sportiani» (Observer December 29, 2010 Teens Smoking More Hookah Tobacco Page 9 Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service Portland Congross Cantor 1001 2 W Fifth A vwmm . Sto 1100, Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 Phon®: 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 7 9 0 Email: Fax: 1 * 5 0 3 2 2 0 -1 8 1 5 Study suggests dangers are overlooked A new study indicates that hookah tobacco smoking among Oregon teen-agers is on the rise, due in part to a proliferation of hookah lounges that may be tar­ geting young people with candy- and cocktail-flavored tobacco, online marketing and a party at­ mosphere. Officials at the Oregon Public Health D ivision, which con­ ducted the 2010 Indoor Clean Air Act Compliance Study, worry that the increasing popularity of hookah will reverse gains made during the last decade in the effort to reduce tobacco use among young people. "The popularity of hookah smoking that we've seen among young people is putting us in a one-step-forw ard, tw o-steps- back situation in the battle against tobacco use," said Dr. Katrina Hedberg of the state's Office of Disease Prevention and Epide­ miology. "We believe teen-agers are turning their attention to hookah because they think it's a glamor­ ous and safe alternative to ciga­ rettes. It's not. Hookah could be creating a whole new culture of young people who get together to smoke tobacco," Hedberg said. Hookah tobacco - or shisha - is addictive, contains nicotine and can cause lung cancer, heart disease and other complications, just like cigarettes. Burning char­ Dr. H. L Hodg®. Ph.D. Licoraod Christian Counselor Counseling God's Way Services include: • • • • • Relationship Specialist Stress Management Grief Counseling PTSD Motivational Speaker Avalon Flowers Hookah lounges that use exotic pipes to burn tobacco are a growing health concern because Hookah smoke contains danger­ ous levels o f cancer-causing chemicals and toxic gases. coal in the pipe creates addi­ tional risks, little is known about the health effects of smoking added flavorings. Hookah pipes produce much more sm oke than cigarettes. Hookah smoke contains danger­ ous levels o f cancer-causing chemicals and toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide, posing a health hazard to smokers and lounge em ployees alike. The study found that the air in hoo­ kah lounges ranged from "un­ healthy" at best to "hazardous" at worst. Hookah lounges are required by law to prohibit access by minors younger than 18, but youth interview s and observational studies by Oregon Public Health Division officials indicate minors have little trouble gaining entry. In addition, many coffee shops and restaurants feature hookah smoking on their patios, and hoo­ kahs are increasingly available for purchase. Youth in the study said hookahs are a common fix­ ture at parties and friends' homes. 520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250 A full service flower experience • Birthdays • Funerals • Anniversaries • Weddings Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm Saturday 9am til 2pm. Website: email: Cori Stewart— We Offer Wire Services Owner, O perator Receive Christmas Gift &>g Z 2 / 1 5 - 1 2 / 2 5 Showdogs Grooming Salon a n d Boutique ■MNMMMMMM Diabetics Test Strips Recalled (AP) - Abbott Laboratories is recalling up to 359 million testing strips used by diabetics because they can give falsely low blood sugar readings. The testing strips are used to help diabetes patients check their blood sugar levels. But the Food and Drug Administration says the products being recalled by Abbott can give inaccurately low measurements. As a result, patients may try to raise their blood sugar levels unnecessarily or fail to detect dangerously high blood sugar levels. The FDA said the problems are caused by a defect that limits the amount of blood absorbed by each strip. Abbott is recalling 359 lots marketed under a half- dozen brand names, including: Precision Xceed Pro, Precision Xtra, Medisense Optium, Optium, OptiumEZ and ReliOn Ultima. Abbott said it will replace the affected test strips at no charge. 9 2 6 N. Lombard St. Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 i 7 503-283-1177 Hours: 9 :0 0 a m — 7.-00 p m Tuesday-Saturday First tim e clients re­ ceive $5 o ff first groom Come in and check out or great products and clothes We Love k ittie s too/