December 8, 2010 ^ortlanfe OObserUer Page 7 Safeguard for Carbon Monoxide Lethal gas produced by burning fuels ziness, light headedness or head­ aches. To protect against CO Emer­ gencies, install CO alarms in a central location outside each sleeping area and test monthly; never use your oven to heat your home; don’t run a fuel-burning vehicle or generator indoors, even if garage doors are open; only use barbecue grills— which can p ro d u c e C O — o u tsid e . Never use them in the home, garage or near building open­ ings. When camping, remember to use battery-powered lights in tents, trailers, and motor homes. If your CO alarm sounds: Immediately move to a fresh Properly m a in ta in e d ap plia nce a n d h e a tin g e q u ip m e n t s W hat’s invisible, odorless and colorless but can really make you sick? You guessed it— car­ bon monoxide (CO)! This potentially lethal gas is created when fuels, such as gasoline, wood, coal, natural gas, propane, oil, and m ethane, burn incom pletely. And the danger is no jo k e — according to the N ational Safety Council, 200-300 unintentional-injury deaths a year are due to CO poisoning. Symptoms of CO Poisoning air location and call for help, shortness of breath, nausea, diz- i\cm