®*1* 'Portiani* © bseruer Page 4 January 5, 2011 Book Reignites Scandal Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINA COLUMN (AP) — A form er girlfriend of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thom as has a deal for a "sexually driven" memoir. Lillian M cEwen, who dated Thom as in the 1980s, has signed w ith T itleT ow n P u b lish in g , a Green Bay, W is.-based publisher specializing in true crim e and "in­ spirational" survivor stories. "D .C . U n m ask ed and U n ­ dressed" is scheduled to come out in early February, TitleTown announced Tuesday, adding that the book was "sexually driven." M cEwen, a retired adm inistra­ tive law judge, broke a long public silence last fall when she told The W ashington Post that Thom as o f­ ten made inappropriate comments and was "obsessed with porn," allegations made by form er Tho- mas colleague Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas his 1991 confirm ation hearings. Thom as vehem ently denied such behavior. TM An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 35. Different Benefits by Age Group 0 : What age groups can a chi it can almost always be corrected being drugged into num bness ropractor help most? when chiropractic care is initiated in are fair rewards for all the years time. of hard work. : This is like asking which age groups benefit most from Needless to say, every teenage girl D ep en d in g on the d eg ree o f good health. And yet, each should age be checked regularly for subluxations degeneration, your group has specific problems for sco lio sis and all teen ag ers and chiropractor can often provide which your chiropractor has spe­ young adults should see their chiro­ help. cific answers. practor regularly to make sure their newly active sports lives aren’t cre­ For senior citizens who’ve been Infant and Young Children ating spinal problems they’ll have to fortunate enough to suffered mini­ Other mothers are often amazed live with the rest of their lives. mal trauma in their lives, virtually to see a mother carrying her in­ complete spinal recovery should fant out of the adjusting room. Adults be almost as easy as it would be And yet, since the delivery pro The world today is experiencing a for younger people. cess itself causes a high percent terrible level of stress. Long work age of subluxations, infants to weeks, seemingly impossible dead­ For those who have su ffered need chiropractic care. Obviously, lines and economic woes create in­ needlessly for years, your chiro­ children and infants are treated credible pressures. In addition, most practor can often slow or stop the differently than adults. There are adults breathe in polluted air, drink degeneration, making life more new, highly sophisticated meth­ chemically treated water and con­ comfortable. It is certainly worth ods of adjusting children and in­ sume an average of nine pounds of the effort so that our senior citi­ fants to insure the best possible food additives and chemical preser­ zens get the dignity of health care results with the least possible dis­ vatives in a year, putting even more they deserve. comfort. Though young children stress on their bodies. One sure way can’t tell you they’re in pain, heir to keep the stress level from causing Something for Everyone irritability is often a sign of the potentially dangerous subluxations As you can see, there are practi­ need to be checked. is with regular chiropractic check­ cally as m any reasons to have ups. regular chiropractic checkups as Young Adults and Teenagers there are people. Make an appoint­ More and more young adults and Senior Citizens ment for yourself and your loved teenagers are getting involved in Retirem ent age for many people ones soon. active sports. As a result, more has becom e ju st plain tiresom e. and more of them are getting in- Aches and pins, often the result Flowers Chiropractic Office I jured, requiring prompt chiroprac­ o f u n tre a te d s u b lu x a tio n s , 2124 NE Hancock tic care. abound. Yet is hardly seems fair Portland, Oregon 97212 that having to suffer with pain or Phone: (503) 287-5504 Obviously half of he girls in our society develop scoliosis (curva­ ture of the spine) during puberty. 2124N .E Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 Left untreated, scoliosis keeps getting worse over time. However, A Flowers1 Chiropractic Office P h on e: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 Advertise with diversity in The P o r tla n d O b s e rv e r Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads@portlandobserver.coni An artist’s rendering shows the exterior o f a new courthouse coming to the Rockwood neighborhood of Gresham. Courthouse Construction Begins Rockwood facility to expand services Multnomah County is slated to break ground Friday on the con­ struction of a new courts facility in the Rockwood neighborhood of Gresham. The $ 19.6 million courthouse on a 4.2 acre lot at Southeast 185th Avenue and Stark Street is sched­ uled to open in spring 2012. The expanded court facilities will serve people being adjudicated for misdemeanors, violations, small claims, landlord and tenant actions, ex parte hearings and document fil­ ing for civil and domestic relations actions. Many of these functions historically have been filed at the downtown courthouse. Multnomah County is required by state statute to provide court facilities in the city of Gresham for violations that occur east of 122nd Avenue. In 2008 alone, an estimated 27,000 defendants went through the courthouse in Gresham. The facility will replace the cur­ rent leased Gresham Courthouse. The new courthouse will also in­ clude security, a data center and office space for the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office. The Board o f Com m issioners approved the construction and financing o f the courthouse in O c­ tober. Financing includes approxi­ mately $ 15 m illion o f federal eco­ nomic stim ulus bonds. The re­ m aining portion will come from the sale o f the South Edgefield property. The courthouse will use green and energy reduction technology such as solar, eco roofs and geo­ thermal ground source heating.