Page 18 jJortlanb (Dbseruvr THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, P.C Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: (503) 491-5156 (503) 615-0425 (503) 244-2084 Your Care Our First Priority p c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 6 in my w ildest dream s did I think they w ould be charging things on it," the 36-year-old m other said. She counts h erself lucky that her son didn't start tapping on another purchase button, like the "w heel­ barrow " ofS m u rfb erries for $59.99. R u m m e lh art jo in s a n u m b e r o f p a re n ts w h o have b een h o rrifie d by p u rc h a se s o f S m u rfb e rrie s and o th er virtual item s in top A pp Store g am es. T h e 17 h ig h e st-ra te d c o m ­ m en ts on "T he S m u rfs' V illag e" in the A pp S to re all c o m p la in ab o u t the h ig h c o st o f the S m u rfb e rrie s, an d tw o c o m m e n te rs c a ll it a "scam ." A pple introduced "in-app p u r­ chases" last year, letting d ev elo p ­ ers use the iT unes billing system to sell item s and add-ons in their gam es and applications. T h is y e a r, d e v e lo p e r s h a v e started to use the system in earnest as the m ain revenue stream for m any gam es. O f th e 10 h ig h e s t- g r o s s in g ap p s in the A pp S to re, six are g a m es that are free to d o w n lo a d bu t a llo w in -a p p p u rc h a se s. F o u r o f th o se are e a sy , c h ild -frie n d ly g a m es. T w o o f th em , "T ap Z o o " an d "B ak ery S to ry ," h av e b u tto n s fo r in -a p p p u rc h a se s o f $ 1 0 0 in ju s t tw o tap s. C apcom E ntertainm ent Inc., the p u blisher o f "The Sm urfs' V illage," says inadvertertt purchases by c h il­ dren are "lam entable. " W hen it real­ ized w hat was happening, it added a w arning about the option o f in- app purchases to the gam e's d e ­ scription in the A pp Store, and it's updating the gam e to include w arn­ ings inside it as w ell. T he gam e has retreated to being the fo u rth -h igh­ est-grossing app in the A pp Store. T he w arnings m ay alert parents, but it's doubtful that they'd deter children w ho can't read and don't understand m oney. A p p le d e f e n d s its s y s te m . S pokesw om an T rudy M uller says the passw ord system is adequate and points Kids, families invited to unique experience We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries (503)228-6140 T erry F amily F uneral H ome Kids go on Expensive Buying Sprees Zoo Sleepover for New Year’s Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician Call for an appointment! December 22, 2010 C hildren ages 6 to 13 and their parents are invited to ring in 2011 at the O regon Zoo. The zo o ’s annual N ew Y ear’s Eve overnight begins Friday, Dec. 31, at 5 p.m. and runs through Saturday, Jan. 1, at 9:30a.m . The evening begins with a pizza dinner and continues into the night with a behind-the-scenes “nighttim e safari’’ and live indoor animal presen­ tations, before culm inating in m id­ night festivities with noisem akers, hats and special treats. G -rated m ov­ ies will be a late-night option, along with crafts and gam es. “The N e w Y e ar’s Eve overnight is 2337 N. W illiams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 Kids can get a close-up look at a touchable animal such as a kinkajou during the Oregon Zoo's New Year's Eve overnight. an exciting event for the whole family to enjoy,” said Kim Sm ith, zoo direc­ tor. “This special occasion allows guests to ring in the new year in a very unique w ay.” Sleeping bags, pajam as and a sense o f adventure are required for the indoor sleepover. A continental breakfast will be available in the m orn­ ing along with a chance to participate in an animal enrichm ent activity. The cost is $48 per person. For more information, visit or call503-220-2781. The zoo is a service o f M etro and is dedicated to its m ission to inspire the com m unity to create a better fu­ ture for wildlife. - / czivz / y 7 77Í om \ c /\ / c //«. S /o flfû w w tA ï W e m ake the service personal, You m ake the trib u te personal. Every time we arran g e a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. W ith o u r online M em orial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service inform ation, view photos, read obituary, o rd er flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anyw here, anytime. Sim ply go to o u r w ebsite. w w w .terryfam ilyfuneralhom "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one ” c 2 / o r ooer. < 7Z/,V z-V a > fet/tt/d rsto r/eo eo t. . \o /< w m f/etM C. For Tickets Contact: Johnnie Mayfield 503.282.5809 • Debbie Ingram 503.936 8568 Lulu Russell 503.933.6697 • Angie Hams 503.320.0123 JP Framing 503.288-2118 cj^/zz -2asn f t t/n Atro/- 12 Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395 E m bassy Suites 7900 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 (503) 460-3000