Page3_________________________ __ ______ glorila nò (Obstruer____________________ December is. 2010 Focus is on Job Creation: c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3 health care w orkers in this area, so we need to step that up. I still think we continue to have capacity in the alternative energy area w ith S olarW orld and V estas here. 1 think we have the o p p o rtu ­ nity to attract additional com panies. Each o f those com panies brings with them a set o f suppliers that will also b eef up the econom y. I think that th e re ’s a trem endous opportunity in som e o f the older industries, the m etal cluster fo re x - am ple. W e’re beginning to look at alternative vehicles and alternative transportation models. Oregon Iron­ w orks is a m ajor streetcar m anufac­ turer that could be an anch o r to a cluster o f com panies around m etals and m anufacturing that rely on O r­ egon Steel to build the streetcars. W e tend to be in the cross hairs w here m ost o f the m anufacturers w ant to try out their electric cars. I think th e re ’s an opportunity for us to look at the w hole battery and storage technology. So a lot o f those opportunities exist. PO : A re there a couple things yo u 're going to do w ithin the next fe w m onths to indicate to businesses that this is a g o o d p la c e to do b u sin ess? T H : W ell, I think that one o f the things I did as m ayor o f H illsboro is that I w ent out on recruitm ent trips. I w ent out on w hat w as called T eam O regon, and w ent to various trade show s to try and sell that m y c o m ­ m unity is a good place to do b u si­ ness. I w ant to do the sam e thing as M etro president. I know that Team O regon is looking at a couple trade show s com ing up in the solar area that I have som e know ledge of. So 1 w ant to begin to participate in T eam O regon so that the region gets prom oted, and I think the best w ay to do that is for the c h ie f elected official to com e forw ard and do that. PO : To w hat e xten t d o yo u think th e e le c tio n f o r M e tro C o u n c il p resid en t w as a referendum on the C olum bia R iver C rossing? T H : W hen you win an election by a thousand votes, you can point to alm ost anything as the reason w hy you got elected. I quite frankly think that at the end o f the day that w a s n ’t as sig n ific a n t as w e all thought it w as going into the e lec ­ tion. I think that in the end, we cam e to an understanding that we need to m ove forw ard on the project. 1 think my opponent and I w ere, to som e extent, in agreem ent on that. W e had som e difference o f o p in ­ ion on the size and the scope o f the project, but I think at the end o f the day it was h ard er for the voters to discern the difference betw een the tw o o f us than w ould have been necessary for them to use that as a m ajor factor for m aking a decision. I certainly d o n 't m ove forw ard with the idea that the voters have spo­ ken, and w e need to m ove forw ard on C RC . I think we need to m ove forw ard on C R C for a variety o f reasons, but I d o n ’t see the election as a m andate. PO : W here do yo u see it m oving fo r w a r d ? T H : I think the one thing w e ’ve got to do in w orking w ith the tw o D O TS (W ashington and O regon D epartm ents o f T ransportation), is to m ake sure we have an u n d er­ standing o f w hat the governance structure o f the project is going to be. I think we need to develop a structure that rem oves the direct control o f the departm ents o f trans­ portation and gives m ore authority, or more opportunity perhaps, to local issues to be addressed, as well as sim ply the needs o f the state trans­ portation departm ents. PO: D o you see a consensus fo r m ­ ing a ro u n d the p ro ject? T H : I th in k th at in the p ro c e ss o f d e v e lo p in g a c o n se n su s, th e re w ill a lw ay s be issu e s th a t w ill be ra ise d , but 1 th in k that the n atu re o f th e se p ro je c ts is th at y o u go fo rw a rd and you m ak e the a d ju s t­ m en ts in term s o f w h at the fu n d ­ ing is g o in g to lo o k like. G o v e r­ n o r-e le c t K itz h a b e r has a lre ad y sta rte d that p ro c e ss. W e n eed to be b ack in W a sh in g to n m ak in g su re w e can sec u re the fe d e ral fu n d in g w e n eed to m o v e fo rw ard . W e m o v e fo rw a rd as d e c isiv e ly as w e c an , and w o rk o u t o u r d iffe r­ e n c e s as w e go. PO : In the g o v e r n o r ’s In d ep en ­ dent R eview P a n el report, one thing that stuck out f o r m e w as it sa id that the issue o f en viro n m en ta l ju stic e has been rolled into o th er issues — like n eig h b o rh o o d a n d com m unity issues — a n d hasn ’t been seriously assessed. T H : I guess that as we discussed the issue during the last year-and-a- half, those issues have com e up, and, in som e respects, neig h b o r­ hoods are the issue. I m ean if y o u 're talking about environm ental justice, it’s a question o f w hich neig h b o r­ hoods are going to be im pacted and how they are going to be im pacted. A nd one o f the things that is intriguing to m e is that the people w ho have represented that N orth P ortland com m unity m ost directly — w hich I think is the area w here people w ould argue that the en v i­ ronm ental ju stice issue should be argued — have been pretty d eci­ sively in favor o f m oving forw ard w ith (recently reelected N orth Port­ land D em ocratic State Rep.J T ina K otek and now (C ounty C o m m is­ sioner for N orth and N ortheast P ort­ land) L oretta Sm ith being elected. I know that L oretta w as a big sup­ p o rter o f the bridge. 1 think the question is w hether you believe the bridge w ill solve the congestion problem or not. If you believe the bridge will solve the congestion problem , I think, quite frankly, it w ill help resolve som e problem s, so it ’ s a m ove forw ard for environm ental ju stice. PO : W hat do yo u base that on ? T H : I think that if we m ove traffic b etter through the area it w ill a ctu ­ ally reduce congestion, w hich will reduce pollution. P O : W hat is the b ig g est c h a l­ lenge yo u see? W hat keep s yo u up a t night? T H : I think we ’ re at a critical point in this region w here econom ic d e ­ v elopm ent is tied to the success o f o u r eco n o m ic d e v elo p m en t p ro ­ gram , w hich is tied to all other deliv­ ery o f public services. So the quality o f our schools, the quality o f our hum an services, and the quality o f o u r transportation services in som e respects, depends on o ur ability to create rapid jo b grow th. O ur ability to create rapid jo b grow th depends on o u r quality o f schools, our quality o f hum an re­ sources, the quality o f o ur tran sp o r­ tation system . So the cyclical nature o f that allow s, in tim es like w e ’re ex p eriencing now , a phenom enon w here you begin to d evelop a w h irl­ pool effect. It w inds dow n to w here y o u g et fe w e r jo b s a n d w o rse schools, w hich creates few er jo b s, w hich creates w orse schools. T h a t's a d angerous dynam ic for us to get into. I think w e are in d an g er o f doing that if w e d o n ’t put in a H erculean effort to try and p ro ­ m ote the area as a good place to do jo b creation. In Loving Memory Laurie ‘Lo-Lo’Venable Aug. 30,1973 - Dec. 15, 1995 It’s been 15 years that y o u 'v e been gone. Y o u ’re too well loved to be forgotten. Love, Y our Family auumaU tftewd Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC iimcuii 3(amc Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 1093 SW Tobias Way Aloha, Oregon 97006 (503) 642-4620 (Only 20 minutes from Portland) Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the corner ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Community Funeral Directors! Providing the best service! W hether it be a cremation, earth burial, graveside or memorial service, etc., we will be there for you. To accomodate you the family who have lost a loved one, we will come to you so that the arrangements being made will be personalized with compassion. We Offer I he Best Prices & The Friendliest Service In Town. Pai king Ai ea 333 NE Russell *200 Russell St s M arnan t Gibbs-Neal, Funeral Director & Ow ner License#: 0445 Jerome Cox-Tanner, Funeral Director License #: 0382 * I bis Facility is licensed by the Oregon State Mortuary (emetery Board (Certification #8407)