January 26, 2011 Œlye sportiani» ©bocrucr Beyond Obama Care Canada, according to public in­ c o n t i n u e d f r o m front formation, spends less on health opposition and get our message care coverage as a portion of its into the mainstream. First, though, Gross Domestic Product than the we need to convince people there’s U.S. Even spending less, the single­ a need for reform.” payer system allows for coverage of More than 120 people have reg­ basic dental, vision, long-term, even istered for the conference, which mental health care for all citizens. begins at 8 a.m. and is scheduled to Almost 90 percent o f Canadians last much of the day. Registration is feel their single-payer system pro­ a v a ila b le fo r $20 at vides quality care, according to at singlepayeroregon.org. least one well-respected poll. A simi­ Single-payer health care has been lar poll in the U.S. put citizen happi­ a divisive issue for social reformers, ness at around 30 percent. but reached a new level of debate Many other nations, even those during the first two years of Presi­ without single-payer systems, also dent Barack Obama’s administra­ spend less on health care. tion while it worked to pass a na­ “Our health-care system is No. tional health care bill. 37 in the world in terms of quality, A significant part of the Patient and we pay more than many other Protection and Affordable Care Act, countries for that care,” says Pat fre q u e n tly refe rred to as Eck, an educator who is one of the “ObamaCare,” took away the ability conference organizers. “So we pay of insurance companies to deny more for less service. It makes you coverage based on a pre-existing wonder why we’re supporting a condition. Those involved in sup­ failed system?” port of single-payer coverage see While the Obama reforms didn’t “O bam aC are” as an im portant include a single-payer system at the steppingstone to future reform. national level, it did open a path for “The Health Care bill added a bit states to create their own system. of kerosene to the fire,” says Metz, Conyers has introduced HR 676, who is an anesthesiologist, “but which would create a single-payer there’s still a lot of halfway inter­ system, in each Congressional ses­ ested people who don't know what sion starting in 2003. (single-payer) means.” “While the reform that was passed Metz says Canada's single payer by Congress (in 2010) is the first system and simple economics are national commitment to providing two of the best resources reformers meaningful access to healthcare, have. Conyers wrote on his congressional T he C an ad ian g o v ern m en t web site, “ I believe that a single­ handles payment for virtually all the payer, universal healthcare system cost of basic health care for all citi­ is the only way we can truly reshape zens. Citizens fund the system by our broken healthcare system.” paying higher taxes, which replace Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physi­ premiums paid to insurance compa­ cians for a National Health Program, nies. Social reformers promote the is another headline speaker at single-payer system as providing Saturday’s conference. the same basic care available in the While the purpose of the meet­ U.S., but at a reduced cost because ing might be viewed as promoting the profit margin insurance compa­ single-payer coverage to the pub­ nies need to survive are eliminated. lic, Metz says the first goal is to pool A man who died from a shooting early Monday outside J D's Bar and Grill, a strip club located at 4523 N.E. 60th Ave., has been identified as Deon Moisan, 24 of northeast Portland. Two other shooting victims in the apparent gang-related altercation were identified as Joe Barker, 26, who was shot in the arm, and Jontae Dean, 30, who was shot in the chest, Portland police said. Shortly after the l a.m. shooting, Gresham Police officers detained Micah Murphy two men after stopping their suspect vehicle near Northeast 18 1 st Av­ enue and Halsey Street. Nathan Geigle, 37, and Micah Murphy, 27, each were booked into jail on parole violation warrants. No charges have been filed in connection Nathan Geigle with the homicide. • I 1 the experience of those who’ve reg­ istered and produce a strategy for fostering public debate, especially with a bill promoting single-payer care potentially headed for the Or­ egon Legislature. State Rep. Michael Dembrow and Sen. Chip Shields, both residents of northeast Portland, have publicly said they will introduce such a bill that would make Oregon the first state to create its own single-payer system. Were a single-payer plan some­ how passed in Oregon, it would still need support at the federal level and then years of legal wrangling to negotiate current federal programs. Metz says more than anything, the mission of statewide health re­ form is simply to get attention. “What we’re hoping for from the Oregon Legislature is that this bill gets a public hearing and we have an opportunity to talk for 10 minutes about a single-payer system,” he says. “We want to present the prob­ lem, our solution and how we can get there.” MMWICewCWfcines "An Interdenominational C hurch" I II o V < > i CHURCH THEME: Reaching Teaching Preaching Relevance in 2011 ( ; o 5*> l> < i < l k Siiafivp W. £,. <£ ¿Zect £ody Fcvdean 31 Wedge .faate>il:TeucAe>tl3ieouta(ht S u ndays: W orsh ip S e r v ice — 1 2 :0 0 -2 :0 0 P.M. B ible S tu d y — W e d n e sd a y s— 6 :0 0 — 8:30P .M . “S p e c ia l S e r v ic e ” O u r o w n B is h o p H . L. H o d g e [n c o n c e r t , F e b r u a r y 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 a t 3:O O pm in L u th e r H a ll o n C o n c o r d ia c a m p u s . E v e r y o n e is in v ite d !!! 3% Location: Concordia University Campus 2800 NE Liberty (The GRW Library, room 303) Portland, OR. 97211 To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or hodgehspks@ m sn.com www.nwvoiceforchrist.com ■ Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled sta ff are ready to help those in need THE SPINAICQLUMN Man Killed Outside Strip Club Two arrested after suspect vehicle stopped Page 9 TM An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession P a rti: CHIROPRACTORS: Justhowqualifiedaie they to take care of your health? I know that physicians need four full years of medical school to become doctors. How much training do Chiropractors actually get? : Following our under-gradu­ ate college training, Chiro­ practors must also complete extremely demanding four-year curriculum. By the time we gradu­ ate, w e’ve received a degree of competency in anatomy, chemis­ try, bacteriology, toxicology, pa­ thology, physiology, diagnosis and x-ray. In fact, today’s doctor of Chiropractic have as many hours of government approved classes in these health-related subjects as A any doctor graduating from medi­ care? cal school. Most importantly for : It varies from one insurance you, we also spend fo u r fu ll years carrier to another. But for studying the spine, joint relation­ many people, Chiropractic care ships and adjustment procedures. is covered. Check with your W hat’s more. Chiropractors stay c o m p a n y ’s personnel d ep art­ up to date with the latest health ment. Or feel free to call us. In an developments by attending fact, for answ ers to any ques­ care on-going seminars. tions you might have about your : Will my health insurance health, ju st call us at the num ber help me pay for Chiropractic below. Q Flowers* Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon97212 Phone: (503) 287*5504