^Jortlanò (Obstruer Page 16 C lassified /B ids The NAACP Portland Branch is c a llin g a ll m e m b e rs a n d potential m em bers to com e out a n d a tte n d o u r G e n e ra l M em bership m eeting on January 22,2011,12 noon - 2:00 pm, at PCC Cascade Campus, Terrell Building Room 122. Let your voice be heard. Successful Forex Agent n e e d s Online Personal Assistant / Payroll Manager .M ust have access to internet and m ust at least be an high school g ra d u a te . For m ore details on the jo b send resum e /cover le t t e r to h rte am 0 0 4 2 @ att.net Retirement Apartments Summer Run • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments • Affordable Rent with No Costly Buy-Ins or Application Fees ■ Federal Rent Subsidies Available ■ Ideal Urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and more! 7810 SE Foster Road Portland, Oregon 97206 5 0 3 *7 7 4 *8 8 8 5 ■ Enjoy our small community * atmosphere that's relaxed and friendly! Smith Tower 5 15 W ashington Street Vancouver, W ashington 360.695.3474 • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments • Federal Rent Subsidies Available • No Buy-In or Application Fees •Affordable Rent includes all Utilities except telephone & cable television • Idea, urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and much more! Retirement Living Westmoreland's Union Manor 503*233*5671 Marshall Union Manor 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 503*225*0677 Kirkland Union Manors 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 & Kirkland Union Plaza 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 Alberta Simmons Plaza 6611 NE M artin Luther King Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 503*240*4198 Bridge Maintenance Mechanic M ultnom ah C o u n ty’s Departm ent o f C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s h a s a vacancy for an experienced journey level m e c h a n ic to re s p o n d to em ergencies, perform repairs and m a in t e n a n c e , c o m p le te in s p e c t io n s and m ake m odifications and im provem ent to the C o u n ty’s steel, concrete, and w ood bridges. Bridge Maintenance M echanics w o rk on o p e r a tio n m achinery, gears, bearing, brakes h y d ra u lic s y s te m s , e x p a n s io n jo in ts, decks, rails and all bridge o p e r a t io n s y s t e m s . These m e c h a n ic s p e rfo rm s tre n u o u s m anual labor either individually or as a m e m b e r o f a c re w . Th e successful candidate will have the ability to perform all the essential fu n c tio n s o f th e p o sitio n in all w eather conditions, in heavy traffic conditions, and at heights up to 160 feet. D eadline to apply is 1/ 2 8 / 1 1 . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e e s s e n t ia ls a n d q u a lif ic a t io n s , v is it w w w .m u ltc o io b s .o rg . S e e jo b #6060-07 EOE & • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments with Kitchens • Affordable Rents with No Buy-In or Application Fees • Garden Areas & Planned Activities • Easy Access to Bus Lines & Shopping • Federal Rent Subsidies Available for those that qualify TDD 503*771*0912 www.theunionmanors.org for Seniors 62 years and older • O ne-B edroom Apartm ents with Full Sized K itchens and Living Areas • Planned A ctivities, Laundry Facility, C onference & M eetin g Room , Elevator and Library • C onveniently Located to Shopping, Restaurants, P harm acy and M ed ical O ffices Drivers: Flatbed. Great benefits. Advertise with diversity in 71x1 Portland Obsen ci­ Good Hometime! Canadian Runs. Passport or WA Enhanced CDL. 2yrs 888-880-5921 xl23 centraloregontruck.com cali 503-288-0033 Intervention Coordinator SUB-BIDS REQUESTED 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 3 6 0 *694*4314 Affordable Quality Retirement Living H a lf-tim e , te m p o r a ry p o s itio n located in Portland. R esponsible fo r c o o r d in a t in g d e liv e r y o f C arescapes intervention to child care providers w ith high fid elity to tra in in g p ro gra m an d rese a rch protocol; coordinating intervention City of Portland w o rk s h o p s and p o s t-w o rk s h o p Hearings Clerk consultations; and data collection. Office of the City Auditor M a s te r’s D e gre e , p re fe ra b ly in Recruitment No. 11-022 early childhood education or early FFD: 02/01/11 in te r v e n t io n a n d 3 -5 y r s o f Hourly Wage: $20.73-26.47 increasingly responsible research, The H earings Clerk position in the te a c h in g , or in te r v e n t io n Outreach Mgr / Trainer / Recruiter Hearings Office of the elected City e x p e r ie n c e , or e q u iv a le n t The University of Oregon Division of A u d ito r’s O ffice is responsible for required. Experience w orking with Undergraduate Studies is seeking an providing highly detailed and tim e individuals from diverse cultural, O utreach M anager / Tra iner / sensitive adm inistrative support to e th n ic an d ra cia l b a c k g ro u n d s R e cru ite r to c o o r d in a t e a n d th e H e a rin g s O ffic e r on c o d e , v a lu e d . S tro n g c o m p u te r s k ills m a n a g e th e UO O p p o rtu n itie s a p p e a l, to w , a n d la n d u se req uired. M ore in form ation and P rogram fo r stu d e n ts and th e ir hearings. For m ore info and to r e q u ir e d a p p lic a t io n and f a m ilie s in u n d e rs e rv e d populations in Lane C ounty and a p p ly o n lin e g o to h ttp :/ / procedures are available online at O re g o n . T h is p o sitio n w o rk s in w w w .p ortland orego n.gov/jobs or www.ori.org or at Oregon Research close co llabora tion with schools c a ll K e ri C a ffre y s , Sr. H u m a n In s titu te , 1715 F ra n k lin B lvd ., and o ffice s a c ro ss th e ca m pu s R e so u rc e s A n a lyst, (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 - Eugene, OR. (541) 484-2123, Fax: in c lu d in g th e R o b e rt D. C la rk 4034. The C ity o f Portland is an (541) 484-1108, or. Closes: Noon, 1/14. EOE. Job #543 H o n o rs C o lle g e , th e O ffic e fo r Equal O pportun ity Employer. Equity and Institutional Diversity, th e O f f ic e f o r M u lt ic u lt u r a l A ca d e m ic S up port, the O ffice of A d m is s io n s , a n d th e O ffic e o f State of Oregon S tudent O rientation. This position Wetland Mitigation/Stormwater is f u llt im e . T h e s u c c e s s fu l Management - Phase 1 ca nd id ate will have the ability to w ork e ffe ctively with faculty, staff Mill Creek Corporate Center an d s tu d e n ts fro m a v a rie ty o f Bid Date: M arch 26th 2:00 P.M, Local Tim e diverse backgrounds. Bids required by 5:00 PM M arch 25, 2010 For fu rth e r details on the scope of Quotes needed fo r Fencing, Hyroseeding, M onitoring Well w ork and sp ecific responsibilities Installation Survey, and Traffic Control S ervices of this position and for instructions on h o w to a p p ly, p le a s e v is it: http://hr.uoregon.edu/lobs/ Retirement Living 503*777*8101 January 19, 2011 jaw» T h is p o s it io n is lis te d u n d e r U n c la s s if ie d A d m in is t r a t iv e P osition s. A p p lica tio n s m ust be received by Friday, Ja n u a ry 14, 2 0 1 1 fo r p rio rity co n sid e ra tio n . T h e U O is a n E O / A A / A D A institution co m m itted to cultural diversity. COFF M A N E X C A V A T I O N P.0. Box 687, O regon City, OR 97045 (503) 6 5 6 -7 0 0 0 FAX (5 0 3 ) 6 5 6 -0 6 8 6 CC B # 146689 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ploye r and request su b -b ids from all su bcon tractors and suppliers including, M inority, W om en, D isadvantaged and E m erging Sm all Business Enterprises