Februaiy 2, 2011 ----------------------- Portland Observer B lack H ¡Story M onth Happy 99th Birthday! Zelma Scarborough sends out a thank you to everyone who made her 99th birthday a wonderful memory. The longtime Portland resident celebrated her birthday on Jan. 22 with a luncheon with her family and friends which was enjoyed by all. She was bom in 1912, in Yazoo City, Miss., the fifth child of 10 sib­ lings. She has two sib­ lings left, a brother, O.D. Richardson and sister, Cornelia Mont­ gomery, both living in Portland. She graduated from Magnolia high School in Vicksburg, Miss., and later moved to Portland in 1942 to work at the shipyards. She then worked until retirement at Emanuel Hospital. The wife of the Ute founder of Scarborough Oil, she now spends her time knitting and watch- Zelma Scarborough celebrates her 99th ing sports, especially the birthday. Trail Blazers. She is a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Zelma thanks her sister Cornelia and daughters for planning her wonderful birthday celebration. She also gives heartfelt memories of her son, Ed Scarborough and sister, Ardean White, both who passed away last year. Page 23 The PORTLAND WATER BUREAU CELEBRATES Black History Month FEBRUARY 2011 In 1926, African American REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING historian Carter G. Woodson single-handedly pioneered the is celebration of "Negro History LENA HORNE Week", for the second week in February, to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA B. tJ X SPIKE LEE and Frederick Douglass. The week was later extended to the full month of February and renamed Black History Month. OPRAH WINFREY PORTLAND WATER BUREAU FROM FO R FST TO FAUCET 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 600 Portland, Oregon 97204 503-823-7404 www.portlandoregon.gov/water Randy Leonard, Commissioner David G. Shaff, Administrator FREE Y O U R H O M E . Whether you're living in a farmhouse, a bungalow or an apartment, your path to reducing your energy costs is eaeter than ever at energytrust.org/free. Get started with an Energy Saver Kit, a Home Energy Review or Fridge Recycling. This is new. This is now. This is free. Log onto energytrust.org/free or call 1.866.368.7878. Serving custom ers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, N W N atural and Cascade N atural Gas. EnergyTrust of Oregon