Œlje Page 4 Fortiani» (Dbscrüer December 8, 2010 Cultural Traditions at Milagro M iracle T heatre G roup invites the w hole fam ily to enjoy the Posada M i lagro, to be celebrated Sunday, Dec. 12 betw een 1 p.m. and 5 p.m . at El C entro M ilagro, 525 S.E. Stark St. T his com m unity celebration filled with Latin A m erican tradi­ tions reflects upon thejo u rn ey o f M ary and Joseph in their search for refuge and is day o f fun for the w hole fam ily! The afternoon ’s entertainm ent will also feature live music, dance p resen ta tio n s, arts and crafts workshops, bilingual storytelling for children under 5 years old, a piñata for all ages and, o f course, tra d itio n a l pan d u lce (sw eet bread) and tam ales! T his y e a r’s celebration will once again feature tw o Spanish- language perform ances w ith a unique reco g n itio n o f the feast o f the V irgen de G u ad alu p e, b eg in n in g at 2 p.m . and again at 4 p.m . A dm ission to the ev en t is free, but p erfo rm an ces are lim ited to tick et-h o ld ers only. Free tickets w ill be d istrib u ted on a first- co m e, first-serv ed basis at the th eater b eg in n in g at 1 p.m . on S unday D ec. 12. G u e s ts are e n c o u ra g e d to bring d o n atio n s o f can n ed food fo r the O reg o n F ood B ank. F o r m ore in fo rm atio n , visit m ilagro.org orcall 503-236-7253. Miracle Theatre Group presents a Christmas celebration with theatre, music, dance, and traditional foods for the whole family. Citizenship for Youth Urged ‘Dream Act’ would apply to students Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINA COLUMN TM An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 32. Associated Pain : Is my leg pain related to my recent back injury? AQ : Sharp pain radiating from you back down one leg can be a result of a pinched nerve in the spine. Herniated discs and bone spurs are two of the most pinched nerve in the spine. Disc in the spine function like shock ab­ sorbers; and they can become damaged from an injury or normal use. Your leg pain is likely related to o f pain often resolves on its own a problem in your lum bar spine, or with chiropractic treatment. If although it is hard to pinpoint the pain lasts longer than a few exactly what triggered your pain. weeks, or if you have noticeable You might have had a pre-existing weakness in your leg or foot, condition made worse by a recent talk to a doctor about getting an injury. The good news is this type MRI. Flowers* Chiropractic Office 2124 N .E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 P h on e: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 Hom eland Security Secretary Janet N apolitano urged Congress Thursday to pass legislation al­ lowing some foreign-born young people who were illegally brought to the U.S. as children to become legal residents. The law w o u ld h e lp N apolitano's departm ent focus on deporting im m igrants with crim i­ nal records, she said. The Senate failed in Septem ber to pass w h at's know n as the DREAM Act. The bill is in the pile o f legislation aw aiting action in the final days o f the current C on­ gress and it's unclear w hether law ­ makers will vote on it again before the year ends. The bill applies to im m igrants who arrived in the U.S. before 16, have been in the country at least five years and have a U.S. high school diplom a or equivalent. It w ould let them becom e U.S. resi­ d en ts afte r they've spent tw o years in college or the m ilitary. N apolitano said it doesn't make sense for her departm ent to spend Janet Napolitano time and resources prosecuting young people who don't have crim inal records and who didn't have a say in when they cam e to this country. "W hat m akes sense is to allow these young people a way to ad­ ju st their im m igration status that is firm but fair," N apolitano told reporters during a W hite House- organized conference call. Presi­ dent Barack O bam a also supports the bill