Page 16 The Portland Observer Black History Month Must Sell Packers, Steelers set to Battle Sunday Brand New Hovaround Motorized Chair Both teams have Oregon connections $1400 or best offer Call George at (503) 284-9906 (503) 449-9770 Bishop H. L. I lodge, Ph.D. In Concert Sunday Sunday F eb ru ary 13, 201 I F eb ru ary 13, 201 1 At At 3 : 0 0 PM 3 :0 0 PM C u ff P fenning T he P ortland O bserver by Presented by Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “An Interdenominational Church” Concordia University Campus - Luther Hall (One Block North of Ainsworth St.) (27th dfcj Holman) Portland, OR. 97211 Church Phone (503) 863-6545 A ssociated Press D efensive Player o f the Y ear on M onday. Polom alu g ra d u a te d fro m D o u g la s H ig h School in southern O regon. R odgers attended P o rtlan d ’s J e ­ suit H igh School for a term before his fam ily m oved to C hico, C alif., w here he d eveloped into a standout q u arterb ack and played at the U ni­ versity o f C alifornia. H e threw for 3,922 yards and 28 touchdow ns this season as the Packers finished 10-6. T he P ackers are led defensively by linebacker C lay M atthew s, w ho w as a finalist for D efensive Player o f ■ww '«i i iwmaimm w SPORTS BRIEFS by C u f f P henning Benson Hoops on Roll B enson w on its 11th straight boys basketball gam e Saturday, 98-58 over Franklin, and rem ained No. 5 in C lass 5 A. T he T ech m en entered the w eek atop the PIL at 7-0 in league gam es. R oosevelt, N o. 6 in C lass 4 A, lost to C lass 6 A G rant, 59-56, as p art o f th ree g am e lo sin g skid. M arshall had a five-gam e w inning w on 11 o f its previous 12 gam es. T he C ougars are aim ing fo r their first trip to the state tournam ent. S t Mary's Chases Title PSU wins Dam Cup St. M ary ’s entered the w eek w ith a six-gam e w inning streak and was atop the M t. H ood C onference h av ­ ing lost ju s t tw ice this season. T he B lues h a v en ’t play ed in the state Portland State rallied from an 18-point deficit to beat Eastern W ashington 77-70 in w om en’s basketball T hurs­ day, w hich earned the school the first D am Cup, a new cham pionship series to build rivalry betw een the Big Sky Conference schools. The V iking men lost against the Eagles. to u rn am en t since 2004. P ortland A dventist entered the w eek at N o. 6 in C lass 3 A g irls ’ basketball having Y o u r C are (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14) visit our website at: Registration available on-line beginning January 22, 2011 Ages Major 10- 12 13- 14 Junior 8 - 10 Questions contact: M ark W ashington - 503-288-0033 Regular Sign-ups $64/T-Ball, $74 All other levels This fee includes the pepperoni fund raiser. Sell one hag of pepperoni and get $24 o ff fee. Each bag contains 24 sticks THURSDAYS at Boys and Girls Club 5250 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd January 27. February’ 10 and Februarv 17 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm markw@portlandobserver com Items to bring to sign-ups: Birth Certificate Proof of Address Doctor Insurance Information Plaver Fee SATURDAYS at Peninsula Park Community Center 700 Rosa Parks Wav January 29. February 12 and February 26 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Our First Priority Baseball Program Level T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior f Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician i Questions contact Jjay Lincoln ~ jerrylincoln38@gmail.coni We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) Registration forms can be completed in advance by downloading from our website. L in k League Baseball, Incorporated doe* not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference or religious preference. K N H R W m aH M N H M streak snapped by a 50-49 loss at C ro o k C ounty Friday, but entered the w eek at No. 10 in C lass 4A. Peninsula Little League 2011 Level Minor the Year. M atthew s, w ho led a poll am ong voters on for D efen­ sive PO Y , is the old er b rother o f C asey M atthew s, a standout line­ backer for the U niversity o f O regon. G reen Bay, w hich has w on three S u p er B ow ls since the N ational Football League and A m erican Foot­ ball League m erged in 1966, earned a p la y o ff spot on the final w eek o f the reg u lar season and played all three o f its postseason gam es on the road. T he P ackers are favored to win by 3 points. O n e -tim e O re g o n ia n A a ro n R odgers w ill lead the G reen Bay Packers against the six-tim e c h am ­ pion Pittsburgh S teelers in the S u ­ p er B ow l Sunday in D allas, T exas. M ore than 100,000 fans are e x ­ pected for the gam e, w hich annually attracts the largest television au d i­ ence o f any program w orldw ide. The gam e can be seen on the FO X N et­ w ork ( K PTV C hannel 12) w ith kick­ o ff set fo r 3 :2 9 p .m . Pittsburgh is playing in its third Super Bow l in six years having w on in 2006 o v er the Seattle Seahaw ks and 2009 o v er the A rizona C ard i­ n a ls . Q u a r te r b a c k B en R oethlisberger, w ho sat out the first six gam es o f the season due to a leag u e-im p o sed suspension, threw for 3,200 yards and 17 touchdow ns as the Steelers finished 12-4. He guided the team to its previous tw o S u p er B ow l titles. T he Steelers are also led by safety T roy Polam alu, w ho w as nam ed the Super Bowl XLV kicks o ff Sunday at 3 :2 9 p.m. in Dallas, Texas. aHM M M M M aO TM Hnn Softball Program February 2, 2011 w • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140