Page 16 (Che Fortiani» (Obstruer C lassified / B ids SUB BIDS REQUESTED Oregon State Hospital - Salem Bid Package #10B.l Flooring & Window Treatment (Rebid) Bridge Maintenance Mechanic M ultnom ah C o u n ty’s D epartm ent o f C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s h a s a vacancy for an experienced journey level m e c h a n ic to re s p o n d to em ergencies, perform repairs and m a in t e n a n c e , c o m p le te in s p e c t io n s and m ake m odifications and im provem ent to the C o d n ty’s steel, concrete, and w ood bridges. Bridge Maintenance M echanics w o rk on o p e r a tio n m achinery, gears, bearing, brakes h y d ra u lic s y s te m s , e x p a n s io n jo in ts, decks, rails and all bridge o p e r a t io n s y s t e m s . These m e c h a n ic s p e rfo rm s tre n u o u s m anual labor either individually or a s a m e m b e r o f a c re w . Th e successful candidate will have the a b ility to perform all the essential fu n c tio n s o f th e p o sitio n in all w eather conditions, in heavy traffic cond ition s, and at h eights up to 160 feet. D eadline to a p p ly is 1/ 2 8 / 1 1 . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e e s s e n t ia ls a n d q u a lif ic a t io n s , v is it w w w .m u ltc o io b s .o rg . S e e jo b #60 6 0 -0 7 EOE Bids Due: February 8th at 2:00 PM Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or w w w (Public Planroom ) Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon M ultnom ah C o u n ty's D epartm ent o f C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s h a s a vacancy for an experienced journey level m e c h a n ic to re s p o n d to em ergencies, perform repairs and m a in t e n a n c e , c o m p le te in s p e c t io n s and m ake m odifications and im provem ent to the C o u n ty’s steel, concrete, and w ood bridges. Bridge Maintenance M echanics w o rk on o p e r a tio n m achinery, gears, bearing, brakes h y d ra u lic s y s te m s , e x p a n s io n jo in ts, decks, rails and all bridge o p e r a t io n s y s t e m s . These m e c h a n ic s p e rfo rm s tre n u o u s m anual labor either individually or a s a m e m b e r o f a c re w . T h e successful candidate will have the a b ility to perform all the e ssential fu n c tio n s o f th e p o sitio n in all w eather conditions, in heavy traffic conditions, and at heights up to 160 feet. D eadline to a p p ly is 1/ 2 8 / 1 1 . For m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e e s s e n t ia ls a n d q u a lif ic a t io n s , v is it w w w .m u ltc o io b s .o rg . S e e jo b #6060-07 EOE S u h s c rih p l O U U d tllu C ’ 503 288 0033 F ill O u t & Send To: I I JInrtlanb (Dhserber I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I $60.00 for 6 months • $110.00 for 1 year • $200.00 for 2 years I (please include check with this subscription form) I I N ame : _______________ ______________ __ I T elephone : ___________ _____________ __ I I A ddress : ___________________ I I or email Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 SUB-BIOS REQUESTED We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including Powell Butte Reservoir 2 Phase 2—Project No. WD1343 disadvantaged. minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet P o rtla n d , O R The City of Portland’s Bureau of Transportation. O p tio n s Division, is se ekin g to hire a part- tim e (5 0 % ), L im ite d T e rm , Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Specialist I to jo b -s h a re a single position within the bureau's S a fe R o u te s to S c h o o l (S R 2 S ) Program . For m ore inform ation, or to a p p ly o n -lin e p le a s e g o to w w w .p ortland orego Successful Forex Agent n e e d s Online Personal Assistant / Payroll Manager .M ust have access to internet and m ust at least be an high school g ra d u a te . For m ore details on the jo b send resum e /cover le t t e r to h rte am 0 0 4 2 @ att.n et CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON INVITATION TO BID 112TH AVENUE OPERATION, ITS IMPROVEMENT AND INCIDENT MANAGEMENT N otice is hereb y given that the C ity of Vancouver, W ash in g-d o n , will receive sealed bids up to the hour o f 11:00 a.m ., Pacific Local Tim e, Tuesday, February 15,2011, and publicly opened and read aloud at that tim e on the sam e day in the P rocurem ent S ervices C onference Room, 610 Esther Street, 2nd Floor, Vancouver, W ashington, for the follow ing: Bridge Maintenance Mechanic January 26, 2011 This contract provides for the installation of new local traffic signal controllers, modifications to existing traffic signal cabinets, high-speed Ethernet data communications over a combination of fiber optic cable and copper twisted pair cable, and new communications infrastructure where existing gaps are present, all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. B id din g d o cum e nts m ay be exam ined in O w n e r’s office, C ity of Vancouver, W ashington, P rocurem ent S e rvice s, 610 Esther St, 1st Floor, Vancouver W ashington. B idding docum ents m ay be obtained fro m th e B u ild e r’s E xc h a n g e o f W a s h in g to n w e b s ite , h ttp :/ / bxw . Click on Posted Projects, Public W orks, City of Vancouver an d P ro je c ts B id d in g lin k s. T h e s e a re a v a ila b le fo r v ie w in g , d o w n loa d in g and p rinting at yo u r own e quipm ent free o f charge. You m ay also link to the B uilder’s Exchange w ebsite through the City o f V a n co u ve r’s Projects C u rrently out for Solicitation page. It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to learn of Addendum , if any. Such inform ation m ay be obtained from the B u ild er’s Exchange of W ash ington (B XW A) w eb site, h ttp ://b xw a .com . Click on Posted Projects, Public W orks, City of Van cou ver and Projects Bidding links; h o w e v e r th e so le re s p o n s ib ility fo r o b ta in in g an d le a rn in g o f A ddendum belongs to the Bidder. The City o f Vancouver accepts no responsibility or liability and will provide no accom m odation to bidders w ho fail to check for addendum s and subm it inadequate or incorrect resp onses. Bids shall be in accordance with the specifications and other contract docum ents on file in Procurem ent Services, phone (360) 619-1030. Bid results m ay be obtained within 24 hours after the bid opening by a cce ssin g ou r w ebsite, show n above. All bids shall be delivered to the attention of the Procurem ent Services Bid Date: February 15, 2011 @ 2:00 PM We are accepting quotes for the following services/supplies. We will divide the work into feasible units and will assist with bonds, etc.: Traffic Control: Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control; Temporary fending; Removal, salvage and disposal; Gates and fenc­ ing. Permanent traffic control signs, posts, and pavement markings; Electrical services Mechanical and HVAC services; Fiber services: Construction of Interpretive Center- Miscellaneous Park Center Improvements; Construction of Maintenance building and yard. Construction of Single Family Residence: Park trails and landscaping Site Planting and Mitigation; Water proofing; Rebar; and Structural Concrete. Kiew it Infrastructure West Co. Federal Way Office: 33455 6th Ave. S Federal Way, WA 98003(253) 943-4200 FAX:(253) 943-4021 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including all Minority. Woman Business Enterpnses. and all Emerging Small Businesses 10170242 CCB #63471 Manager, City of Vancouver, P. 0. Box 1995, Vancouver, W ashington 986 6 8 or 610 Esther Street, 1st Floor. Bids shall be placed in an envelope which is sealed and which cle a rly states the nam e of the bidder, the date o f the bid opening, and appropriate w ord in g to indicate definitely the nature of the contents. Do not send bids by FAX or email. Bids subm itted via FAX or em ail will not be accepted. The C ity o f Van cou ver in accordance with Title VI o f the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2 000d to 2 0 0 0 d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, D epartm en t o f Transportation, subtitle A, O ffice o f the Secretary, Part 21, no ndiscrim ination in fed erally assisted program s o f the D e pa rtm en t o f Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders th a t it will affirm atively insure th a t in an y contract entered into p ursuant to this advertisem ent, d isad vantaged business en te rp rise s will be afforded full opportunity to subm it bids in response to this invitation and will not be discrim inated against on the grou n d s o f race, color or national origin in consideration for an aw ard. The City of Vancouver is com m itted to providing equal opportunities to State o f W a sh in gto n c e rtifie d M inority, D isa d va n ta g e d and W om en's Business Enterprises in con tra ctin g activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56, Laws of 1 9 7 5 ,1 st Ex. Sess., State o f W ashington). All bid proposals m ust be accom panied by a bid proposal dep osit in cashier s check, or surety bond in an am o u n t equal to five percent (5%) o f the am ount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidd er fail to e n te r into such co n tra ct and furnish sa tisfa cto ry perform ance bond within the tim e stated in the sp ecifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City o f Vancouver. The City of Van cou ver reserves the right to cancel this invitation or reject any and all bids subm itted or to w aive any m inor form alities of this call if in the ju d g m e n t of the City Council the best interest o f the City would be served. No bidder m ay withdraw his/her bid after the hour set for the opening th e re o f, un less th e aw a rd o f c o n tra ct is d e la ye d fo r a p eriod I exce ed in g forty-five (45) days. If it is determ ined to be in th e best interest of the city, the city reserves the right to request an extension o f bid prices du rin g the review process. Anna L. Vogel Procurem ent Services Supervisor