Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 02, 2011, Black History Month, Page 3, Image 3

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    February 2, 2011
^"Portland observer
Black History Month
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B lack H istory
page 5-6,22
Local professor challenges notions of progress
C alendar
S ports
Sports Culture and Race
Thabiti Lewis, associate pro­
fessor in the College o f Liberal
Arts at W ashington State Univer­
sity Vancouver, has published a
book challenging the notion that
sports culture is a pioneer for
racial progress.
"Bailers o f the New School:
Race and Sports in America" is a
thought-p ro v o k in g analysis o f
m inorities in the sports industry
that critically re-exam ines the
m ythologies and social uplift nar­
ratives that dom inate our culture.
Sports are often hailed as a
w ay fo r m in o rity a th lete s to
achieve fame and wealth. In his
book, L ew is d eco n stru cts the
Cinderella story o f scoring big in
the m ajor leagues and asks why
there is little m inority representa­
tion at the corporate level.
Lewis contends that American
sports have not contributed to
racial progress as m uch as our
culture has been led to believe.
"This is more media spin than
truth. It's a figm ent o f im agina­
tion aided by m odem technology
arm ed with 24-hour sports re­
porting, unlim ited sports televi­
sion channels and a culture that
cultivates anti-intellectualism ,"
said Lewis.
"Bailers o f the New School: Race
and Sports in America" begins with
Thabiti Lewis
a "Letter to My Cousin," which
serves as a guidance letter to
Lewis's own cousin as well as to
any young person who aspires to a
career in professional sports. He
goes on to explain how a majority
o f black collegiate athletes are ex­
ploited by the sports industry with
little compensation and often with­
out the education promised with
their scholarships. Lewis then chal­
lenges readers to view the sports
industry with a keen eye on hiring
opportunities and racial equality on
and off the playing field.
"I am challenging people o f all
ages, races and ethnicity to be
what I call a 'true bailer' or 'Bailer of
the New School,' which is intellec­
tual, critical, innovative and un­
afraid to challenge the flawed affir­
mative action, and post race narra­
tives we are bombarded with daily.
Through essays, my book exam ­
ines how racist sports media cov­
erage perpetuates, rather than alle­
viates, racial tensions in our soci­
ety. I want readers to understand
that the icons they see are not the
norm and do not reflect the dire
social, educational and economic
status o f many people o f color in
America," said Lewis.
Lewis lectures widely on top­
ics such as hip-hop, film, black
m asculinity, race and sports in
America. He has been a colum nist
and freelan ce w rite r fo r The
Source, the St. Louis Am erican
and N ew s One. His w ork has
appeared in several book antholo­
gies and in publications such as
M osaic Literary M agazine, O r­
egon Hum anities, Crisis M aga­
zine, the St. Louis Post-D ispatch
and Am eriQuests.
L ew is's book to u r in clu d es
stops in Philadelphia, Seattle, Iowa
City, Iowa, and Kansas City, Mo.
He will discuss his work and sign
copies o f his book at 12 p.m.
M arch 1 in the W SU V ancouver
"Bailers o f the N ew School:
Race and Sports in A m erica" is
available through T he B ookie,
Borders, Pow ell's Books, Third
W orld Press, A m azon and his
website, T habitiL ew is.com .
page 16
Governor Hires Rights Advocate
O pinion
pages 18-19
C lassifieds
page 24
F ood
page 20-22
Gov. John K itzhaber has hired
an Oregon attorney with a civil
rights and victim rights record as
his general counsel.
Liani Reeves received both her
undergraduate and law degrees
from W illam ette University. She
has worked at the Oregon De­
partm ent o f Justice in many ca­
p acities, m ost recen tly as the
deputy chief trial counsel. She’s
also served as an attorney for the
National Crim e Victim Law Insti­
tute to prom ote, advance and en­
force crim e victims' rights.
Reeves served as the co-chair
o f the Oregon M inority Lawyers
A ssociation from 2002-2008. She Liani Reeves
received the Rev. M artin Luther
K in g Jr. A w a rd fro m th e
W illam ette University College o f
Law honoring work and dedica­
tion toward the ideals o f equal
civil and human rights and was
recognized as an up and com ing
leader by the Portland Business
Journal. She m entors law stu ­
dents and has been nam ed M en­
tor o f the Year by both W illam ette
and Lewis & Clark College.
“W orking as the G overnor's
general counsel allow s me to con­
tinue in public service working on
issues w ith broad im plications
th r o u g h o u t th e s t a te ,” sa id