sportiani* (Pbserurr December 15. 2010 fERS Surgeon General Warns: 1 cigarette is 1 too many Even second hand smoke can kill (A P) — T hink the occasional ciga­ rette w on't hurt? Even a bit o f social sm oking — o r inhaling som eone else's secondhand sm oke — could be enough to block y o u r arteries and trig g er a heart attack, says the new est surgeon general's report on the killer the nation ju s t can't kick. Lung can cer is w hat people usu ­ ally fear from sm oking, and yes, that c a n ta k e y e a r s to s trik e . B u t T h ursday's report says there's no doubt that tobacco sm oke begins p oisoning im m ediately — as m ore than 7,000 chem icals in each p u ff rapidly spread through the body to cause cellu lar dam age in nearly e v ­ ery organ. "That one p u ff on that cigarette could be the one that causes your heart attack," said S urgeon G eneral R egina B enjam in. O r the one that triggers som eone else's: "I advise people to try to avoid being around sm oking any w ay that you can," she said. A bout 4 4 3 ,0 0 0 A m ericans die from tob acco -cau sed illnesses e v ­ ery year. W hile the sm oking rate has d ro p p ed d ram atically since 1964, w hen the first surgeon general's re p o rt d e c la re d to b a cc o d e ad ly , p rogress has stalled in the past d e­ cade. A bout 46 m illion ad u lts— one in five — still sm oke, and tens o f m illions m ore are regularly exposed to secondhand sm oke. T he g o v ern ­ m ent had hoped to drop the sm o k ­ ing rate to 12 percent by this year, a goal not only m issed but that's now been put o ff to 2020. T h u rsd ay 's report is the 30th is­ sued by the nation's surgeons g e n ­ e ra l to w a rn th e p u b lic a b o u t tobacco's risks. "H ow m any reports m ore does C ongress need to have to say that cigarettes as a class o f products Regina Benjamin ought to be banned?" asked w ell- known nicotine expert Dr. K. M ichael C um m ings o f the R osw ell Park C an ­ cer Institute, w ho helped to review the report. "O ne-third o f the p a ­ tients w ho are in our hospital are here today because o f cigarettes." Still, this new est report is u n ­ usual because it devotes m ore than 700 pages to detail the biology o f how cigarette sm oke accom plishes its dirty deeds — including the la t­ est genetic findings to help explain w hy som e people becom e m ore a d ­ dicted than others, and w hy som e sm o k ers d ev elo p to b acco -caused disease faster than others. T h ere is no safe level o f exposure to cig arette sm oke, w hether you deliberately inhale it o r are a non- s m o k e r w h o b re a th e s in o th e r p e o p le's fu m es, the rep o rt c o n ­ clu d es. K icking the habit lets y o u r body start healing, B enjam in stressed: "It’s never too late to quit but the so o n er you quit the better. E ven if y o u ’re 70, 80 years old and you're a sm oker, there's still benefit from q u ittin g ." "Now is the time to switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs." H ealth W atch C h r o n ic P a in S u p p o r t G r o u p - M eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m . to 5 :30 p.m. and the third W ednesday o f each m onth, from 7 p.m . to 8:30 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503-256-4000. C h o le s te r o l P r o f ile s — G et the reso u rces to help you keep an eye on your cholesterol and o th er indicators o f heart health. E ducational m aterial provided. For m ore inform ation, call 503-261-6611. B e r e a v e m e n t S u p p o r t G r o u p s — Free, safe confidential group m eetings for those w ho have experienced the death o f a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registration, call 503-215-4622. M a t e r n it y W a t e r W o r k o u t — H elping new m om s regain m uscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the support and freedom o f the w ater. Call 503-256-4000 for m ore inform ation. S e n io r A e r o b ic s - A low -im pact w orkout geared specifically tow ard seniors. C all 503-449-0783 for current schedule. O s t e o p o r o s is S c r e e n in g — An ultrasound bone density screening with personalized education; fee $30. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503- 261-6611. A/,/ . . M in d B o d y H e a lt h C la s s — Learn and p ractice techniques to help you im prove y o u r m ood, health and w ellbeing, including effective w ays to m anage difficult em otions and chronic stress o r illness. R egistration is $70 for K aiser Perm anente m em bers and $95 for nonm em bers. C all 503-286- 6816. R e d C r o s s C e r tific a tio n -- T he O regon Trail C hapter Red C ross now offers credits to helps professionals m aintain licensing o r certification. For a cum ulative list, visit p d x in fo .n et. Welcome to another episode of “ This Old Light Bulb.” T e n d e r f o o t C a r e -- T reat y our feet w ith a soak, nail trim , buffing and Compact fluorescents draw about one-quarter o f the energy o f a regular incandescent m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics o r at y o u r hom e. C all 503-251 -6303 for m ore inform ation. bulb. They also last seven to 10-times longer. You can save $30 o r more in electricity F r e e B o d y B a s ic s — T his physician reco m m en d ed class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this o ne-session class and learn the sim ple guidelines for safe ex ercises, including stretching. C all 503-256-4000 to register. F a m ilie s w ith M e n ta l I lln e s s — A free, 12 -w eek course for people w hose fam ily m em bers live w ith m ental illness is offered at Em anuel H ospital, Mt. H ood M edical C enter and P rovidence M edical C enter. T he course has been described as “ life-changing” by form er participants. R egistration is required by calling 503-203-3326. costs over each bulb's lifetime, so they more than pay for themselves. Plus, you'll be doing something to reduce your carbon footprint. For more energy and money-saving answers, go to pacificpow PACIFIC PO W ER Let’s turn the answers on.