Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 29, 2010, Page 3, Image 3

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    ^ortlanò (Obseruei
December 29, 2010
R eview
eek in
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Page 3
Fred Meyer
What's on your list today?.
page 2
Governor Names New Judge
Y ear
R eview
pages 4-7
Family lawyer cited for respect of people
Gov. Ted Kulongoski has ap­
pointed Kathryn Villa-Smith to the
Multnomah County Circuit Court.
She will fill the vacancy created by
the retirem ent o f Judge Keith
Meisenheimer on Jan. 1.
Villa-Smith received her law de­
gree from Lewis & Clark Law School
in 1982 and holds an undergraduate
degree from New Mexico State Uni­
Currently a shareholder at the
firm of Gevurtz, Menashe, Larson &
Howe, P.C., she has practiced do­
mestic relations law for more than 16
years. She has prior experience as a
H ealth
pages 8-9
Kathyrn Villa-Smith
d e p u ty d is tric t a tto rn e y for
Multnomah County.
Villa-Smith serves on the board
of the St. Andrew Legal Clinic and
the Multnomah Bar Foundation. She
has also served as a pro tern judge
fo r C lac k am a s C o u n ty and
Multnomah County circuit courts.
“Ms. V illa-Sm ith will bring an
extensive know ledge of both do­
m estic relations and juvenile law
to th e c o u r t ,” sa id G o v .
K u longoski. “ H er resp ect for
people of all backgrounds and tire­
less work ethic will m ake her an
extraordinary ju d g e.”
BSC Ticket Scam Costs Hundreds
An Oregon man is out more weren't.
to arrive by mail the next day.
than $900 after he bought what he
T he scam began w hen the They never did.
thought were two tickets to the M edford man — whom police
Police detective Scott Clauson
BCS National Championship game didn't identify— contacted a seller says he expects more such at­
between the Oregon Ducks and on C raigslist who prom ised the tem pts at scams because o f the
the Auburn Tigers.
tickets for $850 and a fee.
im portance o f the game.
The wire transfer he sent to
The man wired the money on
Oregon plays Auburn on Janu­
Florida was real, but the tickets Dec. 12, then waited for the tickets ary 10.
C lassifieds
pages 14
Ride TriMet and Celebrate Safely
.A ll rides on TriM et’s bus and
MAX lines will be free after 8 p.m. on
New Year’s Eve.
Operating hours will be extended
on Max lines until about 3 a.m. and
trains will leave the downtown area
about every 30 minutes. Buses will
run on regular weekday service.
The last eastbound Blue train
O pinion
pages 16-17
C alendar
F ood
page 20
will leave Hillsboro’s Hatfield Gov­
ernment Center Station at 2:13 a.m .;
the last westbound train will leave
G resham ’s Cleveland Station at
2:14 a.m .; the last train from
Clackam as Town Center to Port­
land City Center will leave at 2:08
a.m. and the last train to Portland
City C enter will leave the Expo
Center at 2:11 a.m.
When the Red Line service ends,
a shuttle bus will provide rides be­
tween Gateway Transit Center and
the airport every 15-30 minutes until
3 a.m.
On New Year’s Day, Saturday,
Jan. 1, TriMet buses and MAX trains
will run on Sunday schedules.
page 19
Free Do-it-Yourself Weatherization
Layering on long johns, wool
sw eaters and m ultiple socks may
be necessary to keep you toasty
warm for your outdoor winter trav-
els, but if inside y o u ’re bundling
up in snow -expectant gear, you
may want to check your hom e’s
insulation. Chilly drafts can leak
through unnoticed crack s and
gaps in your doors and windows,
causing you to lose heat and
money on your energy bills.
Com m unity Energy Project o f
northeast Portland realizes that
not every hom eow ner or renter
has the know-how or extra cash to
insulate or weatherize their home,
so with the goal to help keep your
home warmer and save you money
on energy costs, the non-profit
organization is offering free D o­
it-Y ourself W eatherization W ork­
shops on Thursday, Jan. 6 from 9
a.m. to 11 a .m .,o r6 p .m .to 8 p .m .
Q u alified w orkshop p a rtici­
pants can receive free w eatheriza­
tion m aterials at a $ 150 value. The
package includes vinyl storm win­
dow kits, door w eather stripping,
door sweeps, com pact fluorescent
lights, and much more.
Sign up for the free workshop
at SEI Community and Family Pro-
g ra m s lo c a te d at 4 1 3 4 N.
V ancouver Ave., Suite 311 or call