Page 24 The February 2. 2011 Portland Observer Black H istory M o n th a 4 SAFEWAY t t AYS ONLY! P r ic e s e f f e c t iv e 2 /2 th ru even fh in g You Need During * M e r D ie O a m u ! w.- S SAFEW AY 2 /6 COUPON V a lid t h r u 2 /6 /1 1 ■ Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs B one-In. E xtre m e Value P a ck S A VE up to S t 5 0 » 12 P ac k C o ca C o la P e p s i o r 7 -U P Fresh Pork Spareribs SA VE up to $1.00 #> ZOFF Whole Wheat Pancake Art Safeway SELECT* Extra Meaty Pork Back Ribs A dash o f inspiration and some simple pantry staples trans­ form plain-old pancake batter into canvases for creative spirits. Warm up the griddle and get inspired with these fun ideas for flapjacks. 4 Servings. P re viou sly Fro zen SA VE up to $1 00 Ih FO R 510°° A ltri car L IM IT 4 a a n d c o u p o n j • ? This coupon must be presented at tuned purchase J Offer rale Card and Coupon Limit tour items pe» coupon I COUPON BE DOUBLED Coupon valid thru 2Æ/11 W 000000204651 Rancher's Reserve* Beef 7-Bone Steak Bone-In, Extrem e Value Pack Or 7-Bone Pot Roast SAVE up to $1.50 lb F o s ter F arm s Fresh W hole Fryer Tyson B readed Chicken Selections 22 to 30-oz, Frozen Locally grown 0» Saleway Chicken Thighs Drumsticks or Leg Quarters. 99c lb Selected varieties SAVE up to $9.99 on 2 R ed B a ro n P izza C Crisp Braeburn 7 Apples Ö Instructions ■ I High m Fiber! SAVE up to $1 31 lb Club erk. M 1. In a m edium bow l, com bine the flour, sugar, baking pow der and baking soda. In another bow l, stir together the butterm ilk (or alternative), oil and egg. P our the butterm ilk m ixture into the flour m ixture and stir ju st until com bined. Be careful not to overbeat the batter (it will deflate). Fill a squeeze bottle (like an em pty ketchup bottle o r sim ilar) w ith batter. 2. B rush a griddle or large skillet w ith vegetable oil and place >99 f lp R E E Na,ure Sweet Cocktaii I «11 E E Tomatoes club erte» ■■ F ™ «• S AVE up to S 3 99 on 2 Fresh Express Family Size Salads 19.79 to 22.1-oz Selected varieties. SAVE u p to $2.00 j IC B I8 -« Selected»ar«« Club brice » S A V E voto $2 00» D iG io rn o P izza ■ OO over m edium heat. W hen a drop o f w ater sizzles and evaporates instantly, you are ready to begin creating your pancake m aster­ pieces. See below for ideas. 3. W hen one side o f the pancake is golden brow n and bubbles ap p ear on the top side o f the pancake, flip over carefully and bake the o th er side until brow ned. Serve w ith syrup or fruit. 4. C reating y our pancake m asterpieces: U sing the squeeze bottle, squirt out circles and squiggles and shapes onto the griddle. W ork quickly because they will cook and solidify in seconds. A lso, you can create designs by adding batter at different tim es. For instance, squeeze out your initials onto the pan (backw ards, o f course), then c o v er com pletely w ith batter (use a spoon for large am ounts). T he initials will show up darker than the background pancake. --H ere are som e m ore ideas f o r d esig n s:— • H appy face: Squeeze out tw o little eyes and a sm iling m outh. Let bake for ju s t a few seconds, then co v er com pletely w ith batter. • T e d d y bear: O ne round spot for a nose, tw o spots for eyes and a sm iling m outh. Let bake for ju s t a m om ent, then cover com pletely w ith batter to m ake the face and add tw o round ears at the top. • M o u se: S im ilar to the teddy b ear (above), only add w hiskers w hen you do the nose. • F lo w e r: Squeeze out round m iddle, let bake for a m om ent then surround w ith round petals. A dd a stem if you're brave. *Secret m essage: W rite som ething (backw ards 1) on the griddle. C over w ith batter. G ive it to y our brother. Be nice. • Jack son Pollock pancake: M ake random squiggles and splotches w ith batter. Let bake, then spoon b atter o v er it to cover. Fabulous! Y ou're a genius. A YO U PAY club Pnce w i t h th is coupon J M N M JM $10 PURCHASE QUALIFIES YOU FOR M l COUPONS. Ingredients • 1-1/4 cups (300 m L) w hole w heat flour • 1 tablespoon (15 m L) sugar • 1 teaspoon (5 m L) baking pow der • 1/2 teaspoon (2 m L ) baking soda • l-l/4 c u p s (3 0 0 m L ) butterm ilk (or 1 cup yogurt m ixed w ith 1/4 cup m ilk) • 2 tablespoons (30 m L) vegetable oil • 1 egg • V egetable oil for griddle • M aple syrup or fresh fruit 12-oz. cans. 4 FOR $1 2 Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Otegon. ■ ■ Club b r i« S t o u ffe r' s M e a ls 610 12 625 « a î Selected varieties SAVE acto 91t Jumbo Raw or Cooked Shrimp Signature Cafe* Chicken Wings Club b r i» 16to20-d. Raw Gulf Or 26 to 30-d Cooked Previously Frozen !W äw-i j ; ! t im ex Se«Min«K SAEatSMto 24-Pack Coors, Bud, Miller, 30-Pack Keystone or Busch 14 to 32.7-oz Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2 00 lay's or Rold Gold Î05 to 11 or Lay’s » J» l6 -w told Gold jeiedfd « « « s . SAVE it «¡52II 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon D a iry G le n M ilk Gallon. W hole, 2% , 1% o r Fat Free. Club Prie* SAFEW AY S COUPON Valid thru 2/BJ11 S A F E W A Y S COUPON Valid thru 2/1711 S A F E W A Y 2 99 ■ ■ Valid thru 2*11 Club b r i » 000000206419 ea WTKGWOUíC coceo* ■n auo ma ( « « • ■ Î.Muu.ïSX», ■ Johnsonville E Bratw urst or Italian Sausage HTS-at Sekt«) Imus S COUPON «»Ms, ■HMM w ouciwcoun* --- ,- * W — T illa m o o k C hunk C heese ilo : MvdujmCnr, limi 2 -_-z " « , < jt ' ‘ — 9.991b waterfront c lumbo Coeked Shrinp --------- ç 21 m 75