Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 22, 2010, Page 15, Image 15

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    ^Jortlanó (Dbseruer
December 22, 2010
Food Security
is Top Priority
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 4
Fred Meyer, Whole Foods, and
Albertsons — 15 percent from the
USDA from Farm Bill credits, 13
percent is purchased with money
that is donated to the organization,
and 16 percent comes from food
Becky Leonard, co-owner with
her husband of downtown food cart
DC Vegetarian, holds a food drive
every Thanksgiving.
“We deal with food every day,
and see waste. This is our way to
make up for the stuff that we do the
rest of the year that might not be as
friendly,” Leonard said. “The food
bank does great outreach in Or­
egon, and is always accepting food.
They make it really simple to donate
through them.”
Thanksgiving was just the start
of the busiest food drive season,
said Kempe-Ware. She added that
she’s been told by OFB CEO Rachel
Bristol that food drive donations
are down right now, but will hope­
fully pick up closer to Christmas.
The food bank is always looking for
donations, big or small, food or
The most wanted foods are pea­
nut butter and other nut butters,
canned or dried beans and peas,
canned and boxed meals, pasta, rice
cereal, canned fruits and vegetables,
100 percent fruit or vegetable juice,
cooking oil, low-fat and low-sugar
products, shelf-stable milks, and
canned meats such as tuna, chicken,
and salmon.
The Oregon Food Bank’s reach
also extends beyond Oregon and
Southwest Washington.
On Dec. 13, President Obama
signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free
Kids Act of 2010 into law, updating
the school lunch program, improv­
ing after-school and child-care food
programs, and working toward end­
ing obesity in children.
Jeff Kleen, public policy advo­
cate with the Oregon Food Bank,
had worked for the last two years on
seeing the legislation get through
Congress. Kleen met with Rep. Wu,
D-OR, and other members of Con­
gress or their staff to raise aware­
ness for the act.
“We were concerned about the
House passing it. We knew if it
wasn’t passed by the end of this
congressional session, all our work
would’ve been for naught,” Kleen
said. “W e’re pleased to see Con­
gress pass a strong child nutrition
bill and for the president to sign it
into law.”
Next in his advocacy work will be
seeing that more aid will go to those
in need, through the Emergency
Food Assistance Program, the next
Farm Bill, and others.
“ We need strong public a s­
sistan ce in ad d itio n to e m e r­
gency food d istrib u tio n ,” K leen
said. “To end hunger, i t ’s going
to tak e a stro n g p a rtn e rsh ip
betw een governm ent and p ri­
vate c h aritie s like the O regon
Food B ank.”
C lassifieds / B ids
Page 15
Enrollment Speclalist-NW Portland
$17.00 per hour ♦ Benefits
R e sp o n s ib le fo r s c re e n in g ,
recruitment and arrival of eligible
candidates enrolling in Job Corps.
Functions include coordinating
outreach activities, developing a
successful m arketing plan and
assisting in community relations
activities; participate in student
e m p lo y a b ility p ro g ra m s and
a c tiv itie s . P ro vid e p re -a rriva l
s u p p o rt fo r new e n ro lle e s ,
motivate and counsel students,
provide basic direction, instruction
and a ssista n ce in the ca reer
p re p a ra tio n p e rio d . P ro m o te
developm ent of career success
s ta n d a rd s by m o d e lin g and
mentoring students.
Must have bachelor’s degree or
four years experience working with
youth, one of which must be in
sales, marketing, or counseling
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interpersonal skills and computer
proficiency required. Valid driver’s
license with an acceptable driving
P le a se a p p ly on lin e at
www.m tciobs.com . Applications
must be received no later than
Friday, December 31, 2010. We
are an Equal O p p o rtu n ity
The University of Oregon is soliciting proposals from professional
developers to create a multi-phased physical development plan
for U0 and U0 Foundation property.
As currently envisioned, the project includes creation of a physical
development framework plan for the entire former Romania block
and the former 0D0T/DMV lands with a business plan for the
construction and ongoing management of this property. It is likely
that the fully developed property will consist of more than one
building which should be initially be placed on the UO's Romania
property. The development framework plan will identify at least
two scenarios based on market forces (possibly combined with
university uses) for the properties for the next thirty years resulting
in ongoing income that pays for the cost of the land; relocation of
existing university uses, if needed; the development; and, ideally,
additional income for the UO.
Firms may obtain the RFP by registering electronically at the
following web address:
http:// uplan.uoregon.edu/ConsSelect/Frameworkform.html
or may phone or write to:
Campus Planning and Real Estate
1276 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1276
Telephone: (541) 346-5562
Proposals must be received in the UO's Campus Planning and Real
Estate office by 4:00 P.M. PST, Thursday, January 20,2011.
The University of Oregon is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
The University of Oregon Division of
Undergraduate Studies is seeking an
Outreach Manager / Trainer /
Recruiter to c o o rd in a te and
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
City of Portland
SW Moody Avenue Roadway and Track Relocation Project
Package #2
Bids Due: January 13,2011
Job Hotline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 503-988-5170
an equal opportunity employer
w w w .m ultcojobs.org
Subcontractor Invitation to Bid
Project: GSA Portland Professional Office Building
O regon D ivisio n
Skanska Contact: Trevor Wyckoff, phone #503-641-2500,
e-mail: trevor.wyckoff@skanska.com
Pre-Bid Meeting: TBD
BID DATE and Time: Jan 11th, 2011 at 3:00pm
Submit to:
Additional Info: Project consists of a 4 story building, a single level
building and a parking structure. Bids are being accepted for the
follow ing scopes: Paving, Landscaping & Fencing, Masonry,
Casework, Millwork, Roofing & Siding, Doors, Framing & Drywall,
Ceramic Tile, Flooring, Painting & Specialties.
Stacy and Witbeck, Inc.
2626 SW Corbett Ave, Portland OR 97201
(503) 954-3528
FAX (503) 719-6227
CCB# 97081
Scope of Work Includes:
Furnish and Install Low Density Cellular Concrete; Furnish
Special Track; Furnish Block Rail; Furnish and Install Ductbank
Conduit & Manholes; Furnish and Install Signals, Systems &
Lighting; Furnish and Install Water Main
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids
from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority,
women, and emerging small business enterprises
Please Contact Trevor for access to the plans
Federal Davis Bacon Wage Requirements. For information on how to obtain
Bonding, Insurance, or lines of credit, contact Allied Insurance at (510)
578-2000 or Skanska USA Building, fnc. Skanska is an equal opportunity
employer and actively requests bids from all DBE, MBE, WBE, and ESB
firms, as well as all SBA recognized firms including VOSB, HUBzone,
SDB, W0SB, and SDVB.
m anage the UO O pportunities
Program for students and their
fa m ilie s
u n d e rse rve d
populations in Lane County and
Oregon. This position works in
close collaboration with schools
and offices across the campus
in clu d in g the R obert D. Clark
Honors College, the Office for
Equity and Institutional Diversity,
the O ffic e fo r M u ltic u ltu ra l
Academic Support, the Office of
Adm issions, and the O ffice of
Student Orientation. This position
is fu lltim e . Th e s u c c e s s fu l
candidate will have the ability to
work effectively with faculty, staff
and students from a variety of
diverse backgrounds.
For further details on the scope of
work and specific responsibilities
of this position and for instructions
on how to apply, please visit:
Th is p o sitio n is liste d un der
U n c la s s ifie d A d m in is tra tiv e
Applications must be received by
Friday, Ja n u a ry 14, 2011 for
priority consideration.
The UO is an E O /A A /A D A
institution committed to cultural