I try to go by and w alk by." Shedding tears, H udson said she could hear the voices o f her brother and m other telling her to "knock it off," stop crying and keep going. In O ctober 2008, the bodies o f her m other, D arnell H udson D onerson, and brother, Jason H udson, w ere found in the fam ily's C hicago hom e. T h e b o d y o f h e r 7 -y e a r-o ld nephew , Julian King, was found days later in a sport utility vehicle about 10 m iles aw ay. A ll three had been sh o t. The estranged husband o f Jen n i­ fer H udson's sister, Julia, is charged w ith first-degree m urder in the k ill­ ings. H udson, 29, said she d o e sn 't know if she's started to heal yet. Legacy Health values diversity in how we work with each other, how we deliver care how we partner with our community and how we do business. www.legacyhealth.org/diversity Jennifer Hudson It's such a shocking thing," she said. "It's a lot to take in. It's like,'O K , is this real? D id this really happen?' It's hard to put it in sync w ith real­ ity." H er son, born in A ugust 2009, is a source o f strength, she said, and "the cutest little baby in the w hole w ide w orld." H u d so n p e rfo rm e d h e r new single, "W here You At," and talked about how she lost 80 pounds by resolving to get in shape after c h ild ­ birth. T hree o f H udson's cousins — a bus driver, a teacher and a m edical ad m in istrato r — jo in e d h er on the show to talk about their ow n w eight loss and m odel clothes chosen for them by "Project R unw ay" host Tim Gunn. H u d so n , a sp o k e sw o m a n fo r W eight W atchers, credited the p ro ­ gram and her determ ination fo r her w eight loss. W infrey announced that audience m em bers at the show each w ould get three free o n e-y ear m em berships to W eight W atchers so they could sign up w ith tw o friends. H udson said her fiancé, D avid O tunga, has had trouble adjusting to the attention oth er m en are p ay ­ ing to her since she d ro p p ed from a size 16 to a size 6. "It's like a brand new me," H udson said. "Som etim es I don't even rec­ ognize m yself." Ham s 503-730-1156 Weddings Corporate Events Onsite 5x7 Printing Online Proofs & Orders IN IIIIA IN A U N I antonioharris.com George J. Brown, M.D. President and CEO o f Legacy Health LEGACY HEALTH EMANUEL GOOD SAMARITAN THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MERIDIAN PARK M O U N T H OOD LEGACY MEDICAL GROUP LEGACY LABORATORY SALMON CREEK « * «n.-.». LEGACY RESEARCH LEGACY HOSPICE