Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 02, 2011, Black History Month, Page 21, Image 21

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    February 2. 2011
C lassified
/ B ids
with diversity
^ P o rtla n d
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Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
The Oregon Attorney Assistance
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Page 21
Portland Observer B lack H iStO iy M o n th
B arbara Fishleder, Executive D irector
Oregon Attorney Assistance Program
P.O. Box 231600
Tigard, OR 97281-1800
Film Director Opens Festival
from front
have (he opportunity to meet the
director and learn about his artis­
tic process, his vision and the
cultural foundation of his work.
Every year, the Cascade Festi­
val of African Films attracts more
and more visitors to its nearly two-
dozen film showings.
Last year, a record 5,500 people
attended the festival and, since its
inception in 1991, more than 54,000
film enthusiasts have attended films.
The festival is offered to the public
free of charge and at convenient
locations that include: PCC’s Cas­
cade Campus,705 N. Killingsworth
St., The Hollywood Theatre and
McMenamins Kennedy School,
5736N.E. 33rd Ave.
“The purpose of the festival is
to educate people about Africa
through films by Africans and to
build com m unity by bringing
people together to view African
films and discuss issues of signifi­
cance,” said native South African
Mary Holmström, a co-founder and
organizer of the film festival.
“The festival has become a well-
established Portland community
event with a growing audience
each year,” Holmström said. “It in­
cludes African expatriates looking
for community, African Americans
drawn to African issues, students
from local colleges and high schools,
academics, retirees, returning Peace
Corps volunteers who are seeking
ways to share their knowledge and
experiences with other Americans,
and community members with an
interest in diversity and cross-cul­
tural experiences.”
In addition to Haroun’s visit, PCC
will welcome directors Cambria
Matlow and Demetrius Wren to the
festival to present their documenta­
Matlow will show her film, “Burn­
ing in the Sun,” on Thursday, Feb
17. It documents a young m an’s
journey to improve the lives of those
in his homeland, in Mali, by building
solar panels.
ren will present his documen­
tary, “Streetball,” on Thursday, Feb.
24. “Streetball” is a documentary
about soccer’s Homeless World
Cup, following the South African
homeless team through selection,
training and competitions in 2008
and 2009.
The Cascade Festival of African
Films has expanded from an initial
four-film program to an annual of­
fering of 20 to 25 feature and docu­
mentary films.
Popular festival events include
the Opening Night Gala, the Thurs­
day Evening Documentary Series,
Family Film Day and Women Film­
makers Week. An important off­
shoot of the festival is the African
Film Collection in the Portland Com­
munity College Library, where all of
the videos and DVDs purchased by
the festival are housed. It is one of
the largest collections of African
films in the Pacific Northwest and is
accessible to students, faculty and
the public.
Plus, the popular Family Film Day
will highlight the film, “White Lion,”
directed by Michael Swan from
South Africa. It features a rare white
lion’s struggle to survive alone on
the African plains, and a young
boy’s determination to protect him
at all costs. Baba Wagué Diakité of
Mali, artist and author, will serve as
host and storyteller.
A nd, on the last w eekend,
Women Filmmakers Week show­
cases films from Uganda, South
Africa, Kenya, Ghana and Mali.
For m ore inform ation, visit
Application (leadline February 1 1 ,2 0 1 1 .
S o u th 2 0 0 t h
SeaTac, WA 9 8 1 8 8
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No telephone calls please.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Portland Development Commission
Request for Proposals # 10-19
Foster-Lents Integration Partnership Investment Strategy
Proposals due February 25, 2011 by 2:00 PM (Pacific)
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is seeking sealed
competitive proposals from qualified and experienced firms or
tea m s fo r the d e ve lo p m e n t of a w ork plan and p o ssib le
im plem entation of the Foster-Lents Integration Partnership
Investment Strategy. The full RFP can be downloaded from the PDC
website at http://pdc.us/rfpl019. A voluntary pre-proposal meeting
for the RFP will be held on February 1 0 , 2 0 1 1 a t 9 : 0 0 A M (P a c ific ).
Instructions for attendance at the meeting can be found in Section
1.5 of the RFP. Proposals must be received no later than the
proposal due date and time listed above at 222 NW 5th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97209. Fax, oral, or email proposals will not be
accepted. Direct all questions regarding this RFP to Daniel Spero,
503-823-3291 (direct) or sperod@pdc.us (email). PDC encourages
participation of M/W/ESB firms in this and all contract opportunities.
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