Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 22, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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December 22, 2010
Week in
The Review
AP Coach of the Year
In ju s t his second season leading
the O regon D ucks, C hip K elly is
taking the D ucks to the national
c h a m p io n sh ip gam e on Jan. 10
against No. 1 A uburn — and for that
he w as voted A P C oach o f the Y ear
on Tuesday. K elly beat out his BCS
title gam e counterpart G ene C hizik
o f A uburn.
Net Neutrality’ Adopted
A divided Federal C om m unications
C om m ission Tuesday approved new
rules to prohibit broadband co m p a­
nies from interfering w ith Internet
traffic flow ing to their custom ers.
K now n as “net neutrality,” the new
Rally against Violence
E arth casts its shadow on the full
m oon, blocking the su n ’s rays.
Several hundred people show ed up DREAM Act Blocked
for a rally against violence on S u n ­ O regon Senators R on W yden and
day at Pioneer C ourthouse Square, J e ff M erkley voted fo r the D R E A M
rules w ere opposed by R epublicans,
dow ntow n. T he leaders o f various A c t S a tu rd a y , b u t th a t w a s n ’t
w hile public interest groups decried
faiths and the M uslim com m unity enough to save it from a R epublican
the regulations as too w eak.
sought to dispel m isrepresentations filibuster. T here w ere 55 yes votes,
o f Islam at the location o f a foiled but 60 w ere needed to pass the bill
Wyden Surgery Successful
bom b plot the day after T h an k sg iv ­ that w ould have allo w ed you n g
U.S. Sen. Ron
people brought to the U .S. to gain a
W yden, D-O re.,
path to citizenship by co m p letin g
underw ent sur­
Total Lunar Eclipse
college o r enlisting in the m ilitary.
gery for cancer
Skyw atchers got an early holiday
o f the prostate
p re se n t
th is
Teen Birth Rate Falls
M onday
y e a r: A to ta l
The U.S. teen birth rate in 2009 fell to
Jo h n H o p k in s
e clip se o f the
its low est point in alm ost 70 years o f
M edical C enter
m oon. H anging
record-keeping — a decline that
in B a ltim o r e ,
high in the sky,
stunned experts w ho believe it's
M d . W y d e n 's
th e
m oon
partly due to the recession. T he
d o c to r s
s a id
slo w ly tu rn e d
teen birth rate w as 6 p ercent less
they caught the
from bright silver into a red disk late than the previous y ear and the lo w ­
can cer very early and that the S en a­
M onday across N orth A m erica. A e st since health o fficials started
tor w as expected to m ake a full re­
total lunar eclipse occurs w hen the tracking the rate in 1940.
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and efficiently? Please fax or e-
mail your notice for a free price
Fax: 503-288-0015
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