^ortlanh (Observer January 19, 2011 Page 9 I ï J Sr S .lfc SUNDAY MONDAY f x ®; iMf TUESDAY t» WEDNESDAY M THURSDAY il FRIDAY SATURDAY nBBBBR W K M I. New Year's Day Japanese New Year IH h h « Let s Go On a Long Drive Today Show You Can Epiphany Sketch something today Keep Your City Clean S etY ourG oalT oday Jefferson High School N. Portland Library M u ltic u ltu ra l F ilm 5.00-7:30pm 2nd Fir Self Grooming Day Feel Great Today Confess Your Love To Someone «■«■à 12 Doing Nothing 1 Makar Sankranti Pongal 16 Women In Skirt Day 17 Martin Luther King Day 19 1 8 Blind Date Today 20 Speak Up Today Sit Close To Me Today 15 Give Happiness Today 21 Kiss Your Sweetheart/Love Today Wildlife Week 22 NAACP Membership Meeting 12:00pm-2:00pm PCC Cascade Campus Terrell Hall Room 122 Fun At Home Today 23 24 25 I’m always therefor you 26 Indian Republic Day Australia Day Spouse Day 30 31 World Leprosy Day 27 Tell Someone You Like Him/Her Day i 28 29