February 2, 2011 The Portland Observer Black History Month Page 15 Super Saturday Kicks Off Tax Season Nc Free help and advice on Earned Income Tax Credit Key Bank is teaming up with the non-profit CASH Oregon and AARP to provide free tax preparation on what it is promoting as “Super Re­ fund Saturday” Feb. 5 at Lloyd Cen­ ter. The free event will run from 9 a.m. to4 p.m. in Suite 2010. A primary target is help with ba­ sic assistance on tax preparation, but there’s also assistance with tak­ ing advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit. The EITC was established to pro­ vide tax relief for low income citizens and can turn into a refund between $457 and $5,666. But the credit an­ nually goes unclaimed by as much as a quarter of eligible households. The EITC is calculated according to the number of qualifying children as compared to earned income. Taxpayers with no children still qualify if their income for 2010 was PURE by Ebony You deserve the time of your life. W ant to host a party? C ontact your local C onsultant: Ebony 503 484 3107 • Pureromancebyebony@yahoo com www prbyebony.com Volunteer tax preparers get ready for a surge o f Portlanders seeking help with the tax forms. From left are Jose Soto, Marya Gonzalez and Jerald Robinson, all with KeyBank; and Camille McDonald with CASH Oregon. less than $ 13,460. Families with three or more children making less than $48,362 would earn $5,666. Those interested in attending Saturday’s event or future CASH Oregon tax help dates should bring all documents relating to filing a tax return, including W-2 forms, 1099 forms, unemployment forms, proof of child care payments, Social Secu­ rity card for yourself and each de­ pendent, other IRS forms as appro­ priate, bank account information, valid photo ID and your previous year’s tax return. CASH Oregon (Creating Assets, Savings, Hope) was established to provide free tax preparation for resi­ dents of Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington County. The organization is sponsoring a second tax help day on Thursday, Feb. 1 Oat the Northside Family Sup­ port Center, 7650N. Commercial Ave. Additional events are also sched­ uled through April 16 with more information available on the website cashoregon.org or call 2-1 -1. pureromance.com Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service Portland Congress Cantor 1 0 0 1 2 W Fifth Avonuo. 2to 1 1 0 0 . Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 Phono: 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 7 9 0 Fax: 1 + 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 8 1 5 www.hodgocounsoling.com Email: hodgohspka@msn.com Dr. H. L. Hodgo. Ph.D. Licensed Christian Counselor Counseling God's Way Services Include: • Relationship Specialist • Stress Management • Grief Counseling • PTSD • Motivational Speaker Ehe African American Men's CCu6, Inc. * Annual * Eafentine (Dinner Dance Gutierrez Join us for an receive your Mirade Saturday, Eebruary 12, 2011 E f r ’s Lodge 6 North EiCCamoo^St., (PortCand, Oregon 9 PM -1 A M (jood Music v 50/50 Split Kftfte r Pun fo r A d V New Song Community Center 2511NE MIK Blvd. Corner of NE MIK Blvd and Russell street _______ Doors open at 6pm for every service. For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 or log on to w vtfw .m f h m p o r tla n d .c o m A fte r Pive A ttire y Tickets: $15.00 - avaiCabCe at: AAM C Club Members * Ethj Lodge 503-284 4853 Cannon's Rib ‘Express 503-288-3836 One Stop Music, Inc. 503-284-8103 Cjeneva's Shear Perfection 503-285-1159 James and Johnnie Mae Mayfield ("Vancouver) 360-576-8519 V Music (By (DJ (Papa Chuc^ If Proceeds to benefit the AAM C Scholarship Program The African American Men's Club is a non-profit organization