Portland Observer Black History Month February 2, 2011 IS ALWAYS BETTER SHARED 6,aUc tticiorij Month is all about celebrating a rich heritage. A i we re fle c t on our past and marvel a t how fa r w & ’v'e- come, i t ’s important to share w ith the- nett generation F K 3 I V And when i t comes to Spending. quality A Ai 1 k tim e w ith family, Arnfrafc. is d e fin ite ly th e way to go. W iih Service to over “5 0 0 destinations nationwide, it's a g re a t way to Share history and make history. FOR IN FO R M A TIO N CALL 1 -8 0 0 -U S A -R A IL OR V IS IT US ON THE WEB AT AM TRAK.COM B II N l f < » — W \ 1 1 J ai •Children ages M 5 receive a 50% discount ott the regular full adult rail tare Up to two children per paid adult Otter not valid on all ■trams or at all tunes Other restrictions may apph Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation PHOTO BY GARY PARCAVAGE Amtrak.com