December 8. 2010 ÿortlanh (Obstruer Page 9 Take Action Get Tested Multnomah County Health Department's | HIV Community Test Site offers | confidential HIV testing | with or without your name | at these locations: I I Downtown Community Test Site Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. j Mon I Thurs | Fri | 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, | Portland, 97204 | “fre e with this Public Fiurn Health »!« Fra?* Hejlth pgPJ,ttT*‘nl Northeast Health Center coupon” Just walk in Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:15 pm 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, | Portland, 97211 | Se habla español: other interpretation by appointment. LaMarcus Aldridge Roy, Aldridge Make Top 50 P o rtland T rail B laz­ ers B randon R oy and L a M a r c u s A ld rid g e have been nam ed to Sporting N ew s’ T op 50 N B A P layers list. R oy w as listed at N o. 17, w hile A ldridge cam e in at N o. 39. L os A n g e les L a k ­ e rs s h o o tin g g u a r d K obe B ryant is N o. 1. C hosen by a panel o f 76 cu rrent and fo rm er p lay ers, co ach es and general m anagers, the 3 2 -y ear-o ld w as a d e ­ finitive choice, re c e iv ­ ing 49 first-place votes Brandon Roy a n d to p p in g M ia m i H e at sm a ll fo rw a rd L eB ron Jam es, w ho received 22. R ounding out the top 10 are: 3. M iam i H eat SG D w yane W ade; 4. O k lah o m a C ity T h u n d er S F K evin D urant; 5. O rlan d o M agic C D w ight H ow ard; 6. D enver N uggets S F C arm elo A nthony; 7. D allas M av erick s S F D irk N ow itzki; 8. U tah Jazz PG D eron W illiam s; 9. P hoenix S uns PG S teve N ash; 10. Los A ngeles L akers P F Pau G asol. T he C eltics placed the m ost players on the list w ith five, w hile the B ulls, H aw ks, H eat, L akers and S purs all had three. Woodhaven Community Church and Project Esperanza invite you to our annual -hristmas ibssite Toy/Shoe Give-a-way Saturday December 18, 2010 9 a.m.-12p.m. At My Father's House Ministries 2511 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland (corner of NE MLK Blvd. and Russell) 503.488.5481 Event for Children accompanied by an adult only. Limited Quantities "Bendiciones Navideñas" Regalos para ñiños con adulto presente solamente Sabado, 18 de Diciembre 2010 De p.m. En la Iglesia My Father's House Ministries Preguntas: Rosy 503.473.5733 j i