December 15, 2010 *’’* Fortiani» (Obseruer Green Industry also produces a byproduct that can be used as fertilizer and soil will be in an industrial-zoned por­ am endm ents in n u rseries and tion of the Cully neighborhood. farms. C onstruction is expected to begin The facility will be capable of in sum m er 2011, and will provide processing about 90,000 tons o f about 85 jobs. Once operational, solid food waste and 104,000 tons the facility will em ploy about 10 of liquid food waste per year. The full time workers and is expected material will be processed in tanks to create additional waste hauling in an enclosed building. jobs. Solid food waste will come from The proposal has the support local com m ercial sources such as o f the city of Portland. But resi­ grocery stores, restaurants and dents near the site have bad m em o­ food p ro ce sso rs. L iq u id food ries of a form er recycling facility waste will com e from com m ercial that operated nearby in the early grease traps and food and bever­ 1990s. T he p lan t p ro d u ced a age processors. The liquid waste stench that stunk up the neigh­ is currently sent down sewers and borhood. treated at w astew ater plants. No The Cully N eighborhood A s­ yard debris or garbage will be ac­ sociation has heard from neigh­ cepted. bors who are concerned about the "Colum bia Biogas brings an future im pacts. The perm it agree­ excellent m odel for how to handle ment will require the com pany to food w aste throughout the re ­ work with the neighborhood. gion," said M etro C ouncilor Rex C u lly C h a irw o m a n K a th y Burkholder. "By elim inating the Fuerstenau has also indicated that need to truck waste to landfills there may be other issues such as we'll reduce greenhouse gasses, noise from generators and other th ro u g h th is p ro c e ss we can equipm ent. pow er our hom es and fertilize our But C olum bia Biogas officials farm fields with food waste in­ say they will operate a plant that s te a d o f b u ry in g , an d by is com pletely unlike the contro­ partnering with the com m unity, versial Reidel M unicipal Solid we'll create and m aintain good W aste Com posting facility that paying jobs for people in their closed after a year o f com plaints. own neighborhoods." For starters, the new plant will be The M etro Council has called co m p lete ly e n c lo se d and d e ­ for a 50 cent per ton surcharge on signed to keep air inside, with any waste brought to the facility to odors that escape scrubbed with establish a grant program to sup­ biofilters. port community rehabilitation, miti­ Anaerobic digestion is a con­ gation and enhancem ent projects. trolled and enclosed biologic pro­ The council has also requested cess that breaks down organic that C olum bia Biogas create a m atter in the absence of oxygen G ood N eighbor A greem ent to an d p ro d u c e s m e th a n e - r ic h m inim ize the im pacts o f the facil­ biogas that can be burned to gen­ ity on local residents. Colum bia erate electricity. Biogas has also form ed an advi­ The com pany plans to operate sory com m ittee with the neigh­ power generating engines that will bors, as well as a jobs subcom m it­ produce about five m egaw atts of tee which includes the Native electricity and to connect to a A m erican Y outh A sso ciatio n , substation grid in the PacifiCorp Verde, H acienda and W ork Sys­ system . The digestion process tem s Inc. continued from front To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 Page 19 C lassifieds / B ids STAR PARK Legal Notices Star Park is looking for individuals with excellent customer service skills and a positive attitude to join o u r team of p a rk in g fa c ility operators. P ositions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with Opportunity for a d va n ce m e n t. No exp erien ce necessary, must be dependable. 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k w/match, sick & vacation pay. Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! 6 10 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Fax: 5 0 3 -2 88-0015 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 e-mail: The Portland Observer 4* /lE W O F airview O y aks APARTM EN TS F a irv ie w O aks is p le a se d to announce that the 1, 2, and 3 bedroom Public Housing wait lists to open Decem ber 14 through December 16, 2010. F a irv ie w O a ks is p le a sed to announce that the 1, 2, and 3 b ed ro o m w a it lis t fo r p u b lic housing units will be open to new applicants from Decem ber 14 through December 16, 2010. Applicants must apply using the Fairview Oaks application form available starting December 14 on our website at or at the Fairview Oaks leasing office by m a il, fa x, or in p e rso n . Applications will only be accepted at the Fairview Oaks leasing office, lo ca ted at 22701 NE H a lsey Street, Fairview Oregon, 97204. Call Humboldt Gardens at 503- 492-1459 or visit our website at w w w .h a p d x .o rg fo r c o u m p le ie te ie details on how to apply fo r th e s e se le c te d EQUAL HOUSING waiting lists. O P P O R TU N ITY £=J UNIVERSITY OF OREGON REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN FOR OFF-CAMPUS PROPERTY AT WALNUT STATION The University of Oregon is soliciting proposals from professional developers to create a multi-phased physical development plan for UO and U0 Foundation property. As currently envisioned, the project includes creation of a physical development framework plan for the entire former Romania block and the former 0D0T/DMV lands with a business plan for the construction and ongoing management of this property. It is likely that the fully developed property will consist of more than one building which should be initially be placed on the UO’s Romania property. The development framework plan will identify at least two scenarios based on market forces (possibly combined with university uses) for the properties for the next thirty years resulting in ongoing income that pays for the cost of the land; relocation of existing university uses, if needed; the development; and, ideally, additional income for the UO. Firms may obtain the RFP by registering electronically at the following web address: or may phone or write to: Campus Planning and Real Estate 1276 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1276 Telephone: (541) 346-5562 Proposals must be received in the UO's Campus Planning and Real Estate office by 4:00 P.M. PST, Thursday, January 20,2011. The University of Oregon is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Tea hi! |ob Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer e-mail: w w w .m M ULTNOM AH C O U N TY org t \ \