Page IO The Portland Observer Black History Month February 16, 2011 Take Action Get Tested j HIV Community Test Site offers | confidential HIV testing | with or without your name | at these locations: I M u ltn o m a h C ounty Health D epartm ent's Downtown Community Test Site MATTFRS For Your He Making Healthy Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. j Mon |Thurs | Fri | Lifestyle Choices “Free with this coupon Northeast Health Center Just walk in Tuesdays | 5:30-7:15 pm 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, P n rth n d 07711 Public Health r o r u a n a , y /Z I I Se habla español: other interpretation by appointment. Dr. Billy Ft. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. THE column TM SPINA An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession Part 5. WHIPLASH: It doesn’t take a serious accident to cause serious damage. : How bod an accident does it neck, arm or shoulder, nausea, Don’t take any chances. take to actually cause whip­ blurred vision and headaches. If Schedule a complete chiro­ lash ? not treated immediately, these prob­ practic exam im m ediately. Our lems can lead to other more severe office specializes not only in re­ f : While most people think of ones. To complicate matters, it some­ lieving w hiplash sym ptom s, but whiplash only as the result of times takes years before whiplash also in m aking sure those prob­ a rear end collision, it can occur as symptoms occur. lems d o n 't become bigger ones a result of a fall or other sudden down the road. For diagnosis of jolt. In car collisions, speeds as What should I do if I ’ve had possible whiplash, or answers low as 5 MPH (a brisk walk) have fa ll or a car accident? to any questions you might have caused whiplash. W hat’s more, about your health, please call us major studies show there is virtu­ at the num ber listed right below. ally no correlation between dam­ age to the car and its occupants. : How can / tell i f whiplash has happened to me? 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 0 As q ; Q A : Whiplash often exhibits 4 symptoms such as a sore Flowers1 Chiropractic Office P hone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 e ’WW by L arky L ucas February is a time each year cular check-ups and properly tak- w hen h e art-sh ap ed c h o co late, ing my prescribed m edicines. It’s candies and cards take cen ter these small steps that mean the stage. But there’s another heart m o st, and m ak in g the rig h t of the non-confectionary variety choices can help curb the risk of we should also take time to think heart disease, enabling you to live about this m onth - the one in our a longer, healthier life. j bodies. It’s also important to rem ember i Like an engine to a ear, the that many lifestyle choices that sponsible 1 for I human heart is resPonsib,e WI lead ,ei“- to heart diseases later in life, | keeping otherorgans working and like diet and tobacco use, begin our bodies moving. We know how when w e’re young. It takes years, im portant it is to conduct regular and in some cases decades, for m aintenance on an engine to pre- them to catch up with us - which vent issues with the entire ear. is why young people should know Heart health is no different. Yet their future heart health is shaped cardiovascular diseases, which in- by the choices they make today, elude heart attack and stroke, are M aking, healthy choices can the leading causes ot death in the help prevent heart disease, but United States. In fact, more than there are other risk factors that 81 m illion Am ericans live with you c a n 't control - like age and various forms of cardiovascular fam ily history. In addition to diseases, which led to one quarter lifestyle changes, you and your ot all deaths in the U.S. last year, doctor may decide that prescrip- These num bers are especially tion m edicines are the best way to startling for the A frican-A m eri­ help keep your heart healthy. can com m unity where more than Fortunately there are nearly 300 40 percent of all adults suffer from m edicines in developm ent for high blood pressure, one o f the h e a rt d ise a s e and stro k e by most critical - yet preventable - A m erica’s hiopharm aeeutical re­ in d ic a to rs o f c a r d io v a s c u la r search and m anufacturing com ­ health. Preventing high blood panies - all of which are either pressure could mean the differ­ being tested in clinical trials or ence between life or death: Afri- aw aiting approval by the Food & can Americans today are 1.5 times Drug Adm inistration, more likely to sutfer a heart dis- D eveloping these m edicines e a se -re la te d death than o th er means very little if patients in need Am ericans and are nearly twice as c a n 't access them. Luckily, there likely to die because o f a fatal are program s available to help stroke. W hat’s more: Nearly half patients find and pay for their o f us are unaware w e’re living p r e s c r ip tio n s . S in c e 2 0 0 5 , with high-blood pressure. A m erica’s biopharm a-ceutical re­ Alarmed by these figures? You searchers and m anufacturers have should be! Let them serve as a wake­ supported the Partnership for Pre­ up call about the importance of main­ s c rip tio n A s sista n c e (1 -8 8 8 - taining your heart’s health. Many 4PPA-N OW ;, which common causes of cardiovascular helps connect patients in need to diseases can be eliminated by re­ 475 assistance program s that o f­ ducing their major risk factors, such fer more than 2,500 m edicines for as high blood pressure, high cho­ free or nearly free. lesterol, smoking, diabetes, lack of In addition to thinking about exercise and poor nutrition. When it your special som eone this m onth, comes to heart health, lifestyle be sure to keep your own heart in choices, like what you eat and how mind by m aking an appointm ent much you exercise, play a critical to visit your physician to gauge role in preventing potentially dev­ your current heart health. A w are­ astating diseases. ness is the first step in preventing As someone who has lived with heart diseases and ensuring there high blood pressure for more than are many more V alentine’s Days 20 years, I know a thing or two to come. about lifestyle choices. I keep my L arry Lucas is retired vice heart healthy by taking the stairs p re sid e n t f o r P h a rm a c eu tica l instead of the elevator, visiting Research and M anufacturers o f my doctor for regular cardiovas- America. 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, | Portland, 97204 | 55 ng I