c,fe Jarliani» (Obstruer Page 8 December 29, 2010 H ealth matters Fighting Alzheimer’s by L arry L ucas T he w ord “ retirem ent” typically conjures im ages o f days filled with golf, reading, fam ily tim e and vaca­ tioning. I’m lucky to have my health to allow m e to enjoy these types o f leisure activities today, but I also recognize that as our bodies age, so do our m inds. W hile it’s expected that you m ay forget the nam e o f your high school class president, forgetting how to com plete sim ple tasks like tying your g o lf shoes is a frightening prospect. U nfortunately, it’s one that faces mill ions o f A m ericans, including the aging Baby B oom er generation, the first o f w hich turns 65 next year. A lready, 5.1 million A m ericans su ffer from d em entia, including A lzheim er’s disease, which is the m ost com m on form o f dem entia am ong seniors. A lzheim er’s begins by destroying brain cells and caus­ ing problem s with mem ory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. It is a condition that w orsens over time include severe m em ory loss, diffi­ culty com pleting previously easy tasks, regularly m isplacing things, confusing fam iliar places and dras­ tic changes in m ood or personality. If you or a family m em ber is expe­ riencing A lzheim er’s-related sym p­ toms, be sure to see your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis will pro­ vide the best chance to receive the most effective treatments. The good new s is studies have show n that by doing simple mental exercises, such as crossword puzzles, reading the new spaper and keeping a journal, you can offset the disease’s affect on the brain. There are also steps you can take around the house to help m aintain your independence. T h e A lz h eim er’s A ssociation suggests using m em ory aids like labels and rem inder notes, staying active and m aking hom e safety im ­ provem ents. It is p o s sib le to liv e w ith A lzh eim er’s if sim ple adjustm ents are m ade, m edicines are taken as prescribed and w e take care o f our bodies. T he golden years are to be savored - not forgotten. and is ultimately fatal. The num ber o f A lzheim er’s patients will only rise with the aging Baby Bodfner genera­ tion; in fact, an estim ated 13.5 million A m ericans are expected to be living w ithA lzheim er’sb y 2015. A re c e n t re p o rt fro m th e A lzheim er’s A ssociation found that the A frican-A m erican com m unity is twice as likely as its white counter­ parts to develop A lzheim er’s - po­ tentially because we have a higher rate o f vascular disease than others, which is a suspected risk factor for Alzheimer’s. « In addition, m inorities’ cases o f Alzheim er’s typically go undiagnosed far longer than those o f w hite pa­ tients, allow ing the disease to worsen w ithout the help o f available treat­ m ents to slow its progression. This is why it’s im portant to know the w arn­ ing signs o f A lzheim er’s and to visit your doctor for regular checkups. As with other age-related diseases, Larry Lucas is a retired vice early detection is key, and being aware president for the Pharmaceutical ofthe sym ptom s isessential for fight­ Research and Manufacturers ing A lzheim er’s. Early warning signs o f America. H ealth W atch T en d erfoot C are — T reat y o u r feet w ith a soak, nail trim , buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics o r at your hom e. C all 503-251 -6303 for more information. F re e B ody B asics - This physician recom m ended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the sim ple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. F am ilies w ith M ental Illness -- A free, 12-w eek course for people w hose fam ily m em bers live with m ental illness is offered at Em anuel H ospital, Mt. H ood M edical C enter and Providence M edical C enter. T he course has been describ ed as “life-changing” by form er participants. R egistration is required by calling 503-203-3326. M anaging C hronic H epatitis C — T hird W ednesday o f each m onth at 5 p.m . T he inform ative session is led by a registered nurse to help you m anage side effects o f m edications and dosage preparations and adm in­ istration; d o cto r referral required. T o register, call 503-251-6313. B etter B reath ers — An asthm a educational support group m eets on the 1 st T uesday o f the m onth from 1:15 p.m . to 2:45 p.m . at A dventist M edical Center. For inform ation, call 503-251 -6830. C ancer R esource C enter - P rovidence St. V incent M edical C en ter and the A m erican R ed C ross have jo in e d forces to create the first in-hospital resource cen ter providing books, printed m aterial, co m p u ter access and m ore for individuals and fam ilies dealing w ith cancer. T he cen ter is open M onday through T hursday, 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Lead P oisoning Prevention -- Learn how to protect your fam ily from lead poisoning. Ideal for folks in live in older hom es w ith children o r pregnant w om en. Q ualified participants receive a free kit o f safety and testing supplies. Call 503-284-6827. P arentin g C lasses -- N ew borns d o n ’t com e w ith instruction m anuals but parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics from pain and childbirth to breastfeeding to infant C PR and m uch m ore. For a schedule o f events, call 503-574-6595 or visit: p ro v id en ce.o rg /classes. C ardiac-R eh ab E xercises -- A m edically supervised exercise program for people dealing w ith heart conditions. For inform ation, call 503-251 -6260. Strok e A lert S creen in g — C heck your carotid arteries w ith a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call 503- 251-6137. Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need. ____________ THE __________ SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession Thank you: A Happy and healthy New Year to our great patients. N ow is the season to reflect on the events o f the past year and look ahead to al 1 the N ew Y ear has to offer. T his past y ear has c er­ tainly been a happy one for all o f us. W e ’ve had so m any kind and w onderful patients. T o all o f you, “thank yo u .” W e appreciate y o u r courtesy and your zeal to share w ith friends how C h iro p ra c tic ’s natural healing has helped you. It is really exciting to have m ore and m ore people aw are o f the healing pow er o f nature. O nly nature creates and only nature can truly heal. W e look forw ard to co n tin u e serving those o f you w h o ’ve m ade the natural selection: C hiropractic. T h e o n ly m a jo r h e alth scie n c e w hose only side effects are im ­ proved health and g reater sense o f w ell-being. If you ev er have any questions about y o u r health or about any o f o u r m any services, w e ’ll alw ays be happy to help. A g a in , w e w ish y ou a H ap p y H o lid a y an d c o n tin u e d h e alth th ro u g h -o u t th e c o m in g N ew Year. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124N.E.HancockStreet,PortlandOregon97212 P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 E m p o w e rm e n t th ro u g h R elax atio n - Free informal m editation classes that address breathing techniques, som e gentle ancient A frican y oga poses and m ental balancing techniques - People have left these classes joy fu l and with a peaceful view o f their lives. Call Dr. M arceline Failla at 503-228- 6140. P ow erful fo o ls For C aregivers — 6-w eek ed ucational series designed to help fam ily caregivers take care o f them selves w hile carin g for relatives or friends w ith chronic illness. C lass size is lim ited, and registration is required. Call 503-413-8018. L eg A lert S creen in g — C heck for peripheral arterial disease w ith this safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. T he fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-251-6137. Sm ok e-F ree S u pport G roup - M eets M ondays, 7 p.m . to 8 p.m . F or information, call 503-256-4000. H eart T alk S u p p ort G rou p - M eets on the second M onday o f each m onth; from 6 p.m . to 8 p.m . For m ore inform ation, call 503-251 -6260. Fam ily C aregiver Su pport G rou p -- T his topic-oriented group o ffers a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges and rew ards o f providing care to an o ld e r relative o r friend. M eets the first T h ursday o f each m onth at 3 p.m. at L egacy G ood Sam aritan H ospital. C hronic Pain Support G roup - M eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m . to 5:30 p.m . and the third W ednesday o f each m onth, from 7 p.m . to 8:30 p.m . For m ore inform ation, caU503-256-4000. C holesterol P rofiles — G et the resources to help you keep an eye on your cholesterol and other indicators o f heart health. Educational m aterial provided. For m ore inform ation, call 503-261-6611.