Page 8 ^Jortlanh (Observer January 19, 2011 Triumphs and Failures Miracle Theatre Group, the North­ through New York and Cuba be­ west premier Latino arts and culture come aquest forcultural integration organization, presents “Duende De and gender acceptance. In the Lorda, an original bilingual play now Americas, he shines like a mad and playing through Saturday, Jan. 22. fiery diamond, fusing his cante jondo T he story c en ters aro u n d with an Afro-Cuban son to create a Federico Garcia Lorca who is cel­ new rhythm of powerfully poetic ebrated the world over for his po­ drama. etry, music and plays. Yet at the age Ajai Tripathi, Rory Stitt ot 27, he was still a struggling artist and Danny Moreno in the living with his parents, and staging world premiere of Duende de puppet plays that were laughed off Lorca, now playing through the stage by the critics. Saturday, Jan. 22 at the Lorca’s need for freedom has Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. fueled his desire to succeed. In Stark St. search o f duende, his travels Some Visits to Cuba Made Easier But changes fall below expectations (AP) — Cuba said Sunday that the Obam a Adm inistration's deci­ sion to lift som e travel restric­ tions on students, academ ics and religious groups and make it easier for A m ericans to send m oney were positive steps, but not nearly enough while the U.S? m aintains its 48-year trade em bargo on the island. The changes announced last week mean that students seeking academic credit and churches and synagogues traveling for religious I I I I I I I I I purposes will be able to go to Cuba. Any U.S. international airport with proper customs and immigration facilities will be able to offer char­ ter services to the island. The plan will also let any Am eri­ can send as much as $2,000 a year to Cuban citizens who are not part o f the Castro adm inistra­ tion and are not m em bers o f the C om m unist Party. P reviously, only relatives could send money. "Though the m easures are posi­ tive," Cuba's Foreign Ministry said S u b s c r ib e 503-288-0033 $60.00 for 6 m onths $110.00 for 1 year $2(X).OO for 2 years (please include check with fo rm ) Attn: Subscriptions, The Portland Observer, PO Box 3 j 3 7 p orLl;tnd O R 9 7 7 0 8 N ame : ___ T elephone : A ddress : _ in a statement Sunday, "they are well below what was hoped for, have a limited reach and do not change U.S. policy against Cuba." The ministry said most o f the changes sim ply bring U.S. policy back to where it was during the Clinton A d­ m inistration, before Presi­ dent George W . B ush tough­ ened restrictions. They do not alter W ashington's trade em bargo, which Cuba re­ fers to as a "blockade." "T hese m easures c o n ­ firm that there is no will to change the policy o f block­ ad e an d d e s ta b iliz a tio n against Cuba," the ministry said. "If there exists a real interest in widening and fa­ cilitating contacts between o u r p eo p le s, the U n ited People travel on a bus Friday with an image of Argentinean born Cuban revolu­ tion leader Ernesto 'Che' Guevara in Havana, Cuba. States should lift the block­ ade and elim inate the restric­ tions that m ake Cuba the only country in the world to which North Am ericans can­ not travel." U n d e r th e e m b a rg o , Am erican tourists are still prohibited from visiting Cuba and m ost trade with the is­ land is barred. O bam a had p rev io u sly m ade it easier for Cuban- Am ericans to visit family and send money home, and cul­ tural exchanges had greatly expanded under his watch. Still, relations between the Cold W ar enem ies remain frosty, in particular over the detention o f an A m erican subcontractor held in Cuba since D ecem b er 2009 on suspicion o f spying. __________________________________________________________________________________ I or fc — em ail — — ————— — — — — — — — — — — ________ — — — — — _ _____ PURE V? by Ebony You deserve the time of your life. Want to host a party? C ontact your local C onsultant: Ebony 503 484.3107 • Pureromancebyebony@yahoo com www prbyebony com purerom ■ Executive Shares Talents When Michele Hom signed on as a grant professional at Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation three years ago, the organization which serves migrant, low-income and minority and disadvantaged popu­ lations, knew they had a talented person on the team. Since then, the grant department has grown to support $ 1 million of Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center's annual budget. Now Hom is poised to share her knowledge with other professionals as the Vice President of the Oregon and South- Michele Horn west Washington Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association. T he n o n -p ro fit a sso c ia tio n builds and supports an interna­ tional com m unity o f grant profes­ sionals com m itted to serving the greater public good by practicing the highest ethical and profes­ sional standards. “Michele has been an asset to our team foryears and we are thrilled that others will benefit from her ex­ pertise," said Christine Rontal, ex­ ecutive director of Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation.