Page 14 S'*'' ^ortlanh (Dbseruer January 5. 2011 L egal N otices Need to publish a court docum ent o r n o tic e ? N eed an a ffid a v it o f publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-m ail your notice for a free price quote! To Place Your Classified Advertisement C ontact: Phone: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax: 50 3-2 88 -00 15 e-m ail: cla ssifie d s@ p o rtla n d o b se rve m Fax: 503 -2 88-0015 e-mail: The Portland O bserver “I Have a Dream" Foundation - Oregon Subcontractor Invitation to Bid M a rk e tin g a n d P a rtn e rs h ip M a n a g e r Project: GSA Portland Professional Office Building The Marketing and Partnership Manager will provide support to our m arketing area and provide leadership in coordinatin g volunteer, donor, p rogram , an d c o rp o ra te p a rtn e rs h ip s . Th e M a n a g e r is responsible for coordinating all aspects of organizational m a rk e tin g - in cluding print and W eb co n ten t and design, and social m edia SKANSKA O regon Division s tra te g ie s -a s well as coordinating all m edia, volunteer and partner relationships in collaboration with the D irector of M arketing. Th is is a full-tim e position with negotiable com pensation de p en d in g on experience. Review o f applications will begin January 15. This position will remain open until filled. See full jo b description and requirem ents at w w w .ih a v e a d r e a m o r e g o n .o r g / a b o u t -u s / e m p lo y m e n t - I B Q rtu n itie s TO A P P L Y : S e n d c o v e r le tte r a n d re s u m e to K e ls e y .k Q p ra @ ih a v e a d re a m o re g o n .o rg o r “ I H a ve a D r e a m ” Foundation - Oregon, M arketing and Partnership M anager Position, 1478 NE K illingsw orth St, 1st Floor, Portland, OR 97211 “I Have a Dream" Foundation - Oregon is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Skanska Contact: Trevor Wyckoff, phone #503-641-2500, e-mail: BID DATE and Time: Jan 11th, 2 0 1 1 a t 3 :00pm ! Additional Info: P roject co nsists o f a 4 sto ry building, a single level building and a p arking structure. Bids are being accepted fo r the fo llo w in g s c o p e s : P a vin g, L a n d s c a p in g & F e n c in g , M a so n ry, Casew ork, M illwork, R oofing & Siding, Doors, Fram ing & Drywall, C eram ic Tile, Flooring, P ainting & Specialties. Please Contact Trevor for access to the plans Federal Davis Bacon Wage Requirements. For information on how to obtain Bonding, Insurance, or lines of credit, contact Allied Insurance at (510) 578-2000 or Skanska USA Building, Inc. Skanska is an equal opportunity employer and actively requests bids from all DBE, MBE, WBE, and ESB firms, as well as all SBA recognized firms including VOSB, HUBzone SDB, W0SB, and SDVB. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS A in s w o r t h C o u r t A p a r t m e n t s R e n o v a tio n Sealed bids will be received at the H ousing A u tho rity of Portland I (HAP), on the 5th Floor, P urchasing and Contracting D epartm ent, 135 S W Ash St. Portland. O regon 97204, until 2:00 pm, Thursday. Ja n u a ty2 7 ,2 0 1 1 for labor and m aterials fo r work at Ainsw orth C ourt [ A pa rtm en ts, a 88 unit a p a rtm e n t com plex, located at 1515 and 11705 N. Ainsworth Street, Portland, Oregon 97217. Shortly thereafter, ccb#153980 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Eliot S q u a re M o d ern iza tion JO B NO. RFB 0 1 /1 1 -1 2 0 I bids will be opened and publicly read. The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP-421, must be received by 4:00 p.m. the same day at the same address. No bidder m ay w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority 6f Portland (HAP), 135 SW Ash Street, Portland, O regon 97204, 5th floor P urchasing and Contracting Dept., until 2:00 pm, Thursday February 10,2011. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP-421, must be received by 4:00 p.m. the same day. No bidder m ay w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for op en ing until after the lapse o f sixty (60) days from the bid opening. J The basic w ork consists of: New dom estic w ater sup ply piping, hot I The basic w ork consists o f site w ork and e xtensive interior rem odel w ater supply system , wall repair, carpentry, e n try doors, painting, electrical work, m asonry and concrete restoration, new concrete porches, m etal railings, asphalt paving, and landscaping. at Eliot Square Apartments, 56 NE Russell, Portland, OR 97212. W ork at the property includes: New playgrounds, paving, landscaping, fencing, replacem ent o f som e plum bing, electrical and m echanical systems,’ Bid D ocum ents will be available Ja n u ary 4, 2011 at Ford Graphics, 1431 N W 17th Avenue, Portland, OR. 97209, phone: (503) 227- 3424, ww w .fordgrap h . A $50 deposit for one set and $20 [ (tw enty) fo r each additional set is refundable when docum ents are co m p le te kitchen and bath rem od els, new flo o rin g , d o ors and painting. returned w ithin 10 d ays after bid opening. Attenda nce o f bidders is m andatory at a pre-bid tour o f the project at I the Project site, at 1Q:OO am. Tuesday. January 11.2010 Questions posed d u rin g the tour, not addressed in the docum ents, will be answ ered by addendum . H A P has an a s p ira tio n a l goal o f 2 0 % o f D B E / M B E / W B E / E S B participation in the execution o f this project. Therefore, non-D /M / W /ES B prim e contractors will be required to su b m it p roo f sh ow ing | tha t good faith efforts have been m ade to contract with D /M /W / ESB subcontractors. Th is co n tra ct is for a p ublic w ork su b je c t to O R S 2 7 9 c.8 0 0 to 279c.87O and is required to com ply with the BOLI wage rate schedule I ap plicable to th is contract. M onitoring of w age rates shall be per Bureau o f Labor and Industries (BOLI) standards attached. No other I pre vailin g w age rates shall ap ply to this project. The Housing Authority of Portland m ay reject any bid not in com pliance | with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and m ay reject a n y or all bids and w aive all inform alities if, in the ju d g m e n t of i HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding this project should be directed to Berit Stevenson at 503-802-8541. HOUSING AU TH O R ITY O F PORTLAN D Bid D ocum ents will be available Ja n u a ry 4 ,2 0 1 1 at Ford G raphics, 1431 NW 17th Avenue, Portland, OR. 97209, phone: (5 0 3 ) 227- 3424, w w w .fo rd grap h m . A $50 dep osit fo r one se t and $20 (tw enty) fo r each additional set is refundable w hen d o cum e nts are returned within 10 days after bid opening. A tte nda nce o f bidders is mandatory at a pre-bid to u r o f the project com m encing at Eliot Square Apartm ents, 56 NE Russell St., Portland OR. 97212 at 10:00 am , Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 1 8 ,2 0 1 1 in the com m u n ity room . Q u e stio n s p osed d u rin g th e tour, not a d d re sse d in th e docum ents, will be answ ered by addendum . H AP has an a s p ira tio n a l goa l o f 2 0 % o f D B E / M B E / W B E / E S B participation in the execution o f this project. Therefore, non-D /M / W /ESB prim e contractors will be required to su b m it proof sh ow in g that good faith efforts have been m ade to co n tra ct w ith D /M /W / I ESB subcontractors. This contract is fo r public w orks su b ject to Davis Bacon A ct (40 U.S.C.276a). In addition, this project is subject to O regon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) prevailing wage requirem ents as outlined in O R S 276C.800-870. The Housing Authority of Portland m ay reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding proced ures and req uire m ents and m ay reject any or all bids and w aive all inform alities if, in the ju d g m e n t o f HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Q u estion s regarding this [ project should be directed to Berit Stevenson at 503-802-8541. Intervention Coordinator H a lf-tim e , te m p o r a r y p o s itio n located in Portland. R esponsible f o r c o o r d in a t in g d e liv e r y o f C a re sca pe s intervention to child care p roviders with high fid e lity to tra in in g p ro gra m a n d re s e a rc h protocol; coordinating intervention w o rk s h o p s a n d p o s t-w o rk s h o p consultations; and data collection. M a s te r’s D e g re e , p re fe ra b ly in early childhood education or early in t e r v e n t io n a n d 3 -5 y r s o f increasingly responsible research, t e a c h in g , or in te r v e n t io n e x p e r ie n c e , or e q u iv a le n t required. Experience w orking with in divid uals from diverse cultural, e th n ic a n d ra cia l b a c k g ro u n d s v a lu e d . S tro n g c o m p u te r s k ills req u ire d. M ore in form ation and r e q u ir e d a p p lic a t io n and procedures are available online at or at Oregon Research In s titu te , 1715 F ra n k lin B lvd ., Eugene, OR. (541) 484-2123, Fax: (541) 484-1108, or. Closes: Noon, 1/14. EOE. Job #543 O u trea ch M gr / Tra in e r / R ecru iter The University of Oregon Division of Undergraduate Studies is seeking an O utreach M an ag er / Trainer / R ecru iter to c o o r d in a t e and m a n a g e th e UO O p p o rtu n itie s P rogra m fo r s tu d e n ts and th e ir f a m ilie s in u n d e rs e rv e d populations in Lane C o u n ty and O re g o n . T h is p o s itio n w o rk s in close co llabo ra tion with schools an d o ffic e s a c ro ss the ca m p u s in c lu d in g th e R o b e rt D. C la rk H o n o rs C o lle g e , th e O ffic e fo r Equity and Institutional Diversity, th e O f f ic e f o r M u lt ic u lt u r a l A ca d e m ic S up port, th e O ffice o f A d m is s io n s , a n d th e O ffic e o f S tud ent O rientation. This position is f u llt im e . T h e s u c c e s s fu l ca nd id ate will have the a b ility to w ork effe ctively with faculty, s ta ff and s tu d e n ts fro m a v a rie ty o f diverse backgrounds. For fu rth e r details on the scope of w ork and sp ecific resp onsibilities o f this position and for instructions on h o w to a p p ly, p le a s e v is it: T h is p o s it io n is lis t e d u n d e r U n c la s s if ie d A d m in is t r a t iv e P osition s. A p p lica tio n s m u st be received by Friday, Ja n u a ry 14, 2 0 1 1 fo r p rio rity co n sid e ra tio n . T h e U O is a n E O / A A / A D A institution co m m itted to cultural diversity.