February 2, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 9 February SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 B lack H istory M onth THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 4 3 G roundhog D ay C hinese N ew Y ear SATURDAY Sri L anka D ay Portland O pera presents T urandot (runs until 02/12/11) 5 P ortland S eafood and W ine Festival « 6 8 7 N ew Z ealand Day 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 25 26 Jefferson High School M ulticultural Film r/iroK'î)i?M7i Your Heart 512 N. Killingsworth St. N. Portland Library 5:00-&7:30pm C all M e day Portland Seafood and W ine Festival 13 15 14 V alentine's D ay 20 9 M ardi G ras 21 22 Friendship W eek (17-23) 23 24 Inti. F riendship W eek (20-26) 27 Start A R om ance Day 28 F orget M e N ot D ay ■UH Advertise with diversity /// ^P ortland Observer C all 503-288-0033 ads@ pt >rt 1 an dobser ver. com HOT T0BB1H® BY THE H®U® IND00R/0UTD00R HOT TUBS PRIVATE ROOMS Check out our new private nightclub suite. 8028 SE Stark St. 5 Portland, Oregon 503.261.1180 www.tubandtan.com PORTLAND TiUlB — ...................