Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 2011, Page 11, Image 11

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    ®lf* Ç ortlanh (Observer
January 26, 2011
Page II
________ A W ,
Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Unearthed
Exhibit brings
artifacts, real
covers the floor, introducing
geographical data and key ar­
chaeological sites, including
those of the archaeologists fea­
tured in Lost Egypt.
A model of an archaeologi­
cal field site in Egypt encour­
ages visitors to explore the
tools, techniques, sciences, and
technologies used at the Lost
City of the Pyram id Builders
site on the G iza Plateau.
Visitors can learn about why
the Egyptians m um m ified their
dead and their beliefs about
the afterlife in an area d edi­
cated to ancient Egyptian cul­
ture; and a laboratory will al­
low visitors to explore how
m odern science and technol­
ogy and help them understand
human mummies, animal m um­
mies, and artifacts from an­
cient Egypt.
Through cutting-edge modem
technology, the Oregon Museum
of Science and Industry will take
visitors on ajourney back in time
to experience the mysteries and
wonders of ancient Egypt like
never before in the new exhibi­
tion, Lost Egypt: Ancient Se­
crets, M odem Science, opening
Saturday, Jan. 29.
Lost Egypt is an im m ersive
quest for know ledge that fea­
tures hands-on challenges, au­ Sculptures of four women who lived in Upper Egypt between 2,200 and 2,900 years ago were
thentic artifacts, and guidance created with scientific data gathered from mummies using the same techniques police use to
from real archaeologists to re­ identify human remains. The display comes to OMSI as part of the exhibit ‘Lost Egypt: Ancient
veal how m odern science and Secrets, Modern Science, opening Saturday, Jan. 29.
technology are used to uncover
and understand the m ysteries
“Lost Egypt makes an unfor­
of Egypt, its culture, and its gettable connection betw een
past and present customs, cul­
Through the generous sup­ tures and sciences,” said OMSI
port o f p re se n tin g sp o n so r president Nancy Stueber. “This
C om cast and supporting spon­ exhibition is particularly inspir­
sors Chevron and Lufthansa ing for young people, illuminat­
G erm an A irlines, OMSI will ing the roles they can play as
host the national touring show future archaeologists, scientists,
through M ay 1.
engineers, technicians, and life­
Lost Egypt features num er­ long learners.”
ous authentic Egyptian artifacts
The exhibition is divided into
including a 2,300-year-oId real four main content areas each
h u m a n m u m m y k n o w n as providing unique insight into
“A nnie,” and her sarcophagus. ancient Egyptian culture and
A lso featured are several ani­ the archeological process.
All freshman students attending Jefferson High School s Middle College for Advanced Studies,
mal m um m ies, forensic facial
An E gyptian street scene
w ill also attend classes at Portland Community College. The program w orks to build a culture
reconstructions o f m um m ified transports visitors to m odern
of success and encourages students to graduate and pursue higher education.
rem ains, and for the first tim e Egypt w here they learn about
College Academic Credit • Finish College Early • Reduce Semester Credit Loads
ever, a life-size rapid proto­ some o f the prom inent arche­
type o f a m um m y in a stage of ologists w orking in Egypt to ­
All Jefferson students w ill also have the privilege of becoming part of the SEI family. SEI
"unw rapping.”
day. A large map o f Egypt
offers w rap around services; tutorial homework support; a one-on-one relationship with
Billboard Ranks Breakout Artists
(AP) — Recording artists who
don't get love from radio can now
get a Billboard ranking.
The m usic industry trade
m a g azin e and w eb site a n ­
nounced Thursday that it is
launching a new chart called
Rankings will be based on a
variety o f factors, including
YouTube clicks, MySpace Mu­
sic page views and Twitter traf­
The artists don't have to be
unsigned, but they must not have
appeared on any of Billboard's
other charts. The first act to get
the No. 1 ranking will be a Cali­
fo rn ia-b ased rapper nam ed
Traphik (traffic).
a school coordinator; and post-high school support networks up to age 25.
Beyond College P reparation...
siuaenis in me Jefferson
A Powerhouse A thletic Program.
boundary have the option to enroll
The Jefferson Dancers. Homecoming.
Don't miss your opportunity.
Prom and Student Government.
Applications due February 28th!
w w w .S e lf E n h a n c e m e n t .o r g I 5 0 3 .2 4 9 .1 7 2 1 e xt. 2 5 7
PARENT INFORMATION N I6 H T S Jefferson High School 6.-30-8PM
January 19th & January 26th