January 26, 2011 PURE Benson Rebounds C? O lnsvt& 'vC C ' by Ebony in 2008-09 and finished last in the five-team PIL. Tech im proved to ished in the top four o f the 10- 15-9 last year, but still m issed the team PIL and qualified for the Class playoffs. 4A state playoffs 24 tim es in 26 A fter a sum m er o f continued years through 2006. Tech played progress, the Techm en are again for the state title in 1998 and 2001, connecting with the program 's and finished fourth in 2005 and winning tradition. '06. “We know the last time the team Only Jefferson, with 22 trips to won a title is 1990,” says senior the state playoffs, is close among guard A ndrew A ndrew s. “We schools at all classifications dur- think we can do it this year. ing the same period. “Our practices have been pretty After playoffberths in 2007 and light so far, but w e’re starting to 08 at Class 6A, Benson went 3-16 pick that up. Once we get more continued You deserve the lime of your life. Want to host a party? Contact your local Consultant: Ebony 503.484.3107 • Pureromancebyebony@yahoo.com www prbyebony com & A- pureromance.com J PAY from page 3 consistent, w e’ll be ready.” Andrews, a 6-foot-2 guard, is a key to the team ’s success having im proved the past year into a Pac- 10 Conference signee. Andrews is headed to the U niversity o f W ashington after playing at a prep school in New Ham pshire next season. Along with Andrews and Carter, a5 -l 1 guard,6-4juniorBryce White helps power the team ’s aggressive defense that’s outscored its first six league opponents by an average of 17 points. YOU' B Blazers Start Key Stretch will be decided Thursday as the two schools play one another in m en’s and w om en’s basketball. PSU is leading the Dam Cup series with a 7-6 advantage in winning games over their Big Sky Conference rival. The men play at EWU, while the PSU women are at home at the Stott Center. The Portland Trailblazers will get a good test of their overall strength in the coming week as they play the top teams in the NBA back-to-back at the Rose Garden. Portland plays host to Boston which sits atop the East­ ern Conference on Thursday, then gets four days off before W estern C onference-leading San Antonio visits. The Blazers Williams Boosts Clackamas then play at Northwest Division Jefferson graduate T arrence Western Union • Utility Payments We cash Williams is helping Clackamas rival Denver, Feb. 2. Money Orders • Prepaid Debit Cards all checks Community College’s wrestling Bragging Rights at PSU team stay atop the National Jun­ A competition established this ior College rankings this season. 5132 NE MLK Blvd. (503)284-2277 year between Portland State and The Cougars are ranked No. 1 1724 NE Broadway (503) 288-8845 Eastern Washington University and recently won the national junior college dual meet title. Wil 1 iams, who usually competes at 165 pounds, has signed a letter of intent to attend Oregon State (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14) next season. visit our website at: www.eteamz.active.com/peninsulalittleleague iC H EC K CENTERS Special Rates on Tax Refunds Low Fee Check Cashing Peninsula Little League 2011 R egistration available o n -lin e b eg in n in g January 22, 2011 Softball Program Level Minor Major Junior Ages 8 - 10 10- 12 13- 14 Questions contact: Mark Washington 503-288-0033 Regular Sign-ups $64/T-Ball, $74 All other levels This fee includes the pepperoni fund raiser. Sell one bag of pepperoni and get $24 off fee. Each bag contains 24 sticks THURSDAYS at Bovs and Girls Club 5250 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd January 27. February 10 and Februarv 17 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm m ark w@ port lan ¿observer com Items to bring to sign-ups: Birth Certificate Proof of Address Doctor Insurance Information Plaver Fee SATURDAYS at Peninsula Park Community Center 700 Rosa Parks Way January 29. February 12 and February 26 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Scholarships Available Baseball Program Level T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior Ages 5 - 6 7- 8 8 - 10 10-12 13-14 Questions con tact: Jjay Lincoln ~ jerrylincoln38@ gmail.com Registration forms can be completed in advance by downloading from our website. Little l eague Baseball, Incorporated does not limit participation in its activ ities on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference or religious preference. A p p lic a tio n s fo r the M ac MacTarnahan Scholarship are being accepted through April 30 for high school seniors with ath­ letic accomplishments. Up to six, $2,000 scholarships will be awarded based on GPA, SAT score, athletic achievements and community involvement. Appli­ c a tio n s are a v a ila b le by contacting the Oregon Sports H all of F am e at info@oregonsportshall.org. Terrence Jones Excels Je ffe rso n H igh g ra d u a te Terrence Jones scored 14 points and grabbed seven rebounds as the U niversity o f K entucky m e n ’s basketball team beat South Carolina 67-58 Saturday and improved to 15-4 overall. Jones scored 35 points in a win over Auburn before 23,000 fans on Jan. 11 and was named South­ eastern Conference Player of the Week. He leads the SEC in rebounding at 8.9 per game, is second in scoring at 18.3 per game and leads the conference in free throw attempts. Ken­ tucky plays host to Georgia Sat­ urday at 1 p.m. on ESPN. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com