Pase2______________________^îortlaui» (Obstruer December 15, 2010 Law to Combat Child Obesity Obama calls bill vital to children's future (A P) — T housands m ore children w ould eat lunches and dinners at school and all school food w ould becom e m ore nutritious under a bill President Barack O bam a signed into law M onday, part o f an ad m in istra­ tion-w ide effort to com bat c h ild ­ hood obesity. “ At a very basic level, this act is about doing w hat's right for our children,” O bam a said before sig n ­ ing the bill. T he cerem o n y was m oved from the W hite H ouse, where m ost signings are held, to an e l­ em entary school in the D istrict o f C olum bia to underscore the point. B esides O bam a, the bill also was apriority for his w ife, M ichelle, w ho launched a national cam paign this year against childhood obesity. “ W e can all agree that in the wealthiest nation on earth al 1 children should have the basic nutrition they need to learn and grow and to pursue TLWeek ¡n j The Review Tornado Hits Aumsville A rare to rn ad o struck A um sville, a sm all tow n ju st southeast o f S a­ lem on T uesday, tearing roofs o ff b u ild in g s, h u rl­ ing objects into v e h ic le s and hom es and uprooting trees. N o inju­ ries w ere reported. F rigid Cold in Northeast President Barack Obama shakes hands with third grader, Luis Avilar-Turcios, 8, after signing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Act Monday. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., is left, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi o f Calif, is second from left. (AP photo) their dream s,” said Mrs. Obam a. “B e­ cause in the end, nothing is more im portant than the health and well­ being o f our children. N othing,” T he $4.5 b illio n m easu re in ­ creases the federal reim bursem ent for free school lunches by 6 cents a m eal at a tim e w hen m any school officials say they can't afford to provide the m eals. T he bill w ill also ex p an d access to free lunch p ro ­ gram s and allow 20 m illion a d d i­ tio n a l a fte r-s c h o o l m eals to be served annually in all 50 states. M ost states now only p rovide m oney for after-school snacks. M an y R ep u b lica n s, in clu d in g form er A laska Gov. Sarah Palin, have c r i t i c i z e d th e e f f o r t a n d th e fu n d raiser lim its in particular, say ­ ing the bill is too exp en siv e and an exam ple o f go v ern m en t overreach. Supporters say the law is needed to stem rising health care eosts due to expanding A m erican w aistlines and to feed hungry children in tough econom ic times. M rs. O bam a cited a g ro u p o f form er generals and military officials w ho have said unhealthy school lunches are a national secu­ rity threat because w eight problem s are now the leading m edical reason that recruits are rejected A storm that plagued the M idw est for days p lo d d ed eastw ard T u e s­ day w ith knifing w inds and blow ing snow , stranding dozens o f m o to r­ ists and giving m uch o f the n o rth ­ eastern U .S. its first real taste o f w inter. The storm brought bone- chilling cold, and m ore snow w as expected. Tax Package Gains Speed The tax package negotiated by Presi­ dent B arack O bam a and G O P law ­ m akers w as headed tow ard passage in th e S e n a te T u e sd ay ev en as H ouse E jm o crats co n sid er changes to the estate tax. GOP Chair Runs Again E m battled G O P R epublican Party c h a ir m a n M ic h a e l S te e le a n ­ n o u n c e d M o n d ay that he w ill seek a second term despite a rocky tw o years m arked by alleg a­ tio n s o f fin a n c ial m is m a n a g e m e n t and frequent verbal gaffes. N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . School Facilities Bond A property tax m easure to pay for upgrading Portland Public Schools w ill go to voters in M ay. T he school board voted T uesday to approve the $548 m illion bond. Boundary Changes T h e P o rtlan d School B oard a p ­ proved a plan M onday on how to allocate students in the M arshall H igh School attendance area after the school clo ses this spring. The students will be divided betw een C leveland, F ranklin and M adison high schools based on their elem en­ tary school boundaries. Stopped at Airport B oxing pro m o ter D on K ing was sto p p e d by se c u rity S u n d a y at C leveland's H opkins International A irp o rt for having am m u n itio n in his c a rry -o n lu g g a g e . The am m unition was taken, and K ing, 79, w as released to co n ­ tinue his trip. MAX Hits Pedestrian w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up fo r pick up) A m an survived w ith m inor injuries S unday after bein g struck by a T riM et M A X train near the N orth Prescott Street Station. O fficials said the train was likely slow ing dow n w hile pulling into the station.