I Premier episode to start comedy series focusing on the eccentricities o f Portland see inside, A&E page 11 bseruer 41 Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com Volume XXXXI. Number 3 Wednesday • January 19, 2011 . , Committed to Cultural Diversity Doing J ()1 Others Martin Luther King Jr. example; doctors, nurses give back C ari E. H achmann T he : P ortland O bserver by photo by M ark W ashington / the P ortland O bserver Dr. Jill Ginsberg sees patients and helps run the free community health clinic North by Northeast at 3030 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Ginsberg along with other volunteer physicians, nurse-practitioners and staff give up hours each week from their regular day jobs to work at the clinic at night at no cost for patients in need. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?” In the spirit of giving back to the community and taking action for social justice, the volunteer physicians and staff at the North by Northeast Community Health Center are offering not just a day of service, but as a collective, an entire year’s worth. Two-dozen doctors, along with several nurse-practi- continued yf on page 18 Free Medical for Hard Times Clinic opens doors to flux of uninsured C ari H atchmann T he P ortland O bserver by D espite the sw irling debate around m edical health care, there is one sure bet for the uninsured in parts of north and northeast Portland; free m edical ser­ vices offered through the North by N ortheast C om ­ m unity H ealth Center. W ith the recession still lingering, individuals and fam ilies w ithout health insurance are w alking in greater num bers through the doors of the com m u­ nity clinic at 3030 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., with most patients seeking chronic disease m anage­ ment, prim arily for diabetes and hypertension. “We are definitely seeing more people who are saying that they have lost their jo b and health insurance,” says Dr. Jill G insberg, a co-founder and medical director of the health center which has continued y^ on page 19 We are definitely seeing more people who are saying that they have lost their job and health insurance. - Dr. Jill Ginsberg, a co-founder and medical director of North by Northeast Community Health Center