February 9, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 13 tNItP Unscripted Crime Drama Improvised theater on stage The Unscriptables are here to most difficult cases in Lawful Order: clean up Portland’s stages and put Special Puppet Unit. the perps behind bars. The cast Each show is different because from this local improvised theater every night the performance is based company has puppets and humans upon suggestions given to the per- working side by side to solve the formers by the audience. Upcoming performances are on Feb. 12,19, and 26 at 8p.m. in the Unscriptal studio, 1121 N. Loring St. The show is “pay what you wa or a suggested $ 10. For more ini mation, visit theunscriptables.cc The Unscriptables bring improvised theater to a new level with Lawful Order: Special Puppet Unit, now playing in the Unscriptables studio at 1121 N. Loring St. Diversity there Oregon Zoo director Kim Smith shows Jabari the hedgehog to some young visitors during the zoo’s annual Hedgehog Day festivities on Feb. 2. Jabari did not see his shadow, indicating spring may arrive early this year. Early Spring Forecast Pack those snow tire s and chains away. Jabari, the Oregon Z oo’s African pygmy hedgehog, did not see his shadow during the zo o ’s annual Hedgehod Dog fes­ tivities on Feb. 2, indicating an early spring could be in store. Or not. “The groundhog is actually a latecomer to the weather prediction game,” said zoo director Kim Smith. “It was only when immigrants to the United States realized that there aren’t any hedgehogs here that they turned to the groundhog. W e’re proud to bring this tradition back to its true origins.” Historically, the hedgehog has been used in this centuries-old tra­ dition to predict the onset of spring. Immigrants to North America sub­ stituted the groundhog when they found there were no hedgehogs in their new homeland. e salute Dr. King and his leadership in furthering Civil Rights USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region for Information and job opportunities: call 360-891-5060, Terry Durazo, tdurazcxg’fs.fed.us or visit the websites: www.usa.jobs.gov www.fs.fed.us/r6 USÛA Forest Service te an equal opoortunltv orovlder a n d em ninver