Page 20 The Portland Observer Black History Month Wake for local Religious Leader Bishop Artie e L. Wright, long tim e resident o f P ort­ land, OR. Passed aw ay on Sunday, February 6, 2011, at the P o rtlan d V eteran s A f­ fairs M edical Center. A wake Funeral service scheduled for S aturday, F ebruary 12, 2011, 1 1AM, E m m anuel Tem ple: 1033 N. S um ner Street, Portland, OR. A rrangem ent by R oss H ollyw ood C hapel. Bishop IL L . Hodge, Ph.D. In Concert February 13, 201 I At L aw Witness to Genocide service is scheduled for Friday, February 11,2011, 6-9PM , Emmanuel COGIC United: 4800 NE 30th Avenue. Portland, O R. Sunday February 9, 2011 C o n co rd ia U niversity invites m em bers o f the co m m unity to hear from Carl W ilkens, form er head o f the A d v en tist R e lief A gency in R w anda, during the discussion “ W itness to G en o ­ cide: S ervant L ead ersh ip in A c ­ tion.’’ W ilkens w as the only A m eri­ can to rem ain in R w anda during the gen o cid e in 1994. He per- Carl W ilkens so n a lly h e lp e d th o u sa n d s o f people from being butchered. He is cu rren tly the head o f the non-profit group W orld O utside m y Shoes. T he free event will take place T hursday, Feb. 10 at 7:30p.m . at the C o n co rd ia U niversity S tu ­ dent E vents and A ctivities C e n ­ ter in the H agen C am p u s B uild­ ing. s..„d.y Sexual Assault near School February 13, 201 I At 3:00 PM 3:00 PM Presented by Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “An Interdenominational Church” Concordia University Campus - L u th e r H a ll (One Block North of Ainsworth St.) (27th Holman) Portland, OR. 97211 Church Phone (503) 863-6545 The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for the public’s help in solv­ ing a sexual assault that occurred near David Douglas High School in southeast Portland. On Jan. 21 at approximately 12:40 p m., a high school female was sexu­ ally assaulted in the 1000 block of Southeast 135th A venue, near David Douglas High School. She was forced into a vehicle by an unknown male who then sexually assaulted her. The man is described as white, A co m p o site ske tch o f a sexual approximately 19-21 years old, with a s s a u lt suspect. athin muscular build, and short dark hair. A composite drawing was made of the suspect. His vehicle was de­ scribed as a newer black 4-door car with tinted windows. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of up to $ 1,000 for informa­ tion, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony, and you can remain anonymous. Call Crime Stop­ pers at 503-823-HELP (4357), leave a tip o n lin e at, or text 823HELP plus your tip and send it to CRIMES (274697). Intercultural Center Advocacy Day The Center lor Intercultural Or- ganizing, a Portland-based immi- grant and refugee rights coalition, will be gathering community mem- bers in Salem for a Tuesday, Feb. 22 day of legislative action. Participants will spend the day attending brief meetings in the'Or- egon Legislature with elected offi- cials and policymakers. One in 10 Oregonians is foreign- born, according to the Census Bu- reau, though the specific impact of policy decisions on immigrants and refugees often goes unexamined by state government. The day o f political action is meant to mobilize and build aware- ness around key issues, includ- ing proposals to create a comm is- sion on im m igrant and refugee affairs and enact cultural compe- tency standards for medical pro- fessionals. Speakers at noontime rally on the Capitol steps will include Sen. Chip Shields, representing north and northeast Portland, Secretary of State Kate Brown, and the intercul- tural center’s executive director, KayseJama. Fake Collection Calls Noted The Oregon Department of Jus- tice has received several complaints regarding phony debt collection ca^ s- Scam artists pose as debt collec- tors or law enforcement officers calling about an outstanding debt from an online payday loan. They frequently use fake phone numbers and official sounding business names. Some people have been tricked into paying nonexistent debt be- cause the scam artist knew personal information about them, including their Social Security number, home address, e-mail, and names of family and personal references, Not only are these phony debt collectors stealing from consumers, the tactics they are using are illegal, Attorney General Kroger reminds residents that debt collectors may not harass or abuse you or any third party. Collectors must send written notice of the debt within five days of initial contact. The notice should include information about the debt, the name of the creditor, and notice that the consumer has 30 days to dispute the debt in writing.