Jìortlanò (Observer Page 4 December 15. 2010 H EALTH MATTERS Low-Dose Aspirin Fights Cancer L ong-term use o f a daily low - dose aspirin dram atically cuts the risk o f dying from a w ide array o f cancers, a new investigation reveals. S pecifically, a B ritish research team unearthed evidence that a low - dose aspirin (75 m illigram s) taken daily for at least five years brings about a 10 percent to 6 0 percent drop in fatalities depending on the type o f cancer. “T hese findings provide the first p ro o f in m an that aspirin reduces deaths due to several com m on c an ­ c e rs,” the study team noted in a new s release. But the study's lead author. Prof. Peter R othw ell, stressed that “these results do not m ean that all adults should im m ediately start taking as­ pirin.” AIDS Can Infect Anyone A small, daily dose o f aspirin significantly diminishes the risk o f death from a wide range o f cancers, according to a landmark study. “T hey do dem onstrate m ajor new benefits that have not previously been factored into guideline reco m ­ m endations,” he added, noting that “previous guidelines have rightly cautioned that in healthy m iddle- aged people, the small risk o f bleed­ ing on aspirin partly offsets the benefit from prevention o f strokes and heart attack s.” health issues that are particularly relevant to A frican-A m ericans and A fricans in an easy-to-use form at. Funded by a grant from the State o f O regon's O ffice o f M ulticultural H ealth and Services, the w ebsite includes articles o f interest to all com m unity m em bers, not ju s t m en. T he inform ation com es m ostly from the N atio n al In stitu te s o f H ealth's extensive “M edline P lus” co n su m er health site and includes articles on diabetes, stroke, heart disease, nutrition and m any other topics. It a lso h as lin k s to n a ­ tio n a l an d lo c al h e a lth o rg a n iz a ­ tio n s and a d ire c to ry o f lo cal lo w -c o st an d n o -c o st h ealth c lin ­ ics an d W o m en , In fan t an d C h il­ d re n (W IC ) o ffice s. ■ Website on Health Launched T he M en's H ealth Project o f P ort­ land has unveiled a new health in- form ation w ebsite for the co m m u ­ nity. O urH ealthA lliance.org provides a c c u ra te , u p -to -d a te a rtic le s on Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. __________ An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 33. Osteoperosis and Bone Loss Reversal I have o steoporo sis and now m y back has a m ore “rou n d ed ” look. W hat is this? A : Y ou m ight have started to d e v e lo p a “ d o w a g e r’s h u m p ” o r an abnorm al outw ard curving o f the vertebrae o f the up­ per back. Bones becom e brittle with osteoporosis and the upper verte­ brae can collapse on each other, causing a rounded appearance. T o help stop and even reverse bone loss: I have friends w ho say they d o n ’t H IV can now e x ­ like to w atch the new s because it’s p ect to live 13 depressing o r focuses too m uch on years lo n g er than by L arry L ucas things that d o n ’t im pact them . But the sam e person w hen it com es to the H IV /A ID S d iagnosed w ith the virus in 1996. crisis, w e c a n ’t afford to sim ply tune Scientific advancem ents like highly it out. There are m ore than 33 m illion active anti-retroviral therapies have people living w ith H IV across the accounted fo r a m ore than 70 p er­ globe, and the U nited States has the cent drop in the annual num ber o f highest adult incidence rate in N orth deaths in the U.S. due to A ID S, America. according to the C D C . A ID S - A cquired Im m u n o d efi­ T here is still m ore w ork to be ciency Syndrom e - is cau sed by d o n e . C u r r e n tly , A m e r i c a ’ s infection w ith a virus called hum an biopharm aceutical research com pa­ im m unodeficiency virus (H IV ). The nies have 97 m edicines in d ev elo p ­ v iru s is tra n sm itte d g e n etica lly , m ent to treat H IV and A ID S. T hese through b lood-to-blood and sexual drugs are eith er in hum an clinical co n tact, but can infect anyone - trials o r aw aitin g approval by the y o ung and old, black and w hite. U .S. Food and D rug A d m in istra­ A ccording to the W orld H ealth O r­ tion. g an izatio n and U N A ID S, nearly 3 T his is esp ecially great new s for m illion people w ere new ly infected m any in o u r com m unity. A frican in 2008 alone, and 2 m illion A ID S A m ericans, w ho m ake up ju s t 13 patients died the sam e year. A nd p ercen t o f the U .S. p o pulation, a c ­ these num bers are only grow ing - count for m ore than h a lf o f new H IV especially in developing co u n tries diagnoses, acco rd in g to the C D C . that have little access to effectiv e B ut developing m edicines that m edicine and treatm ents. can one day help A ID S patients H ere in the U .S., the C enters for across the globe d o e sn ’t do an y ­ D isease C ontrol & P revention e sti­ thing for patients w ho need them mates that m ore than 1 million people now . A m e ric a ’s biopharm aceutical are living w ith HIV. O ne in five o f research co m p an ies have co n trib ­ those d o n ’t know they have it. F o r­ uted m ore than $9 billion in im prov­ tunately, new and innovative treat­ ing health care in d eveloping c o u n ­ m ents are helping m any w ith the tries, esp ecially those dealing w ith disease live longer, h ealth ier lives. the global A ID S crisis. B ut m any o f these treatm ents are A ID S is not an issue w e can m ore effective if you begin them ignore. If you o r a loved one needs before the disease has advanced; inform ation about H IV /A ID S , in ­ th a t’s w hy screenings are so im p o r­ clu d in g testin g lo catio n s, please tant. It can help save y o u r life and contact the C D C 24 hours a day, 365 that o f your partner. days a y ear at 1 -8 0 0 -C D C -IN F O or For those living w ith the disease visit c d c.g o v /h iv . now, their reality differs significantly Larry Lucas is a retired vice from those diagnosed in the 1990s. president fo r the Pharmaceutical A ccording to a recent C an ad ian Research and Manufacturers o f study, a 20-year-old diagnosed w ith America. THE____________ SPINAi COLUMN Z * For Your • D evelop good body m ech an ­ ics through exercises to im prove y o u r posture. • Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitam in D. Y our do cto r m ight p re­ scribe a m edication to help prevent further bone loss. • E x ercise reg u larly to help strengthen bones. T alk w ith a d o c­ tor to learn exercises you can safely perform. C onsult a ch iro p racto r if the c u rv a tu re o f y o u r u p p e r b ack causes pain o r discom fort. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland O regon97212 P hone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 Shield Kids from Flu Arsenal starts with shots, hygiene T here are a n u m b er o f w ays p ar­ ents can protect th eir children d u r­ ing flu season, experts say. T he best d efense is to get c h il­ dren v accinated, according to d o c­ tors at C incinnati C hildren's H o sp i­ tal M edical C en ter and the A m eri­ can A cadem y o f Pediatrics. T hey also o ffered o th er tips on how to prevent the spread o f flu germ s: C ough and sneeze into a tissue. If a tissue isn't handy, bend y o u r arm and sneeze o r cough into it. T each y o u r children to do this. U se tissues to w ipe runny noses and throw tissues in the garbage after each use. People w ho are cough­ ing o r sneezing frequently should w ear a m ask. D o n 't k iss y o u r c h ild on o r a ro u n d the m o u th o r face if e ith e r o f y o u are ill. A lw ays thoroughly w ash your hands w ith soap and w arm w ater before and after co m in g into close co n tact w ith som eone w ith the flu. D on’t allow children to share paci­ fiers, cups, spoons, forks, w ash­ cloths o r tow els. N ev er share to o th ­ b ru sh e s. U se hot, soapy w ater o r the d ish ­ w asher to w ash dishes and utensils.