Page 24 The Portland Observer Black History Month February 9, 2011 H ealth MATTERS Dental Van Helps Patients in Recovery DePaul clients get something to smile about perform ed procedures from fillings to extractions in the rear o f the van. M edical T eam s International has a fleet o f 11 vans that operate in the P acific N orthw est, from S eattle/ T aco m a to M edford. T he o rg aniza­ tio n p a rtn e rs w ith n o n p ro f its , schools, and churches to provide dental services to those w ho w ould not otherw ise be able to afford them - the u n in su red , low in co m e and hom eless. T hanks to a new partnership be­ tw een De Paul T reatm ent C enters and M edical T eam s International, a m obile dental clinic m ade its second visit to De P aul’s dow ntow n facility last w eek. W hile dental w ork is not what m ost people think about in relation to drug and alcohol treatm ent, the M edical T eam s International M o­ bile D ental Van was appreciated by m any o f the residential clients at De Paul w ho do not have m edical insur­ ance or access to regular dental care. Inside the van, the M edical Team s International team efficiently saw 11 clients. X -rays w ere taken in the front o f the van, w hile the dentist A mobile dental clinic sponsored by Medical Teams International makes a stop at the DePaul drug and alcohol treatment ■ center, downtown, providing vital dental services to people in need who would not otherwise be able to afford them. M ed ical T e a m s In te rn a tio n a l chooses to w ork with people in treat­ m ent as they realize that these people have m ade a com m itm ent to ch an g ­ ing their lives for the better. De P au l’s m ission is to create freedom from drug and alcohol a d ­ diction, and the o rg an izatio n ’s p h i­ losophy is that all people have w ithin them the innate strength and c ap ac­ i t y to recover. The non-profit has operated in P ortland for o v er 30 years and w orks w ith a w ide range o f people seeking treatm ent; m any do not have health insurance and som e are hom eless. De P a u l's d ow ntow n location provides residential and outpatient alco h o l and d ru g tre a tm e n t for adults, the De Paul Y outh and F am ­ ily C en ter in n o rth east P ortland serves the youth population, and a satellite office in H illsboro provides outpatient treatm ent to adults in W ashington C ounty. Rethinking Psychiatry Author to discuss challenges KS00 Join us for an anointed Mirade Service! Come receive your Miracle and your breakthrough! New Song Community Center 2511NE MLK Blvd. Corner of NE MLK Blvd and Russell Street Doors open at 6pm for every service. For directions or more information, call 503488-5481 or log on to Jo u rn a list and a u th o r R o b ert W hitaker returns to P ortland to dis­ cuss his latest book “ A natom y o f an E pidem ic” and the im pact o f psy­ chiatric m edicine on people o f color. W hitaker has pursued a fasci­ nating line o f research into how the m am m oth psychiatric drug indus­ try is endangering the A m erican public by covering up the untold cases o f suffering, anguish and dis­ ease caused by the m ost w idely p re s c rib e d a n tid e p re s s a n ts an d antipsychotic m edications. He will speak on T hursday, Feb. 10 at 1:30 p.m. at the O regon A sso­ ciation o f M inority E ntrepreneurs (O A M E ),4 1 3 4 N . V ancouver, Suite 100. T he intended audience is people w ho live in o r support people o f color com m unities, individuals w ho are experiencing psychiatric o r b e­ havioral challenges and their fam i- Robert Whitaker lies, p ractitioners in the com m unit such as p sy ch iatrist, physician* psychologist, g erontologist, coun selors, social w orkers, nurses, at to m ey s, and ju d g es. T h e ta lk is s p o n s o r e d b; M entalH ealthR ightsY E S .org, Eco nom ic J ustice A ction G ro u p o f Firs U nitarian C hurch, E m pow erm en Initiatives, M ental H ealth A m ericj o f O regon, M ental H ealth A ssocia tion o f Portland and Disability Right! O regon.